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who is the most evil goddess

Who is the most evil goddess? She was also said to be the daughter of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, and was feared at times of war. One of the most famous of their victims was Orestes, who killed his mother Clytemnestra because she had murdered Agamemnon, her husband, and Orestes father, upon his return from the Trojan War. Durga takes many forms as the mother goddess of Shakti mythology but is most well-known as the goddess of victory of good over evil. He was also often unfaithful to his wife Hera and had a number of children by these mistresses. He is also known as Angra Mainyu which translates to a destructive and evil spirit. He had a number of children including Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Heracles, and Dionysus. Also, upon hearing a prophecy that he was going to overthrown by one of his own children, he took to eating his children every time his wife gave birth. Folklore from County Cork also depicts her as an ugly old hag who curses or captures people, dragging them under the sea or under her mound. She is featured in some Arthurian tales in equivalence to Morgan le Fay. She was cunning and deceitful and could twist any situation to work in her interest. 21. People tend to think about Hades as the devil due to him presiding over the dead, and also due to terribly inaccurate Disney movies, but in all honesty hes doing his job, not only tending to the dead, but guarding Kronos who is imprisoned in Tartarus. Probably the most famous myth involving Eris is that of the Judgement of Paris. The overwhelming association with night time and witchcraft only containing evil and bad things earned Hecate her brand as evil not-so-accurate branding. He was depicted as a strong warrior and also terrifying for his love of bloodshed. I see it as a means of learning when to seek revenge and who to take revenge upon. The Most Evil and Dangerous Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology 1. Let us know some facts about these angry Hindu Gods. I agree with you on the rest though. Eriss only purpose is to sow discord among gods and humans. He chose Aphrodite and as a reward she caused Helen of Sparta to fall in love with him. In later lore, he became less animalistic. He proved his mettle in every case, and while he needed lackeys as a bad guy in the MCU, he was a true fighter in the other instances. Cronus 2. At first glance at his title, including Shesmu on a list of evil gods seems a little strange! Hera suspected Zeus was unfaithful with a nymph called Echo, she cursed Echo to only be able to speak the last words that were spoken to her. Zeus 5. Hecate is not really bad. Only take what we need, no more. Gaia went to Zeus for help, he told Hades what was going on and Persephone loved Hades so she decided she would stay in Hades for 6 months of the year and be with her mother for the other 6. I think, however mythical he is, he needs to be allowed to not be looked upon as an evil death god. As revenge Hera told Apate to convince Semele to ask Zeus to show her his true form. Stay updated on emerging destinations, and travel trends in Athens & Beyond. That is so wrong. Many are rising up against me. The goddesses quarreled about who of the three was the fairest, and thus the intended recipient of the apple. The ultimate shapeshifterthe crow, the bull, the eel, the wolf, and more. When hes in nightmares hes constantly transforming into different creatures to scare his unfortunate victims. Freya ('lady') was the Norse goddess of love, fertility, sorcery, gold, war and death. Baba Yaga is the Slavic goddess of regeneration, and therefore also rules over death and rebirth. They also caused sickness and pestilence, sometimes working for Sehkmet directly. Hera being there is up for debate though, you see she actually is justified in the fact that her actions are caused by a spouse who just isnt loyal, but she isnt taking it out on said spouse This doesnt mean that shes evil though, it just makes her irrational. This is because he was the villain of Thor and The Avengers, and an anti-hero in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. Having read the list you may think some of the characters dont deserve to be on the list. Zeus, much like his father Cronus, had received a prophecy that if his wife, Metis, had a son then this son would kill Zeus. Some of these, such as the mummified god of the dead, Osiris, and the goddess of magical healing, Isis, are well known today. Point is, evil is subjective, these gods have jobs, they have purpose, and that includes Hecate (Ill admit she is pretty Op though) Saying theyre evil because of what theyre supposed to do is like calling a judge evil for having to convict people for crimes or a mortician evil for arranging burials or cremations, or the guy who works at Starbucks evil for making you wait for your caramel late. Who is the most evil female god? But Apsu grew quickly annoyed with the noise the gods made with their horseplay, and sought to destroy themonly to be killed in turn. Baba Yaga is an infamous figure in Slavic folklore. When Hera heard that Zeus had had a son, she sent two snakes to strangle him in his bed. ROBs cannot grant a soul power that surpasses theirs, but Akira managed The Olympians, being the egotists that they were, all thought the apple was for them. Kali's earliest appearance is that of a destroyer of evil forces. So add mass genocide to his list of crimes. As revenge for the betrayal, Zeus had Prometheus tied to a mountain and each day a great eagle would peck out his liver. He was married to Persephone and commanded the Harpies, a troupe of flying monsters who punished mankind. He's connected to the planet Venus and the Aurora. One of the Four Immortals, divine beings worshipped by the people of Vietnams Red River Delta region, Lieu Hanh was a daughter of the Jade Emperor, a central deity in Taoism and other East Asian theology. As well as a weapon of Ra, she was also his daughter which meant she was connected with both the benevolence of the sun and its dangers. If Apophis was not defeated, the planet would be in terrible danger. At knew this and encouraged Ampelus to ride a bull in order to impress Dionysus. 2. Parvati. Apate was the daughter of Nyx, the goddess of the night, and Erebos, the god of darkness. They were described as having black bodies with bat wings and snakes for hair. Hecate 10. The country being referred to is believed to be modern day Lybia. Im just pointing out. Kali is represented in most of the images clad in an animal skin with a garland of skulls hanging . When Zeus took Hera as his wife, Poseidon started problems claiming he had a right to her as well. Princess Lieu Hanh is a singular figure in Vietnamese myth. From the evil Set to the terrifying Devourer, dont be surprised if this list makes it into your nightmares! 2 Many are saying of my soul, "There is no deliverance for him in God.". Hecate is also said to be the goddess of witchcraft, ruling over and aiding in the practice of witches from the past as well as the present. Regardless of whether he had a father or not doesnt really matter in the grand scheme of things, his brothers all come from Nyx. i did not mean to cause any argument, i was simply just expressing my opinion on why i disagree with the list. The most well -known story concerning Eris, tells of her initiating the Trojan Wars by causing the Judgment of Paris. Hope you enjoyed the list. She teaches valuable, foreboding lessons. Freya is a Norse Goddess of Love, Fertility and Sex. Shes the grandmother. He never took a wife, but he did cause Aphrodite to have an affair with him. Hera 7. . 9. Answer (1 of 10): This is going to be a LONG answer. Yeah, Hades isnt evil Poor guy, no one give him a break. She is the goddess of witches and her magick is powerful. His mists encircled the . She was the goddess of conflict, strife, discord and contention. She literally disowned Hephaestus because he came out crippled. Instead, it would be restless forever, dying over and over again. The hope being that the opponents would flee the battlefield in fear. He was the ruler of the underworld and king of the dead. 8 Sexiest, Most Badass Greek Goddesses Nyx. but drove others insane when they made unwelcome attempts to court her. Legends say she was the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth. Not the best of combinations. Red, like the color of blood, was her color. She would haunt the battlefield and took great delight in the act of war. Hades and Dionysus: What is their Relationship. In addition, she is thought of as the Mother of the Universe, so therefore is also a creator-goddess. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. She is one of my favorite dark goddesses. A lot of people think it's the goddess of the . He was the King of the Titans in the era prior to the reign of the Olympians and ruled with an iron fist. Zeus had had an affair behind Heras back, as he often would, with Semele. All the other gods on the list were simply reacting to bad behaviour of the other gods or the poor decisions of Mankind.but Hera killed indefensible innocent people out of pure jealousy, thats pretty evil. My advice to you is, dont take this article too seriously. Medea falls in love with Jason and decides to betray her family to help him obtain the. If a heart outweighed the feather and was full of darkness, it would be given over to Ammut, who would devour it all. It is thought she is one of the faery people or the sidhe, but she could also be a goddess descended from the Tuatha de Dannan. She is actually now peaceful. He also is the one to drive people to perdition. What follows is a list of the most evil and dangerous Greek Gods and Goddesses. This temper of his could cause natural disasters on earth and he was also in the habit of throwing lighting bolts at random at characters walking around below. Yuhuang Shangdi is referred to as the first god in Chinese culture, traditional religions and mythology. Set transformed his body into several animalistic creatures often stated to be a crocodile or a serpent to wage death against his brother. Queen Maeve is the quintessential warrior queen, and because of this she is an Irish-Celtic Goddess of destruction and death. Though evil, he had his followers and cults just as did other major gods. Medea is the "barbarian" princess of the kingdom of Colchis and the granddaughter of the sun god, Helios. Vassalissa accomplishes each task Baba Yaga asks of her, and in the end Baba Yaga gives Vassalissa a torch of fire to take home. If thats not evil and twisted, im not sure what is. According to the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation epic. He was also a jealous God, and when Aphrodite took the character Adonis as her lover, Ares transformed into a wild boar and gored him to death. These three gods mostly hung out together and were the most important deities of Celts. If he felt insulted by someone or something, the consequences were dire. No, I just wanted to point out a small inconsistency. Calling Sobek evil is a stretch in any incarnation, as he was generally considered to at least attempt benevolence. She had a crocodiles head, a lions front paws, and a hippopotamuss back legs. He unleashed upon the world a great flood and all but two perished. Her tale is told in the Ulster Cycle where she rules as queen of Connacht. Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea. Polytheism might've had a bad rap in the Bible, but its given rise to some of humanitys most fascinating and enduring narratives. Probably the most deadly war in Greek mythology. I have always been interested in mythology. Zeus eventually discovered her location and negotiated her release, but only for half of the year, hence the seasons of the earth. She runs into Baba Yaga and the old hag tells her she will give her the fire she seeks, if she will do the chores that Baba Yaga asks her to do. He was closely associated with Set, sometimes even taken as an aspect of the evil god during his shapeshifting against Osiris. Among all the Buddhist Bodhisattva, Guanyin is the most well-known one in China and liked by both young and old people. #3 - Ammut, The Devourer of the Dead. 1. He was the King of the Olympian Gods and God of the Sky. She is the light of our ancestors burning from generations and generations ago. The Atheniens would sacrifice obscene amounts of animals in honor of her, even to the detriment of themselves at times. Amaterasu or Amaterasu-mikami is one of the major deities in the animistic Shinto religion of Japan; her full name means Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven. One of the worlds few female solar deities, Tefnut was the ancient Egyptian goddess of moisture, rain and dewa very significant task in a desert country. He was unforgiving and took pleasure in the act of vengeance. Second, back then it was legal. She has been incarnated on earth multiple times; during her incarnations, she fell in love with mortal men, Q: Have you ever heard a phrase more badass than the aged jaguar goddess of midwifery? To complicate things more, many important gods had dual natures, part benevolent and part vicious! Here are some of the most powerful gods and deities in Chinese mythology: 1. Who is the darkest god? Kali is not merely one of the dark goddesses, she is also a goddess of empowerment and of fierce determination. The two brothers had particularly cruel personalities, truly revelling in the slaughter and destruction wrought by the often warring armies of Greece and the surrounding areas. Many fighters used the imagery of Phobos and Deimos on their shields and prayed to them before the battle, wishing to have them on their side rather than against them. I disagree the inclusion of Hades in the list. Be it Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Aztec, Mayan, you name it. Who is the most badass Greek goddess? When Metis became pregnant he decided he didnt want to wait to find out if the prophecy was true, so he just ate her. She had a number of siblings including Moros, who represented doom, Nemesis, representing retribution, and the Keres, representing violent death. If you look back at Greek mythology, Hades never did anything bad,and he only messed up one person,Pirithous,but thats because they tried to kidnap his wife. He had constant cravings for meat, and sometimes he lost control and devoured animals and people alike and even gods! Hades is not wrong. Her name Medb literally means mead and one who intoxicates. Hades had Zeus's permission to marry Persephone which is all he needed back then. He was rarely seen without the instrument after that moment. She is the one who purges the world of evil. He had four horses name Terror, Fire, Flame, and Trouble. Shesmu did have many worshippers, however, and as time went on, the darker side of his personality retreated. Apate was the daughter of Erebos, the God of Darkness, and Nyx, the Goddess of Night. Last but certainly not least is Athena, goddess of wisdom and the evil side of battle. She is the reason for Semele's, Dionysus' mother's, death: Hera asked her to help her take revenge on Semele for sleeping with Zeus. #2 - Apophis (Apep), Serpent God of the Underworld. Ok the explanation of Hades actions is very much under explained. She was the patron god of Athens and did all she could to protect her Atheniens at the cost of their opponents. I was equally surprised, Ron, to not see Her represented. She delighted in war and destruction, and especially bloodshed and sacking of cities. And let us not forget her other associations with the earth and protection of her people! Hindus worship various forms and names of one Supreme God, Brahman, who is regarded as a being with an independent existence and gives life to everything. Known as the goddess of retribution, Nemesis actually acted as a form of cosmic justice. One of the most famous and interesting stories is the death of Osiris, for which Set was fully and openly responsible. Some ancient pantheons, like the Greek and Norse gods, have traditionally been more prominent in the Western imagination; in recent years, these narratives have been incorporated into popular stories like the Thor comic books and the Percy Jackson saga. When Paris chose Aphrodite instead of Hera as the fairest goddess, Hera dedicated all her energy to the fall of his city, Troy. #5 - Sobek, The Crocodile God. One of the most famous myths with Apate involves Zeus, Hera and Semele. 3 O Lord, how my adversaries have increased! Also, Cronos didnt eat his wife. 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who is the most evil goddess

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