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Part 3: I think he’s dead…..

I drove off…….

running in the night

…..well I drove about 100 yards round the corner and stopped, broken glass was all over me, not really knowing what had happened and in complete, mad panic. I Jumped out of the car and started running back to see what I’d done, as I turned the corner and headed up the road, remember it’s just getting dark, I noticed this pile in the middle of the road. Instantly I dialed 999, by this time I’d stopped running, terrified of now what I’m about to see. Walking briskly, I’m getting closer,

“Emergency Services, which service do you require?” or something like that, the voice down the phone said. “AMBULANCE” I screamed – whilst I waited to be connected I’d arrived at the pile in the road and I could now tell it was the body of a man laying there, I knelt down next to him, he was making this awful gurgling sound, bubbles started coming out of his mouth,

“Hello Ambulance, how can I help you” this really calm voice silkily echoed into my ear – I remember it as clear as day.

“I NEED AN AMBULANCE, HURRY, PLEASE HURRY, I THINK I’VE JUST KILLED A MAN” I screamed down the phone at this poor unsuspecting operator.


“OK sir”, she again said very calmly, “where are you”?

I stood up, my head was all over the place, where am I indeed…..I didn’t know if I was in London, Brighton, plant Earth who the fuck knows, I didn’t……..

Again, as calm as a cucumber the operator asked…….”Sir, where are you?”

Now by this time, people had heard a noise and a crowd was gathering. I remember this lady kneeling down next to me, checking for a pulse, she was talking to me and talking to him (I don’t like to refer to him as him’ because I owe so, so much more respect than that – but until I speak with his family and ask if they mind, I have to keep his name anonymous)  1 minute from home, why oh why oh why……what was that 1 minute going to gain me – and even if it did gain me something, it certainly wasn’t worth the sacrifice of a human life.

I yelled “WHERE ARE WE?” people were shouting out names but I couldn’t hear, the world had gone into a trance like mode……I handed the phone to the nearest person and stepped back….as I did my foot tripped on something on the ground, I looked down and was almost sick……there was an arm laying there in the road, not attached to anything else…….oh my god, what have I done…….

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