One minute your having the time of your life, the next can be fatal……
My clock was ticking and I’m about 1 month away from my own private episode of Seconds from Disaster…..
Well I was a very angry young man back then and I didn’t like the way that this agent/guy spoke to me……
Stop and think for a moment – Who do you know that’s close to you that may need your help?
As the wheels lifted off the ground the plane started to shudder violently, alarm bells started to go off inside the cabin and then, mass panic ensued…..
So I drove down this long and windy tree lined road and as I turned the corner…….
Be interested to hear some of the rough relationship break-ups that you may have gone through……..
It was the early part of 1988, I was at home with my parents on the weekend when I noticed a Police car turn up……..
We’ve all been caught, had a lucky escape or know someone who needs help……
To my horror, he was covered in blood and skin hanging off his face……Doug, DOUG I screamed, ARE YOU OK……..there was no response…….