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She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal ligation and I had never had one. My primary care physician visited at the hospital following my surgery and was so disturbed that he had missed this diseaseit never occurred to him to look below the waist at gyn problems because the first gyn had sent him a report indicating everything seemed just dandy. for an ultrasound and sonogram which showed 3 tumors --one around each ovary and one around part of my intestine. I also have an aunt whom has had cancer twice and is still here and cancer free. I have to see a geno in 2 weeks and book a laparascopy. You only have one, yourself. Unfortunately, the being growing inside of me lost its life after 3 months. Motherly intuition was telling me otherwise! I could not bear to be aware of anything beyond the feel of the Einstein's cup in my hand, the smell and taste of warm, caramel-colored decaf coffee. Although the last child had left home in 1996, I waited until they were all Today, she continues to receive weekly chemo through a pill, but unfortunately my father passed away on 1/22/08 from a massive stroke and my mother's CA-125 level has recently risen to 180. She always has a smile for everyone, and is famous for that smile and helpful giving attitude in her school and community as well! are crying my mother is so calm and in her eyes I see the look of "hope" The diagnosis was to be confirmed by an elevated CA125 of 618 and upon seeing a gynelogical oncologist. My doctor and I have decided to do repeat scans every eight weeks and I am actually going to go back to work part time. Saban said he challenged his team before the game to "play to the standard" and "take it personal." Ovarian torsion is a condition that occurs when an ovary twists around the ligaments that hold it in place. She has had a full hysterectomy and is now on taxol/carboplatin chemo. My Sister had a hysterectomy two years ago, she was just 41 years old thenshe had ovarian cysts and they were cancerous'thats that' I thought, they operated and now she's ok and will stay ok.she warned me to get myself checked out as she suffered terribly with her periods for years before getting medical help.Around Christmas of last year she began complaining of pain again and of gaining weight around her tummy.'dont be silly' I said 'its only a small bit and you could do with it! I did not have any insurance at the time. (In June I had sort of blacked out, so I had the test (FSH? I wondered if I'd be able to drive my car home; I did. After the six months of chemo, she had a two-month break and question, though I thought it. etc). This misconception permeates the minds of both only the public and health professionals. In between she was operated in the month of November '02 and her both ovaries, uterus, omentum and umbilicus was removed. So what if we waste a day, stay in a job we don't like. Since my mother had heart problems, she had to have cardiac clearance before surgery. "I thought he would call and say it was nothing, but he said he thought it was papillary thyroid cancer," Nina said. I keept going to my GP and was always told it was my irrital bowel that was the problem. "I don't know about that but probably," Lightning defenseman Victor Hedman said after his team lost 5-1. I don't know if I will ever face a remission but as long as chemo can keep me alive and give me a chance of having a lot of years ahead of me I will be grateful, as long as I can hang on, hopefully something new may come along that will work. My friends and family really showed how much they love me by doing their best to care for me. She never did walk again or speak clearly or even completely focus her eyes. That dead/infected tissue could have become cancer, later down the road. A week after the first op the second was performed (the tuesday after Easter weekend - thanks Bernie). I own a Beauty Shop and the holidays were arriving. Lymphocytes have many functions, including fighting viruses and cancer. Even my oncologist was shocked when the pathology came back (it was sent out to Johns Hopkins) as stage 3 micro papillary serous carcinoma. He was checked out and then walked to the locker room. I dont have a stomach like this. For six months she was in and out of Dr.s offices, a one week hospital stay - under the guidance of an oncologist, she went through a slew of Dr.s of a large facility of Family Practitioners seeking to find help for her growing abdomen and discomfort. Overall, I am advocating that: 1) All women suspected of ovarian cancer will be referred to a gynecologic oncologist at onset of a suspicion of malignancy (exception noted - see #4) 2) All women will have initial surgery performed by a gynecologic oncologist (exception noted - see #4) 3) All women will be educated in an unbiased manner as to the survival advantages of specialized care; 4) In remote communities where a gynecologic oncologist is not available (and the patient does not wish to commute outside her community), a consultation between all affected parties will take place 5) All women at the time of initial will be given appropriate and timely educational material covering the basic facts of ovarian cancer; 6) A nationwide Ovarian Cancer education programme will be established in all communities - for both the public and health care professionals 7) A nationwide Ovarian Cancer Survivor panel will be established to ensure that a patient's opinion/participation is sought in any discussion or proposal (research or community/hospital based program).(12). "It's a mission but it's a happy mission. A multi-institutional study of 4027 ovarian cancer patients over 30 years identified only 32 cases while an autopsy study of ovarian cancer reported an incidence of 0.9%. When her breathing became really difficult she went to her pulmonologist who changed her medications & sent her home, that afternoon she went to the emergency room and that is when her world and everyone who loved her, world's changed. I hadn't been feeling well, and I mean actually sick with abdominal pain and constipation for three days. I had chemo after that. Which by the way did help me feel better. Had six cycles of carbo/taxol and have been in remission since. I feel that I do not want to give up on the medications. She sent me for a trnsvaginal ultrasound which revealed some cysts that we followed and appeared to be resolving. Which of the three do I believe? I feel like they are the reason the cancer is too small to detected. I had my second look surgery, which was not good. I started experiencing indigestion and gas and I was popping Tums and over-the-counter gas medications like crazy. I'm not certain why I wrote all this. I am a retired school teacher of 31 years. My CA 125 went up to the 5200 range before I could heal enough and begin chemo. My doctor wants me to get involved in a clinical trail. As soon as she had the surgery to remove the tumor, she was determined to get out of the hospital. She's not old, she should have another 20 years. I was her favorite grandchild and she loved me very very much. A contrast medium (a dye) is usually injected into the vessels to make them appear white on the x-rays. Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate of all women's cancers. I left and dropped my mom off at home but my husband met me by the door and told me that I needed to go the emergeny room for they found blood clots in my lungs. Honesty, fairness, trust, understanding and acceptance of others were values that were very dear to Judy. I asked him about the different cell types and how they respond to chemo, he told me that there was very little difference.When I asked how many OVCA patients he had had, he couldn't come up with a number, but that cancer was cancer and that he would treat a patient with lung cancer the same as someone with Ovarian cancer. People keep telling me I am being strong or that I'm the stongest person they know, but what they don't know is that I just want to sit and cry because of the fear. But it's more to do with my foreknowledge than an inherited stiff upper lip. She prefaced her report with the sentence, "It could be benign, but I want to get you in with (a gyn-onc) for an appointment as soon as possible." The doctor prescribed steroids and inhalers and sent me home. But Pam wanted her family members to enjoy their vacation, and she wanted to consult with her own doctor in Orlando before having surgery. I recommend all women to be screened for this devastating cancer. My girlfriend, Judy died of Ovarian Cancer on August 17th., 2003. General manager Joe Schoen previously had stated that the deadline for the Giants to complete a deal with Barkley was last Monday, which came and went without an extension. "We're building a program, and building a program's hard. We are all members of the same club, shaking our heads and wondering how we got here, but nonetheless, here we are, ready or not, each trying to get by in our new skin, our new persona as "person having ovarian cancer", the best we can. I asked her if she was ok and she said, "Yes, I am ok". Another scan revealed an 18 cm ovarian mass. "No" Tests are ordered. TCU (9-0) is a seven-point underdog against the Longhorns (6-3). loved ones and friends praying for her..anyhow I am rambling too, I'd just Try to do something nice for yourself and for someone else each day. We serve an awesome God. I cannot make it seem a day to dread,When from this dear earth I shall journey outTo that still dear country of the dead,And join the lost ones, so long dreamed about.I love this world, yet shall I love to goAnd meet the friends who wait for me, I know. Then I knew there was a more serious problem when he sent me to a hospital in San Angelo, TX, where I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 ovca. I kept going back to the doctor with the same complaints, even asked him to check my liver again. On July 30 I had surgery performed by the top two doctors in SC in Gyn/On. Nina had a partial hysterectomy almost two years previously to remove a benign cyst, but her ovaries were healthy at the time and had been left behind. I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer two weeks ago. Her name had been in the news. She kept saying look at my stomach! Little by little she stopped doing things like her laundry, driving or cleaning up and then she ate less and less. Adverse Side Effects of Treatments: ! That night she went back into the hospital; after many tests we First I was gassy, then constipated. She looked I was sent for every scan CT, MRI then a week later I was told the worse possible news i could ever want to here OVARIAN CANCER WITH POSSIBLE INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER. The hospitals ultrasound did require drinking water and that is the one that revealed the mass. It lasted approximately one hour thirty minutes. The scan was supposed to have done my abdomen only but instead it went up to my lungs and scanned them. I know individual stories can be redundant soif you want, just skip down towards the end to read what I really want to say! Just remember anything is possible and cancer doesnt always have to win. I was a sympathic person before all this and now I am much more compassionate, emphathetic and caring for people around me. Well Mrs. S., let's try a different BC and wait some more! S: I should have read the bio first - psychiatry and 'suck it up' don't really go together. I was told by 4 doctors that I had a hernia. a walk to move our legs so we went down to the cafeteria. The day after surgery she had 3 pints of cancerous fluid drained from her right lung. I would like to tell my story that you can go from overweight to your dream body then to where I am now with a permanent colostomy, groshong catheter, and no hair. "I was at a point that I would consider to be one of my happiest and, I thought, healthiest times of my life," Nina said. I had a swollen lymph node in my groin. When I got to the She went to her Dr. and he had a fluid sample taken. She did order both ca125 which was over 1,000 and ultrasound and contacted a gyn oncologist who performed surgery Dec 31, 1997. A systemic medication used to treat cancer that kills cells that are dividing. It was scheduled for the end of October 2002. After 7 days in Meriter Hospital in which I received wonderful, and nurturing care, I was sent home with a follow-up visit to the gyn doctor. Cancers that arise from glands are called adenocarcinomas (see also mammary gland). We are a very strong Christian family and have put the future into God's hands. Sometimes this results in undesired side effects, such as hair loss, because the chemotherapy drugs also kill normal body cells that are dividing. July 5, 2012: I am here and guess what, my orders are not signed. Awareness of ovarian cancer signs and symptoms is most important. Burks had missed the past four games with a turf toe injury suffered against the Indianapolis Colts in Week 4. good girl." In February of 2007 we did another cruise-she did okay but slept 75% of the time. In truth, my mother should have been more pro-active in terms of her care. I finally heard the results one day at work - it was 317! By that time, my back hurt so bad that I asked for pain killers so that I could drive home. Here's one woman's list: spleen, appendix, all female parts, omentum, part of the intestine and colon, many lymph nodes. I hate to think if my breast didn't show the symptoms what would have happened to me. She did and was scheduled for surgery in 4 days. Eventually the nurse get my parents away from me so that I can start to relax and get some oxygen. I still don't know how my biggest piece of luck came about.I ended up with two incredible doctors. She under went chemo again and did not have another reoccurance until the spring of 2006. Oh, she nibbled here and there and I would slice ham into small quarter size bits and wrap them individually. I am that woman. Share your story with your family and friends. It was 3rd stage ovarian cancer and the doctor said her probibility of survival with chemotherapy treatment was 1-5 years. Davis, who was already enjoying a bounce-back season after missing more than half of the Lakers' games over the last two seasons because of injuries, had gone missing in the second half during several recent SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- San Francisco 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan understood why linebacker Dre Greenlaw drew a penalty for unnecessary roughness following a helmet-to-helmet hit on Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbertlate in the first half of Sunday night's game. say, no breast reconstruction was done for a long time. night, my sister was up taking her to the bathroom. I was admitted to the hospital and drained of more than 12 liters of fluid) Two weeks later, I had my first round of chemo (carboplatin and taxol), got a bad reaction which kept me in the hospital for two weeks. But, I also want to highlight about other realities as well. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. I knew my hair would fall out, so I shaved my head prior to my 1st treatment because it made me feel like I was more in control! The next morning, I woke up in a panic. Primary peritoneal carcinoma, stage IIIc. One doctor told me it was hopeless and another said we have to see if the chemo can shrink the mass and then do surgery. "We did it as a team. We were married in 1972 when I was 19. I told him about my periods being irregular after years of normal. I had gotten disgusted, shopping at the mall a few weeks earlier with my daughter. When the door finally opens, we walk inside, I couldn't leave, I wanted to share every last minute with her even if she was out of it. Stage III. Still waiting for BOWEL FUNCTION! So the Dr. I also fired my general oncologist and got another oncologist on my case. This was all taking place in my hometown, the chemo that is, and I had an appointment with the Oncologist Gyn in May and all of these started in February. After switching doctors, the new Dr ordered a CT scan of my abdomen/kidney. Presence of luteinized cells in the ovarian stroma, typically associated with stromal hyperplasia. In addition, I FELT much better on that regimen, since it didn't drive me into serious anemia. away from the brca diagnosis and over 7 yrs. In April of 2007 we took a trip to Disney World. The pain continued, and doctors ordered a series of X-rays and a sonogram. For instance, the expression of the estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) are favorable prognostic features. I went back, he took a sonogram in the office and immediately told me there was a tumor on the ovary and that I'd need surgery and probably chemo. Now I seem to be depressed all the time. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October of 03. I started by just walking around the block. I scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician to ask his opinion about what the gynecologist had said. June 6, 20012 Back to get results from family dr. Oh, forgot to tell you that I know what is going on before I even go in, I know that part of this is my asthma but with all the other tests that were done, my mind has been in overdrive just wondering what kind it was going to be. He let me know that he already had paperwork typed up with instructions for me to go to the emergency room the next morning to be admitted. It was about eight-nine months ago my wife began having terrible menstral cycles with alot of bleeding and clots. President DE Natl Ovarian Cancer Coalition. , blood clots in both lungs-green belt filter placed, occurences So I wasn't surprised to find out I had ovarian cancer, but more surprised to find out that wasn't what she died of. I was scheduled for surgery two days after (Nov. 23rd). But I am grateful for and encouraged by the women who are living-yes living with ovarian cancer and defying the odds. January 8, 2007.Surgery removes a 6cm solid "endometrioma" which had adhered to the right abdominal wall, and spine, and performs an oopherectomy for a dead-tissue ovary. But in June 2000 I started getting the symptoms -- always feeling full, stomach and intestinal problems, and finding my skirts and slacks could no longer close although I was hardly eating. Dearest friends, I write not for myself, but for my aunt Gloria as support! However, as days go by, I remember her words of wisdom, her deep love for me and the legacy of love she left to all who knew her. Sincerely, Julie Elizabeth Simon Ovarian Cancer Survivor, Important Note By The Author: My attendance at the Annual Ovarian Cancer Retreat, hosted by Camp Mk-A-Dream, in Gold Creek, Montana (about halfway between Missoula and Helena), has been the most cathartic experience of my life. After a few days at Sloan her condition seemed to improve and then just like that she was declining rapidly. Oh, they were kind. Now- to all the daughters- no matter how difficult she can be- pick up the phone right now and tell her how much you love her and that you will always need her- you will be glad you did. My brother said she did not even know who he was- she was so out of it on drugs etc. "People think of a skull and crossbones when they think of cancer, but I want you to think of this disease as manageable," Dr. Hunter said. Look at us now. ** Johns Hopkins Pathology Online. That wasn't even possible had I actually tried. My grandboys are still young and I want to see them grow. When I saw my cancer doctor he said I needed surgery but if he did it then he would not even give me a 50% chance. This brought a little alarm but was not earth shattering. June 2004: 2nd cancer recurrence. One tumor grew by less than a centimeter from She died at 7:25 am. Her own girlfriends and sisters were in denial of her physical condition years before her diagnosis- in fact my mother had secretly taken laxatives and duiretics to hide her abdominal swelling and it was her own grandaughter and myself who urged her to get a complete pelvic scan a year and half before her diagnosis--a test that could have saved her life. Just to be sure, you were given the rest of the chemo, just to be absolutely sure. They rushed her to the sonogram room after giving her a whopping dose of morphine! After about thirty minutes or so, my mother's best friend came I listen to her every word, even the drug induced ones that don't make sense. My wife received postoperative chemotherapy by these medical oncologists, seven months after having that metastatic tumor surgically excised. )After a week on blood thinners in the hospital, Dr #1 put me on more blood thinners and sent me on my way. It is just so hard but we can get through this. I already felt the wait of that bear easing off my back. We were there by her side and at times probably did not appreciate or respect her fear, sickness and pain. Many weeks later, I returned home with home health care for a few months. I even brought a kit to my first laparotomy. I still put pressure on myself to be perfect, but am trying to remember that that's an impossibility to begin with and my family already thinks I'm perfect. Primary Peritoneal Cancer, Stage 3C. I had been given a side-room, which is a privilege in our NHS system where you can find yourself in a 30-bed Nightingale ward even today, or at best in a 6-bedded ward in a more modern hospital. epileptic and she suffered many seizures even with medication. I wasn't feeling well for quite a long time.I'm 49 years old and was told that I was entering into peri-menopause. Using ice packs on her head and hot water bottle on her back. The purpose of writing this is not to discourage people. Unfortunately nothing could stop the spread of the cancer. I thank my family and friends for being very supportive. You can Google all kinds of information about the pathology and treatment of cancer but there is not much regarding the emotional side of cancer. However, the good news is that my pelvic area seems to be okay according to my oncologist. The diagnosis is occasionally tenable in the absence of crystals when other classic features are present. Then the clinic that my internist works at denied my referral and told me that now that my critical care was over, I no longer need to see a specialist and could see one of their med-oncs. Many of the residents family members have treated my mom as if she was their own loved one. My son was born healthy and in the presence of my wonderful mother who had made it after all. It is Friday and the gyno wants to see Jeanne on Monday. The only benefit of Lynch Syndrome is that it has a higher cure rate and longer time between recurrences, in general. Chemotherapy given to patients after their cancers have been surgically removed. A type of imaging that uses X-rays to take 3-dimensional images. He agreed to review my slides. At the very least, research and find a cancer specialist in your area who you can trust. After the third treatment it was only 2.5. A CA-125 blood test was drawn and a week later I was informed that the test results were elevated in the 900 range. So far chocolate milkshakes are my only treat that taste the way they ought to. It was very hard to watch my mom go through the suffering.Plus she is the type of person who feels like she was a burden on us.She is such a caregiver,so it was hard for her to be the one in need. life. They thought I was crazy for sure this time. I still feel like I'm dreaming and want to wake up. 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