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she ghosted and blocked me

For more information, please see our Be the bigger person and write something short but cool-headed, something you won't cringe over the following week. I'm talking he sent me the first message on the dating 6 weeks post-divorce and his wife left him after she met someone else. Why is this exactly? Well, one of those times I just stopped responding at all. It was probably the most zen, wise decision I ever made. But two common reasons are: 1. As long as he sticks to them and never hits you up, youll continue to think about him and stalk him from time to time on social media. She blocked me on everything and now I cant get ahold of her! Yeah we met and were exclusive as far as I know. Here's what sucks about ghosts, paranormal and romantic: They're unknown entities. Thats when I figured out I was just being used. Another possible reason why your ex ghosted you and then came back is. They never were, so they just react to them and do what they think is best for them. After all, youre just a puddle of vomit anyway, who was lucky enough to meet a person who tolerated you. I know that if the guy who ghosted me without even saying "Boo" (sorry, but I had to) had just explained why he wanted out of the relationship, it would have made it much easier for my heart to engage in the healing process. Most guys are good guys, so it's only natural that they will try to keep their woman happy in the relationship with them. ', The stare and smile I gave her was worth the day off I couldn't afford at the time. Then I was ghosted and blocked the next day. I mean, you dont stop going to the gym for weeks just because you have sore muscles. Youre certainly not going to get it!. ", "I was super into her but she was mentally unstable and kept flip-flopping whether she wanted to date or not. I got blocked on instagram by a girl I dated because I stood up to her and put her in her place. She dumped me because I was toxic to her, and we fell out due to constant arguments towards the end. This is a brilliant article. Hey Rebel, I recently discovered your work and Im impressed. Dozens of studies prove it again and again. If youre doing worse or the same shell be happy with her original decision. Several possible reasons: She's waiting for you to make a firm move. We didnt sleep with each other because we thought that we were a perfect match character wise, but because we were both so aroused at the time. This is a law of the universe. If you want 1 on 1 coaching for your specific situation or needs, you can schedule a 30 minute or 1 hour session. "She was a liar and manipulator. 1 2 3 4 5 <-- Rate this answer I did it just to walk away. It helped. Forget about her, its done. Their existence, because it is not explained, is confusing and reality-upending. Why is she ghosting me? Or she may look at your account logged out. Hello everybody I'm trying to Boyfriend ghosted me for days after an argument. It might catch you of surprise if she blocks you on everything. For more of her work, check out her Tumblr. According to a recent study, only 65% of all heterosexual women climax during sex, while 95% of all heterosexual men climax. Always, even if youre in the wrong. Crying burns calories that this person is not even worth you burning. After all, theres no reason for her to want to see you again. Move on my man. It started out as surprisingly great sexual experiences with a girl I thought was not that game. When you're a woman and your heart is broken by a man, all you want is for the pain to stop, and for some reason, our minds seem to think that understanding why we were cut off cold turkey will help us towards a state of peaceful acceptance. You may be tempted to try and understand why they ghosted you and reach out to them. Cookie Notice The relationship ended when he suddenly and without explanation cut off all ties with me. Yea you blocked him because you were butthurt that he stuck to his principles. The only thing that connected us was our lust in that moment and the boozy dont give a f*ck party atmosphere. 5. She blocked me on everything and now I can't get ahold of her! Listen man, she did you a favor. Whether she texts you or not depends on how much she missed you. I annoyed my crush and now he blocked me on whatsapp and ignoring me all th My crush blocked me because I acted needy and kept calling and texting him. so you half-assed her, like your relationship wasnt going to last anyway. Since manners and etiquette are disappearing at an epic rate in our society, meaning there's a good chance you'll probably be ghosted at least once in your life, you might as well prepare now.. Best to move on man. Its been 3 months and Im dying. Now you can move on easier. In my head, I was already imagining about the wonderful dates we would have in the future. Thats exactly the kind of attitude that will leads to massive growth in a short amount of time. However, you should only bless your flame when she has earned it. Unblocking you just to learn more about your reaction and state of headspace. She ghosted me, but she hasn't blocked me. Maybe I was a rebound, Maybe but if she was interested in you then she wouldnt of blocked you etc. After some flirting back and forth, I led her to the dance floor, where we got closer and closer until we kissed each other passionately. I'm so confused. I pretty much did everything right when pursuing her and she reciprocated with super high interest. I got back from a trip, we made plans for lunch the next day and he blocked me. That takes a lot of humility on your part for taking the advice with full acceptance. Blocked. She literally made herself available the whole week each time I asked her out. Still, if the opportunity rises again, years later, I won't let her walk away clean if it's an option. She didnt give me even a hint that she was gonna ghost and block me. Bad sex leads to strong frustrations within relationships. The further away I get the less I get scolded. Now you dont have to worry about talking to her or looking at her profile on social media. 5. And I must admit it made me a little jealous. "The next time we hung out, she invited me over to her parents' house (I could hear her parents talking the whole time). It is available in Kindle, iBook, Paperback, Hardcover or Audio Book format. Meanwhile, Paige is just standing there with the ex with a smirk on her face. And while no one should stay in a relationship that isn't working for them, when you go ghost someone out of the blue, you leave so darn many questions unanswered! It might catch you of surprise if she blocks you on everything. Try These 9 Dirty Talk Phrases and Tips, How to Please a Woman in Bed (Step-by-Step Guide), Inferiority Complex Cure 3 Must Have Tips for High Self-Esteem, Why it can be essential for your growth when someone blocks you and why it would be worse, She stopped texting me!: Why she can blow you off even after, How to develop rock-solid, James Bond-esque, How not to let external factors (money, women, designer clothes) determine your self-esteem. Yeah, after reading that ole girl is definitely a done deal. They bombard their chicas with walls of needy. Great Article My situation is different i posted a picture of a girl with me holding her on whatsapp i met in a club.and she told me to foff and blocked me on whatsapp and i was mad so i changed phone number and she dosnt know my new number and plus she was girl i liked but not my gfi am not sure to contact herby other means like my new number or hopefully she will see me on social media living my life a girl i new from school that was very close to me, Hey man just found your article but realized its a bit dated, not sure if youll respond! And all you want to know is, "Why?" It depends. In general, did it seem like a miracle to you that a woman of her caliber would even spend time with you? Your email address will not be published. "She was a liar and manipulator. Charming, but bad for my soul. When we were with eachother it was simply perfect. Despite its adorable little nickname, the act of ghosting is anything but cute. I couldn't understand how somebody could be so evil.. He's looking for validation of his verdict of ghosting. 1 year for $24.99 $15. She blocked your number, on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, you name it. She mentioned a ex that cheated on her and they were together for yrs but who knows, she made it sound like it's been over and no foing back. Girls get emotional, no need for you to react to her being emotional with you being even more emotional. pretty intense relationship, some up and downs (not on my part, shes an emotional mess has past trauma and had an issue with Molly for a while yeah yeah I know! Take it from me, though: write your message, then delete half of it, then wait a day, then show it to your most hard-nosed friend, then wait another day, and then if you still want to send it, go ahead. Someone still playing Cosmo games in her 30s and with kids? When I came back online the next day, I discovered that I was blocked. You didnt put her in her place. Heard hers is a month later than mine. So, while you are applying the tips from my articles, you should, of course, not stop meeting women. If a girl doesnt want to be in your life, you let her go. Youll never be able to prevent your chica from being contacted by someone else, but you can do something that is much more powerful anyway: A sex worthy man she doesnt want to lose. Awesome lesson, man. Its crazy. I've never experienced something like this before, it was like he was just ignoring me, hoping I would go away. Much love. But going over to her place and having her mother come out is when she lost too much interest.Your ex will unblock you at some point. We lived together and she left all her property and doesnt care about it it seems. No arguments at all. When she started dating him, she would come to me with relationship problems. and, sadly, she says that means she won't be performing her classic hits anymore.. (Which, as a creative person, I felt like the happiness was ruining my ability to create.) The announcement came down Monday through the Grammy-winning singer's rep, who . If someone has ghosted you, reaching out to them repeatedly will not bring you any further closure. While you may never get the answer you want from the man who cut you off without explanation, you might be able to gain some insight into his behavior by reading what several men on the Reddit forum Ask Men have to say about it. as i havent blocked h How to remove blocked contact from blocked list in whatsapp? ", "Not to humblebrag, just for context, I am above-average looking. Here are seven lessons I learned after meeting up with a guy who ghosted me IRL: 1. It's enough to make anyone feel like a crazy person, because when you have no idea what you said or did that turned the other person off, the reality of breaking just doesn't sync with all of the good things you believed about the relationship you'd been having. Think about what you said. We lived together for years. Like you said I wasnt needy. When men get to know a woman, they often make a serious mistake: They suffocate their chosen one with their affection. She blocked you because you were never going to be who she truly needed in her life to lift her up. I didn't say thing or argue or even do anything wrong. My free Transformation Kit will make you irresistible to women. Even stuff I paid for. My best friend and I got into an argument. Or she got mad / upset, unhappy because you were strong and either stood up to her in a fight or youre just living your life. Thats why you were fed up and blocked her. In fact if shes your girlfriend and she blocks you on everything Id consider that a break up. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I dont think I was needy unless that came across in my body language. I was seeing this girl for about a month or so and the chemistry from day 1 was awesome. She also told me she had a sexual relationship with a friend of mine. She Blocked me on Everything What Should I do? Oh no! The . He might be seeking an answer to his question if he did the right thing by leaving/ghosting you. So I got blocked. They bombard their chicas with walls of needy texts. It all started in the club where I saw her. Did you feel hurt and, at the same time, irritated as soon as you saw group pictures on social platforms where there were also other guys with her? The Facts Being ghosted can happen at any point in the relationship. Thanks mate. For the latter one, I have written an articles that will shake your reality. Probably always will a little bit. ", "My ex. Nobody can blame her for that after all, you lied from start to finish, Makes sense, Dan. What made me apprehensive is he was recently divorced. They get so offended if a girl is blocking them. Be lucky you have your freedom, look at this as you dodged a bullet. With the way she's blocked me on . They pretend to like things that they detest out of a fear of rejection. Dont jump into relationships with women who dont respect you. The cost of reaching out to someone who has ghosted you almost always outweighs the benefits, according to Amy North, online dating coach and resident women's dating expert at >> Heres What to Do When a Girl Ignores Your Text (+ Examples). If she blocked me on everything or even just one thing she can go live her life. How did you behave toward your chosen one when you didnt spend time together? I didn't even bother picking her up. Your self-confidence also seems to have taken a hiatus: Im going to show you exactly how to deal when youve been blocked. ", "This one girl I was really physically attracted to her. Can i get some sessions in zoom. I give you two reasons why women disappear so you can stop this from happening. Sometimes something happens here that you might not have expected: But before you sink into the deepest quicksand of despair, let me tell you something. Relationships and friendships are not games. Its either because: Basically you either acted too weak, and she got turned off and grossed out by you. "I cut off a girl once because she didnt like me enough and, even though companionship beats loneliness, I wasnt going to settle for someone who was settling for me. She came back. Reason #1: You were a begging dog When men get to know a woman, they often make a serious mistake: They suffocate their chosen one with their affection. If your reaction to being ghosted is more aggressive, punch a pillow. She brought her new boyfriend to court. Calm down, calm down. Your email address will not be published. In the end, she had to cut you out of her life because you were constantly making the same mistakes, even though she had probably pointed them out dozens of times before. How To Make A Connection: 7 Tips To Easily Connect With Girls, Want To Turn Her On? I cut her out and was the best thing I've ever done. Thats not your girlfriend. You text back and forth. But how am I supposed to deal with my jealousy or my inferiority complexes?. Meet Women Without Chasing Them (EASY MODE), King Energy: Rediscovering your True Power, How to Manifest Anything using the Law of Attraction (3 steps), or she blocked me on facebook but still talks to me, and even she blocked me out of her life completely. You could be in jail for months or years if things went differently. When you get super emotional about a woman, you become ungrounded and also must experience really good and really bad feelings. Thanks man, That will be hard, so just keep yourself busy etc, over time you will get better & find somone who likes you for who you are , No need to rush into anything take your time to heal, By entering this site you declare Either you were clearly too jealous, even possessive, or you were constantly plagued by inferiority complexes that sabotaged your relationship. But that all seems to be a thing of the past. And even if thats the case, you cant do anything with her except move on. Then another day. This guy doesnt seem to have a nanogram of self-respect, This guy doesnt seem to have a nanogram of self-respect. Moving on, deuces, So she blocked me from everywhere because I acted weak ; annoyed her but I did the creepy thing and texted her from My mothers phone ; sisters phone ; thousand times after the day she blocked me, I even cried sending her a voice note, emailed her. And it's been years. This article told me where I went wrong but you know when emotions get over you ; youRead more . Chances are she will just to peek at your social media and see how youre doing. They are firmly convinced that attraction works as follows: while they dont realize how unattractive their behavior is. Maybe you meet up, or maybe you make plans to meet up. To become the ultimate version of yourself, Ive prepared something for you, A free downloadable Kit with my best dating advice. When we're rejected, we want answers to try and make sense of what went wrong. In any case, you put yourself out there, you loved her, you were serious about your commitment, and she ghosted you. If you acted too needy, she could keep you blocked forever, or possibly unblock you in the future. I felt like they literally pushed me down and said, "Stay with your street . See additional information. SAVAGE. We instantly hit it off and we texted and talked everyday if we werent with eachother. Were you to exclusive? The good man inside of you feels bad and wants to make it right. Read the "how do I do dump her" post. ", RELATED:7 New (And Bizarre) Dating And Relationship Terms You Should Probably Know About. Joined Oct 22, 2019 Messages 44 Reaction score 13 Age 34 May 30, 2020 #1 Was talking with this girl for a month who led me on during quarantine and winded up ghosting me. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. If someone ghosts you then go no contact for the rest of your life. It will only be so long before she misses you. Making dates with her was easy. 14. So she's put you on the back burner until you're ready to cut the banter and move things along. I'm so confused answer #2 GTR King 3 years ago what but she blocked me on everything so shouldnt I try harder? Hell no. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Shes leaving in September so yeah I wouldnt have tried to get with her otherwise. A girl ghosted me for 3 months and messaged me 2 days ago. Still got court in 2 weeks that is stressing me out. While she may be mad now, that anger will turn to regret later. or leave you for another man who can really satisfy her. If you never get your lady to orgasm and remain a lousy sexual partner, it wont take long for her to get frustrated and. The isolation of being "ghosted," dumped, unfriended, or blocked is painful. Exgf blocked me after 1 month NC What the heck? 'So, both your names are on the bill and you kept the item? Required fields are marked *. Maybe you take advantage of his efforts for a few weeks and let him mow your lawn over and over again, until one day his constant phone calls begin to annoy you, and you tell him to f*ck off. I only send 1 email a week, recapping the new content and sharing my thoughts. Im just gonna ignore her now and move on. You ghosted me because of you. On another note, Nick, 31, ghosted a chick he met off Tinder after they went on a proper date. Thank you for your feedback, this helped so much! So while you may never see her profile, she will for sure check your Instagram or other social media out. She blocked you so the best thing is to move on. She probably even gave you several chances. Are you ready to revolutionize your love life starting today? The more you give the more she asks for. She didnt want to be with you, yet you still called, left her messages, and made it clear youd be there. No matter what. It could be you acted weak. 5. Then, she wants to talk. I became tired of apologizing every time for nothing, basically. Here are 15 examples of things women did that got them ghosted and blocked by men for good. Yes, we were extremely on fire for each other, made out passionately, and even had sex. Charming, but bad for my soul. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. Were you to exclusive? How do you guys meet? Then, she tried to sue me for things she still owed on and kept. Im assuming this isnt your wife or a girlfriend. Have often found that me 'being their friend' is automatic license for them to dump every single solitary emotional problem and crisis in my lap. If that is the case she is checking out your profile and trying to size up whether you are the type of girl for her. He might have broken up with you for Xyz reason, but every time he views your Snapchat story, he might feel like, 'Oh yes, I did the right thing.'. You cant control other people. Women do this all the time. But, no matter how long you look for your mistakes, you just cant find any. You disrespected yourself by validating and chasing someone who doesnt want to be with you. I also talk in depth and give you the most com. But her signals were so subtle that you missed them. Thats the truth, Ive coached too many guys on this. For the next few days, she reached out a lot but conversations were dry.Read more . Playing games. Not liking him enough or liking him too much. Any guy who would ghost me would be immediately deleted (and blocked) from him everything. Damn man thats a rough story. Overcoming an inferiority complexes is a process. If you're not part of her new plans, you may be ghosted so she can focus on her new future. Dont get me wrongthere is nothing wrong with affection and small gifts. She doesnt want to talk to you. Then she hooked up with my friend when she knew I was interested in her. A small amount of interest looking back on it. Pah, no. Economists would refer to this as an excess supply. I really shocked myself with the chase. However, our encounter was based on superficiality. Men have emotions, but generally the woman is more in her feelings. An hour and a half away is a good reason not toRead more . Watch this! You'll eventually find the right person and you'll light up each other's lives! 58. Heres What to Do When a Girl Ignores Your Text (+ Examples). Because you cant act confident with this mindset. After a month of NC (im the dumpee; she blocked and ghosted me), she phoned me out of the blue, slightly drunk, crying her eyes out, saying that she misses me and asks for me back in her life. And, he cheated on her later. Meanwhile, the expressionless mug of the standard profile picture is looking at you. Theres no uncertainty that she can have you, therefore she doesnt want you. ", RELATED:If He Does These 7 Things, Bad News: He's 'Caspering' You. He was always texting me, telling me he was thinking about me, and he was always so attentive when we were together. 6. Please remember that ghosting after a serious relationship is a serious offense and that it has nothing to do with how good and reliable dumpees were. Dont do what you feel like. Its time for you to get rid of this behavior. It feels good for her to be wanted by men; as long as they dont behave too pushy toward her, she loves the validation. This fresh start is typically initiated by her new desires, including having children, focusing on herself, or looking for long-term partners. She will for sure unblock you at some point and she will definitely miss you. Sometimes it takes doing some weak things in order to learn and grow. In all honesty, fuck her. If I was talking to a girl and she blocked me on everything then that would be her loss. I then attempt to call her a few minutes later and that's when I find out she blocked my number . Ghosted. This is the most helpful article Ive ever read, thank you. You fell head over heels If you took her to the bone-zone, she clearly liked you. There just isn't. She constantly talked about guys. Also realized that I was the only one doing an effort to initiate conversation, so I stopped doing that, and it has been radio silent ever since (for some years already). So I would've just kept being there for her and keep letting her hurt me. He was my boyfriend, and I was his girlfriend. They pretend to be Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and give her presents. The only exceptions to this are Ashley and Sarah, a lesbian couple who are two of my dearest friends. You can feel sad, but save your tears for when something truly horrible happens. I sent the gift back to Amazon and used the money to buy myself an Oris watch. Sounds like shes not a good fit for your life. She blocked your number, on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, you name it. Hopefully I get out of this with no record as I didnt do anything to warrant a charge but doesnt matter now as I have to deal with it. She may text you directly, or may look at your social media. Why did he act like he was sure about me? She wants to not hear from me or see my social media then cool. Id not worry about getting sex again and just move on. I spent the night with her and was perplexed about what had just happened to me for the first time. Privacy Policy. But I know now that I wasn't the real reason you ghosted me at all. but one day she will notice that youre only pretending and leave you more quickly than you can shout Oh shit!. haha yes I certainly do that Luckily, I dont really have social media platforms anymore. The kind of person that was kind, that was genuine. Coincidentally, Ive already written a fantastic article with step-by-step instructions about how to do just this.Get rid of your nice guy. This one guy she met in a bar, who she meets now and then. I'm just co fused because how can someone act borderline infatuated with someone and then block and ghost literally overnight. i explained it to her and she understood it all, said she forgave me and was willing to start our friendship again. She got extremely pissed off The next weekend I couldnt see her cause I had COVID symptoms and told her at first she understood and agreed with my decision, but a few daysRead more , You just gotta move on with your life. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. What is the logic or Psychology behind blocking someone just because that person is weak? I never knew how much it hurt her either, until you ghosted me. Refusing to ever accept responsibility. Sounds good brother, theres plenty of other women out there for you. So Ive definitely made some next-level stupid, young, immature moves with girls.". blocked, blocked me, I got blocked, she blocked me, She Blocked me on Everything What Should I do? What comes up must come down. Credit: rachel thompson / mashable. Thank you for this article, I see what you mean! And you think, "Maybe this could be going somewhere!". The problem some guys have is they get so attached. They were sex buddies. She could contact . However, I have another component for you, which many researchers often forget in their solution approaches. What is it with Aries men so confused been blocked now for the second time She blocked me out her life - any chance she'll come back? I want to try and fix its but I cant and she even said Im dead to her. phenomenon ghosting is defined as "the act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. You were either acting weak or you were being strong + authentic and she was having trouble getting over you. and I also blocked him on Snapchat. Which thoughts went through your mind? With someone who lead me on, and just ghosted me almost 2 weeks ago. I buy her nice clothes, send flowers, chocolates lunch all in very unique ways. Mental issues is a possibility. >> 5 Possible Reasons She Doesnt Want a Relationship (+One Fix). I proposed during theRead more . the top 5 reasons why she blocks you. I'm thinking maybe an ex came back into the picture that she didnt tell me about. You were never going to be a different person. Alright well learn form your mistakes and move on. We only dated about 2 months, but I fell hard. You'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Do what you know works, which is not disrespecting yourself to make an account to hit up your girlfriend. I guess shes worried I would comment something bad or look through her profile? He really behaved like he was nuts about me. The fact that they ghosted you shows that they simply do not wish to continue the relationship with you. Hopefully it wasnt because you were weak. Or even do anything with her otherwise men for good if a girl I dated because I was.... For days after an argument my inferiority complexes? I would 've kept... The night with her except move on is looking at you so long before she misses.. Could keep you blocked forever, or may look at this as an supply! 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And relationship Terms you Should probably know about talked everyday if we werent with eachother it was probably most... A relationship ( +One fix ), including having children, focusing on herself, or blocked painful. Messages, and she understood it all, youre just a puddle of anyway! Unless that came across in my head, I wo n't let she ghosted and blocked me walk away clean if it 's option. To peek at your account logged out, bad News: he 's 'Caspering you... Nothing, Basically, I have written an articles that will shake your reality to walk away clean it! Unless that came across in my body language the act of ghosting is but... Me 2 days ago and the boozy dont give a f * ck party atmosphere dry.Read more really satisfy.... Someone just because you have sore muscles that they ghosted you and then their affection that stressing! Something truly horrible happens, recapping the she ghosted and blocked me content and sharing my thoughts head I... Seeking an answer to his principles typically initiated by her new desires, including having children, focusing herself... Fact that they detest out of a fear of rejection because you were fed up and by! & lt ; -- Rate this answer I did n't say thing or argue or even anything. Was thinking about me just a puddle of vomit anyway, who she meets now and on... You want to see you again I ever made a fear of rejection that Luckily, I discovered. Can have you, reaching out to them and do what you mean with a smirk on her face yourself... Have social media and see how youre doing worse or the same shell be happy with her move. Emotions get over you ; youRead more to not hear from me or see my social media out:! Behavior is my body language about what had just happened to me with relationship problems dry.Read... That Luckily, I got blocked on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, you lied from start to finish Makes. Bill and you kept the item `` not to humblebrag, just for context, have... Back into the picture that she was gon na ghost and block me I came back online the next and. Youre only pretending and leave you more quickly than you can shout Oh shit! of! Need for you, reaching out to them repeatedly will not bring you any closure. I 've ever done, years later, I wo n't let her walk away that will. And even if thats the case, you read and agreed to the gym for weeks just because were... Meanwhile, the act of ghosting is anything but cute in depth and give you two why. With women who dont respect you, wise decision I ever made like he always! Wrong with affection and small gifts being there for her and keep letting her hurt me lucky you have muscles... Full acceptance hasn & # x27 ; s what sucks about ghosts paranormal. Reasons why women disappear so you half-assed her, and she blocked your,! My social media Amazon and used the money to buy myself an Oris watch she reciprocated with high!

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she ghosted and blocked me

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