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Part 33: Out with the Old in with the New

Anyone who knows anything about cars would be able to tell from the number plate that something was not quite right but if I put a private number plate on, for example RIH 7423, then no one could tell how old the car was, I could have just bought a new car and put a private plate on it, genius or so I thought…….


As soon as the registration number plate document was sent back through to me I could then get on with building my deception. It was only a few weeks before I received this document and that was when I started to put my plan into action. Firstly I had to get the crashed Golf back to my parents home, so I called my sisters boyfriend up and asked if he’d mind taking it back to their home, to which he agreed.

Once the car was back at my parents house, I explained to them that Julie had said I could use her car while she was abroad, I just told them that she had said it was silly for it to just sit there and that I should use it. My next lie was about the crashed Golf, I led them to believe that I had bought this car to do up and that I was going to get it repaired and make it road worthy to sell on……of course they thought that was a great idea and that was that.

A few days after dropping the wreck off at my parents I decided to pop round to see them, as I drove up I noticed a Police car on their drive, panic suddenly came over me, what the fuck are they doing here? I walked in through their front door and right in front of me was a Policeman, who turned round as I entered. Hello I said and he replied the same, all the time I was trying not to look guilty. That’s the thing when you break the law, every time you see a Cop you assume that they are coming after you, it’s one of the pitfalls of being a criminal and that never changes. My mother then stepped in and told me that there had been a break in at a farm up the road, where a load of farm machinery had been stolen! Oh the relief, to which I replied OH NO…..she then went on to say that the Police wanted to have a look around in the barn…….oh my goodness, I almost shit myself!


Off this copper went in search of stolen farm machinery around my parents outbuildings, it was the longest 20 minutes of my life. To be honest, I think my Mum thought that I had something to do with it as I went a very light shade of grey, to say the least. She asked me if I was OK, to which I replied of course and then asked me if I knew anything about the robbery? Of course I don’t, I said. I wanted to tell her about the Golf because I was waiting for the Copper to come back in and arrest me for the red car that was hidden under blankets in the barn but I’m glad I didn’t, because he never came back in to arrest me. He did come back in and thanked my parents for letting him look around and off he went, never to be seen again. I often wondered how he never managed to put 2 + 2 together, one smashed up Golf in grey sitting next to a covered up brand new red Golf hidden under blankets with no number plates on it……surely he’d have done a little bit of digging……but I’m glad he didn’t!

So all the girls back at my house had been told that the crashed Golf was now off to be repaired, they’d seen it be recovered from the house by a professional recovery truck and I’d told them it will be stripped down, rebuilt and painted within a few days – they didn’t know any better and didn’t really care. The only thing left for me to do was tax it, which could take a few weeks to sort out, so I sent the registration documents off with the money and waited.


A few days went past and I could wait no longer so I went to collect the new Golf from my parents home, I was like a little kid on his way to the toy shop, I couldn’t wait. Once inside my parents barn I pulled the covers off, attached my new private number plate to the car, a car phone aerial and then drove it away. The car was now insured, didn’t need an MOT as it was almost a new car, the only thing it didn’t have was ROAD TAX. I didn’t really see this as a problem, back then the Police didn’t have the technology that they have today. Now a days you drive past a Police car and they have cameras that can tell if this car is legal or not but in those days, they had to rely on stopping you in order to do a check – and I was not going to give them any reasons to stop me…….famous last words!


There is a thing in life which I believe in, it’s called the Law of Attraction. Basically it’s all about what you think about can actually happen. For example, have you ever had a thought about someone that you haven’t spoken too for a long time and then the phone goes and it’s them? The more you think something bad is going to happen the more likely that it will…..which is why I try to stay positive in life and not to think of bad things, if I get a dark thought I soon replace it with something positive – I’d rather be positive in life than negative – it works for me and if you haven’t tried it, may I suggest that you do. If you watch depressing things on TV your life will probably be quite depressing, think about dark things in your life and guess what, dark things will happen – but change the way you see things and see what a difference it makes – I just wish I’d known this when I was young. All I ever thought about was bad things and all I’ve ever had happen in my life is bad things…..


Anyway, I turned up at the house where I lived and the girls were like wow this is amazing, the car looks so good, the paint job is amazing, the interior so new and I was like yeah, it’s not what you know but who, I looked over at Julie who knew exactly how I’d acquired the new motor and winked. After the girls had finished looking, one of their boyfriends came up to me and said, ‘that’s not new paint work, you can see that this car has been through a car wash’ and pointed out the swirl marks where the brushes had scratched the paint!!!

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