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use volcanic ash in a sentence

Examples of volcanic in a sentence: 1. It could be used in the following ways. It was discovered by Louis de Bougainville in 7'. They consist of rhyolite, dacite and cataclastlava. (828) Of all the peculiar features of the Carpathian chain, perhaps the most remarkable is the fringe of volcanic rocks which lies along its inner margin. 1 dictionary definition(s)+Show. (927) Changes in stress caused by large earthquakes may be enough to cause volcanic eruptions when the magma system of the volcano is close to a critical state. (241) These eruptions begin with clouds of volcanic ash and occasionally pyroclastic flows. Sentence types can also be combined. The southernmost of the group, Turtle Island, was discovered by Cook in 1773. (842) Officials said they think that the tsunami was caused by an undersea landslide that was set off by volcanic activity on the island of Anak Krakatau. Turtle sentence example. What is volcano short answer? Customers can choose from willow, birch, cherry, alder, sweet chestnut, ash, beech chestnut, poplar or oak. In the valleys of the Waksh and Pro- and the Surkhab to the north of Darwaz, which form an important part of the province of Karategin, maple, ash, hawthorn, pistachio, and juniper grow freely in the mountain forests, and beetroot, kohl rabi, and other vegetables are widely cultivated. It comes in Inglorious ash and has True Religion's signature embroidery as well as silver snap buttons. The commonest species of trees are such as grow in central Europe, namely, ash, fir, pine, beech, acacia, maple, birch, box, chestnut, laurel, holm-oak, poplar, elm, lime, yew, elder, willow, oak. (130) The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape. (1010) West of the volcanic region, nearer to Lake Victoria and the Eastern province, ironstone, granite, gneiss and schistose formations predominate, with phonolite in places. (661) It can be inferred that the basalt and the clastic rock in the study areas are products from the same volcanic eruption episode. (982) 2The major differences in rift characteristics relate to their position with respect to plate boundaries and the intensity of volcanic activity associated with them. (1133) Physically its continuity is broken by Monte Urticu and several smaller hills which rise within it, but these are all composed of volcanic rock and are the remains of Tertiary volcanoes. (462) Several quiescent volcanic peaks, reaching 5700 ft., occupy most of the island, and are covered with forests. The length of the opening is over 21 metres; its depth 14 metres, and the height of roof above the undisturbed ash deposit varied from 1 m. In north and central Franee the chief trees are the oak, the beech, rare south of the Loire, and the hornbeam; less important varieties are the birch, poplar, ash, elm and walnut. Ash, sycamore, beech, lime, Scots pine and grand fir are among the range of trees that occur. (410) Small ocean changes can also influence volcanic eruptions, says David Pyle of the University of Oxford. Like Mary Kay Ash, his company is considered one of the best to work for, although he has a reputation as a micro manager. (515) 2There was no shortage of excellent building materials from varied marbles to stone, brick and volcanic substances. Vitamin c helps mellow out highs. The deepest is about 19 meters. (1389) What is another word for "volcanic"? (497) The vast works for the refining of sulphur in the volcanic district of Solfatara were erected under his direction. In 1839 he built the house which he called "One Ash," and married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Priestman of Newcastle-on-Tyne. (1225) As an essential and important type of volcanic activity on earth, phreatomagmatic eruption is characterized by groundwater-related explosive eruption and subsequent base surge deposit and maar lakes. She spun down like an ash key into the mire below where the black ooze slowly sucked her down into its murky depths. (629) Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, sits in an active volcanic and seismic area known as the Ring of Fire. But if you learn whole sentences with "volcanic", instead of the word "volcanic" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! (1272) Two of the five compartments into which it is divided by walls of deeply striated volcanic ash are constantly emitting steam, while a new vent displaying great activity has been opened at the base of the cone on the south side. The materials yielding these fossils are embedded in a course, Ammonia is found in small quantities as the carbonate in the atmosphere, being produced from the putrefaction of nitrogenous animal and vegetable matter; ammonium salts are also found in small quantities in rain-water, whilst ammonium chloride (sal-ammoniac) and ammonium sulphate are found in, North of the fiftieth parallel the depths diminish towards the north-east, two long submarine ridges of, Only on the supposition that these volcanoes, which are on the surface connected by a skeleton of, All this country was comprised in classical times under the title of the Phlegrean Fields, and was certainly then more actively, It turns out that there were about nine different environmental factors -- some, rather subtle ones -- that were working against the Easter Islanders, and they involve fallout of. (288) Most volcanic rocks contain some phenocrysts-they are a bit like the pips in raspberry jam. (1030) Two sulfurous eruptions are visible on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io in this color composite image from the robotic Galileo spacecraft that orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. (748) Rainwater in volcanic areas can descend as far as several kilometres into the crust, later rising to the surface in hot springs or geysers . The islands are volcanic.. 5. (1376) The Word "volcanic" in Example Sentences. Another essential ingredient of all glass mixtures containing sulphate of soda is some form of carbon, which is added either as coke, charcoal or anthracite coal; the carbon so introduced aids the reducing substances contained in the atmosphere of the furnace in bringing about the reduction of the sulphate of soda to a condition in which it combines more readily with the silicic acid of the sand. (379) The island is of volcanic origin, made of basaltic tuff and lava dating from the Miocene epoch. (102) A complicated pattern of basins and ridges hind the volcanic arc. (890) Scientists currently are monitoring the seismic activity, as well as volcanic gasses being emitted and the swelling and contracting of the volcanic dome. least part of the cause of this extinction seems to have been huge Volcanic eruptions that poured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (698) The volcanic ash frequently proves extremely harmful, destroying the pastures so that the sheep and cattle die of hunger and disease. There are even moments of drama when the county has been covered with clouds of volcanic ash and shaken by earthquakes. of Top Ten Hong Kong Natural Attractions many times. After early retirement from sports due to heart surgery in 1979, Ashe used his unique sportsman profile and legendary poise to promote human rights, education, and public health. (1233) After the volcano exploded 18 hours, volcanic chippings buried the city of Pompeii. (695) It therefore follows that all sedimentary bodies, other than deep sea oozes and volcanic ash deposits, are likely to be diachronous. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Medicinal Uses Volcanic ash is high in sulfur content that helps resist bacteria. Equally comfortable, the lineup includes long-sleeve tops, camisoles and long pants in your choice of a floral print or white and ash heather colors. (207) Ciweigou deposit is one of the typical volcanic rock gold deposits in the country. The entire village was buried in ash after the eruption of the volcano. (957) Lavas dip in all directions from the central crystalline core, pointing to the conclusion that the main portion of the mountain represents a single volcanic mass. 19 A is an opening in the earths crust through which lava volcanic ash and gases. (592) The 1961 volcanic eruption destroyed the Tristan da Cunha canned crawfish factory, which was rebuilt a short time later. (392) His corrugated iron house had no number and his volcanic ash street in the heart of Goma had no name. It is a huge work to define the exact consequences of this volcanic ash which can be presented as a claim. (100) The violent volcanic forces upheaved the land of the whole area. (354) Tsunami: A great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption. (1088) The spokesman for the National Disaster Management Agency told a news conference that another tsunami is a possibility because of the continued volcanic eruptions of Anak Krakatau. (120) The Conical Seamount is a non-volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc. The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption. How to use ash in a sentence. Adding a small amount of wood ash also helps to prevent heavy metals from seeping into your crops. (770) Volcanoes of the western Hungarian volcanic field also consistently comprise basal glassy pyroclastic units overlain by lavas that cap buttes. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "volcanic"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "volcanic" through sentence examples. As you walk up Ash Lane do n't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk. (1156) NASA released photos Wednesday, from Messenger's fly-by earlier this month, that gave the answer: Lots of volcanic activity(Sentence dictionary), far more than signs from an earlier probe. 10.the Volcanic rocks from hanxia and hongliuxia in jiuxi basin are considered to be resulted from cenozoic tectonic events. Volcanic ash is said to possess antibacterial properties thanks to its sulfur content. (1322) Cmo? (221) At the time, New Jersey was home to a great rift valley full of volcanic-rock flows. (949) Tropical green gives way to heaven-sent countryside as one moves through the sensuous Tablelands, and the site of the continent's most recent volcanic activity. (694) The volcanic successions comprise thick piles of basaltic lavas and subordinate intermediate and silicic lavas and pyroclastics. There are poplar and cedar and pine and oak and ash and hickory and maple trees. (404) The only abrupt worldwide change would have been major asteroid impacts or volcanic super-eruptions. Discovered by the British in 1788, it was settled in 1834. In 1871 a new Lectionary was substituted for the previously existing one, into the merits and demerits of which it is not possible to enter here; and in 1872, by the Act of Uniformity Amendment Act, a shortened form of service was provided instead of the present form of Morning and Evening Prayer for optional use in other than cathedral churches on all days exeept Sunday, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Ascension Day; provision was also statutably made for the separation of services, and for additional services, to be taken, however, except so far as anthems and hymns are concerned, entirely out of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. (588) The stratigraphy is shown as volcanic formations of Devonian and volcanic-sedimentary formations of Lower Carboniferous. (370) Assorting and naming of volcanic rock is mainly based on the content of main petrogenetic mineral. (717) We're talking about the combined and simultaneous effect of a massive thermonuclear detonation, a volcanic eruption and an earthquake. (922) In the melange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite. (1129) 1Tahiti and her sister islands make up the Society Islands, tiny protrusions of volcanic and coral paradise that dot the South Pacific about halfway between Australia and South America. At that conference the work had spread from Ring's Ash in Devon to Morrah, a lonely and desolate parish in west Cornwall. (1157) Crystal twinning patterns in a leucite crystal from volcanic rock, observed in polarized light by Dr. Michael M. Raith of the Steinmann Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. (1306) Leaving out of consideration all evidence of more ancient volcanic activity, each of the three regions, into which, as we have seen, the continent may be divided, has been, during or since the Cretaceous period, the seat of great volcanic eruptions. Other fast-growing trees include the American sycamore, white ash, silver maple and Lombardy poplar. (1281) The eastern half of this area is covered chiefly with volcanic plains, very dry and barren, lying between precipitous, although not very lofty, ranges; the western half is magnificently timbered, and toward the coast excessively wet. (617) The volcanic island formed after the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, a disaster that killed more than 30,000 people. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. (409) Strong volcanic activities, and diversified and extensively - outcropping volcanics appear in Xinjiang. (1251) The islands are mainly of volcanic origin, and their surface is much broken by hills, isolated volcanoes and mountain ranges, trending north and south, north-west and southeast, or north-east and south-west. (25) which are a byproduct of volcanic activity, (26) so, biogenesis made from volcanic activity. (460) In the foothills of the Mtra mountains the soils are mainly volcanic and most of the wine produced is white. It was later found that the jet had flown into a volcanic ash cloud that clogged up the engines. 4. After mixing into concrete , it can play a better effect to improve the durability of concrete. A compound-complex sentence with "volcanic" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. (931) We do the thermoluminescence research systems for deep volcanic rocks section, this will possibly demarcate eruptible gyration and evolvement character. In short, its duty is to " flux " the gangue and ash, and wash out the sulphur. They consist, in most parts of the country, of unconsolidated sediments, consisting of gravel, sand, clay, c., together with large quantities of tuff, Looking eastwards from the Kaisargarh, one can again count the backs of innumerable minor ridges, smaller wrinkles or folds formed during a process of upheaval of the Suliman Mountains, at the close of a great, He discovered that heat is evolved when iron filings and sulphur are rubbed together to a paste with water, and the artificial volcan de Lemery was produced by burying underground a considerable quantity of this mixture, which he regarded as a potent agent in the causation of, Mt Taylor in western New Mexico is of similar age, but here dissection seems to have advanced farther, probably because of the weaker nature of the underlying rocks, with the result of removing the smaller cones and exposing many lava conduits or pipes in the form of, The terrigenous deposits consist of blue muds, red muds (abundant along the coast of Brazil, where the amount of organic matter present is insufficient to reduce the iron in the matter brought down by the great rivers to produce blue muds), green muds and sands, and, Here the broad distinction has been drawn between, Professor Suess, to whom the above description is due, finds that the Mediterranean forms no exception to the rule in affording no evidence of elevation or depression within historic times; but it is noteworthy that its present basin is remarkable in Europe for its, The name Kurile is derived from the Russian kurit (to smoke), in allusion to the active, The dredge often brings up large numbers of nodules formed upon sharks' teeth, the ear-bones of whales or turtles or small fragments of pumice or other, As a stratigraphical geologist he rendered much assistance on the Geological Survey of France, but in the course of time he gave his special attention to the study of, It is, however, a curious question how, considering the increase of carbonic acid by the decomposition of organic bodies and possible submarine exhalations of, The lode was an ore channel of great dimensions included within, The hydrography of Nicaragua is curious in two respects: as in the Amazonian region all the large rivers flow east, none escaping to the Pacific; and the main watershed does not correspond with the main cordillera, which is inferior in this particular both to the, While such steep mountain walls are found in the bed of the ocean it must be remembered that they are very exceptional, and except where there are great dislocations of the submarine crust or, The picturesque Bureya Mountains above the Amur, the forest-clad Sikhota-alin on the Pacific, and the, The earlier supporters of the organic theory held that it was a product of the natural distillation of coal or carbonaceous matter; but though in a few instances, On the 14th of May 1910 a protocol was signed defining the new frontier as follows: From the north end of Lake Kivu the Congo-German frontier turns east by north, traversing the, Of these rocks Sir Archibald Geikie says: Two great phases or types of, We believe that in a one-hour flight we can rewrite the textbook on Mars by making high-resolution measurements of the atmosphere, looking for gases of biogenic origin, looking for gases of, At the beginning of the Christian era, and for many previous centuries, no eruption had been known to take place from the mountain, and the, The end of the Cretaceous period saw the beginning of a series of great earth movements ushered in by, The political leaders were far more conscious than either Vienna or Budapest of the, Equally indecisive is the further exploration as to evidence for the opinion held by other naturalists that the endemic species of the different islands have resulted from subsidences, through, Excluding some of alluvial formation at the mouths of many of the rivers, and others along the shore which owe their existence to, Cactaceae belong almost entirely to the New World; but some of the Opuntias have been so long distributed over certain parts of Europe, especially on the shores of the Mediterranean and the, From the floor of this vast and profound depression numerous isolated, The fossils from the Rhaetic beds belong to the Avicula contorta zone, those from the Lias to the Ammonites angulatus zone, while the blocks of limestone with chert contain Inoceramus, Cretaceous foraminifera and other organisms. Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Sylvester Stallone - Don King died when his hair caught on fire thanks to an ash from Arnold's cigar, and both fighters collapsed in a double KO. Ibn Ash`ath drove him back to Basra, entered the city, and then turned his arms against Kufa, of which he took possession with aid from within. (1240) DG: I think that's one of the greatest stories right now that we're seeing from the bottom of the sea, is that the first thing we see coming out of the sea floor after a volcanic eruption is bacteria. (469) This period was sufficiently long for the widespread planation of oceanic islands, many of them volcanic. (1335) It is cut in the volcanic plateau, and its ragged broken walls, which are inclined at very steep angles, are of a richness of colouring that almost defies description, a colouring that is produced by the action of the thermal springs, at the base of the canyon, upon the mineral pigments in the lava. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions (1245) As an essential and important type of volcanic activity on earth, phreatomagmatic eruption is characterized by groundwater-related explosive eruption and subsequent base surge deposit and maar lakes. In ceramics. (382) Small vesicular pieces of volcanic material, scoria , collect around the vent to form a cinder cone. A shepherds crook and the handles of witches brooms were traditionally made of Ash. Volcanic field also consistently comprise basal glassy pyroclastic units overlain by lavas that cap.! ) after the volcano no name Ten Hong Kong Natural Attractions many times What... Maple trees and naming of volcanic material, scoria, collect around the vent to form a cinder.! ( 382 ) Small ocean changes can also influence volcanic eruptions, says Pyle... With clouds of volcanic activity oceanic islands, many of them volcanic ( ). To stone, brick and volcanic substances opening in the heart of Goma had number. 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use volcanic ash in a sentence

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