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he broke up with me, but wants closure

TheFab20s is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking, Copyright 2022 TheFab20s on the Seasoned Pro Theme, 35 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spreads You Have To Try Right Now. Is it right for my boyfriend to send pictures and videos of hot girls to his friends? Me and my boyfriend broke up. If one or both are holding on to it, don't bother trying. He broke up with me. So, i fear him actually not missing me. I went back into NC and went away on a trip to be able to clear my mind and heal, and thankfully it aws working very well as I was able to completely disconnect. They didn't like me but I continued kissing their asses and putting in an effort. The first thing to know is that you do not have to hang out with him if you are not ready. I even met him the other day and we had a great time like we used to have before. I wanted to put my seat back to rest, and he'd told me not to because it would make the American girl behind us (that he'd been checking out since she got on the bus) uncomfortable. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. The change in appearance can be as small as getting your teeth cleaned, or as dramatic as a new hair color. Member; . A lot of exes want the relationship benefits without the relationship. ). However, during this time he might still be texting and seeing other people and . Buy a new outfit. Then I started pulling away and not answering his calls and he was no longer allowed at my house. He got back home and continued lying to his family about being out with me. While there are no straight answers as to why your ex would still want to hang out with you, there are some common scenarios that you can consider. Cookie Notice Do you want him to know what you are your new guy are doing, or worse, that you are still pining & wallowing? However you are reading this article and that alone tells more then enough. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. Oh well! My boyfriend broke up with me and he still wants to be friends with me. It's just been over a week since since my break up, you can find my earlier post here: The best way to get closure is by having a controlled conversation, instead of one that gets heated. Would he be upset if you started dating someone else? Be Ready 1. He didn't think it was fair to me to stay in the relationship. If you'd like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here! Ex Broke Up with Me, Now Says he Wants Closure? My partner had always kept things from his family, I spent 3 weeks with him while he was away "studying" which no one in his family knew about. You only get one body and it is senseless to hurt it over a break up. Anything less that "I made a mistake by breaking up with you, please give me another chance", will not do. I hate to disappoint you. Unless there was a strong friendship beforehand or a lot of mutual friends so youre forced to see each other often, I dont think its wise to hang out with an ex. It means that when you accidently bump into each other you are polite, civil & can make small talk for a few minutes. I dated a guy for 5 months that was always around me, calling me sleeping at my house after we broke up. He could try to manipulate the situation to get all the physical aspects out of the relationship from you, even with the promise of a future together, but without having to commit to you. My ex wants to be friends after he dumped me - He breaks up with you but wants to be friends. Looks like we've merged three threads on a breakup into one here. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. During our relationship, I did the majority of household tasks, even though I asked for help. (@arolawee): "Why she got to do me like that bro like she let her "close bsf" kiss her and he loves her sm and she actin very different around me like she dont want me but when she is around him she be actin like thats her bf and that i don't exist i dont know what to do but cry. Emotions are tricky. In the past we had two break/arguments where I deleted him off of everything possible.Its hard to control not wanting to see what hes up to,or when he was last active, so for him to be pushy about it is surprising, considering hes the one to have broken things off. Your boyfriend has broken up with you, however he still (or do I need to say just) wants to be friend with you. Do you really want to see the pictures of him & his new GF? Recovering from a breakup itself is tough, but what makes it even more difficult is if your ex broke up with you, but still wants to hang out! These issues led to weekly accusations of lying cheating etc. Isn't it time to fix this issue and to fall asleep in his arms. It means admitting that the relationship wasn't working and that you need time apart. I know he will I do care for him and I know he cares for me but I am sick of this yo-yo game of him being is hot one minute than cold the next. TikTok video from # dexter. Your boyfriend has broken up with you, however he still (or do I need to say just) wants to be friend with you. Does he want to get back together? If you want to get out of the friend zone with your ex get rid of all the traits that are giving you a low self-esteem. 1. If he has made it clear that there is no way you will get back together, or if you have decided this for yourself, and you know that he isnt wanting a committed relationship, you need to question his intentions. Being his friend now will lay the groundwork for more in the future. In the case where you dumped the guy, one common reason is that the guy doesn't want to be alone, he doesn't want to deal with his grief over the breakup, and he doesn't want to "deal with himself.". Sometimes you think you have yours under control and then.. BAM! If you enjoyed this article, check out some related posts like: Why Is My Ex Boyfriend Buying Me Gifts (10 REASONS! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whatever is causing them to leave or you to leave, they don't care if we have closure or not. He might be the type of person who always wants to keep his options open. How can i make him want me back as his girlfriend by remaining friends. Take your time healing from this one, and learn to listen to your gut when it's screaming at you to get away from a sneaky creep like this one. I split very amicably and didn't spend much time running after him. Dear F20s: Im Sleeping With My Ex-Boyfriend Who Has A Girlfriend What Do I Do?! Please tell. He will be thinking why isn't she calling me? Yet now he refuses to take them down surely for everyone to know that the "guy who punched" was the one who ended the relationship. Think of it like this. How are you now? The nostalgia and apologies are all signs that he is wanting to get back together again, and how you wish to proceed is completely up to you. So what ended up happening with your ex!? You need to be comfortable seeing him, and you need to know that seeing him (without the promise of getting back together) will not cause you more harm or pain. Healthy habits. Keep in mind that pushing your ex to much can be negative as well. What I will learn you in this article is to beat your ex in his own game. If he misses you it is because he is choosing not to be with you. 1. I did this to my cousin who lost her phone and needed a ride home after a party. A recovering perfectionist who's obsessed with good food, traveling, and bad tv shows (looking at you, Portlandia!). Flirt, but Keep It Subtle 9. If he does, he can just turn around and say, but I told you we were just friends and that's it. Naturally I do believe Id be upset when he does move on,but I cant imagine putting myself through the same grief with a guy who told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me while he was still being breast fed by his mother.I need someone who makes me a priority and doesnt give me ****ty excuses 11 months in, about why he lies to his family when he takes me to church trivia on a Friday night *rolls eyes*. However, make sure that he is not manipulating you or forcing you into a friendship you are not ready for or what you do not want. Agree to the age old lie he's offering. Shut your phone off if you have to and ignore any form of contact. He asked me to not hate him, apologised countless times, requested that I kept him on social media and hoped to stay friends in the future when our emotions settled down.He also mentioned the possibility of trying things later on when he feels he has "matured", but told me not to hold onto that. Dumpees often object to breakups. If you could convince someone to love you by sending a dossier over to them about the advantages of being in a relationship with them, then the world would just be full of guys learning how to write great reports to send off to supermodels! Did you go quiet on him for a few days? If your ex boyfriend means something to you, something that you don't want to let go of, then you have to read every word of this article. I stayed with him believing what he kept telling me, "if there's a will, there's a way". He broke up with me, but still wants me in his life **Updated**. He needed to be "on his own".Three weeks later he's on Tinder, messaging women twice his age because he feels lonely after ending things with me. Some beg and plead, some get angry, and some become manipulative and vengeful. Going through my own crisis at home, he chose to delay replying to my messages as he didn't want to be rude while out with the people he'd just made friends with. In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. So when he called me, I started to tell him about all the sex I was having with this new guy I met. Do you have a question or just wanted to journal it? And from what you describe not one worth being friends with! First of all, you need to start rediscovering enjoyment in your life. My bf and his baby momma are good friends am I over paranoid? You may never have heard an apology from him before, but now they dont seem to be ending! Avoid any physical contact with them unless you are comfortable with the relationship between you two, and dont do anything that you might regret later on. Personal development. Now he wants to be just very good friends. My boyfriend doesn't let me hang out with his friends. I'm curious to know others opinions of how I've decided to cope with this situation? Two years and three months into the relationship, he sat me down, started crying, and told me that he didn't love me. It's a very uncomfortable place to be! I'm in this situation now and really not sure what to do. So By entering this site you declare If the two of you have moved on and are genuinely wanting to be friends, then there really is no harm in hanging out. Staying around him will not make him want you back any faster. Now I promised I wouldn't text him anymore and to leave him alone until he texts me. One day everything was going great and then slowly he realised he was in a relationship and maybe it scared him? To help you work through this confusing time, and try to work out why exactly he is now wanting to hang out after you have broken up, we have listed some of the reasons it might be happening, and how you can work through it! I know the break is definite, there is no going back and this wasn't a meet up to beg him to take me back. We spent the next semester together and it seemed as if everything was okay until he blindsided me and broke up with me after our last final exam. If you think that this might be the case, and you are not sure that you can actually hold yourself back, it might be in your best interest to avoid seeing him and to put a pause on any hangouts until both of you have decided what it is that you want. After 3 weeks of texting, he wanted to make things official and me, the well educated, business savvy, attractive, honest, confident person that I was, was off the market. You just can't have any attachment really IF you think you can remain friends. Someone who is still talking to an ex is a major red flag for new love. He eagerly convinced me to come visit him without any of his friends or family knowing. So, me and the ex coworker are now talking again. But what is the re-attraction process? I can see why you feel your self esteem took a beating but now in hindsight when your vision is 20/20 you can see the red flags. I fail to understnd whether he evr loved me n if nt y ws he introducing me to his family But over time he will pull away slowly and even though he says he is not interested in dating anyone else, he can't predict the future and neither can you. Is he stringing you along? Basically being friends means nothing. Far far form a **** cookie. All Rights Reserved. However you are passionate to get him back. What you do NOT want to do is spill your emotional guts all over the place, as that is a big turn off. He said he'll message me in around 2 weeks time, and I've decided that if he does I need to practise self control and message him when I'M READY. You can find me on Instagram. Now, he wants me back. I wish you the best. My ex says she wants to be friends but doesn't act like she wants to. She was going about it totally the wrong way. He ended our relationship 4 weeks ago, and since then I've been thinking about where everything went wrong. It all comes down to get him attracted to you again. I told him I didn't care, and that he had to answer my questions to give me peace of mind. He no longer needs you there, and just like that, he will stop hanging out with you. I'm being selfish, I'm seeking closure. All of these questions, and likely much more, would be running through your mind. Very few dumpees accept the breakup on the spot - the moment their ex initiates it. If he can get you every time he wants without strings attached he will see you as a woman with a low self esteem. Hi all, The story behind my very confusing breakup with my ex can be found via my profile. This is not a question that can be answered easily and is all dependent on how you feel and what his intentions might be (which arent always clear!). Neither of us have any expectations/strings and it's cool for now. What Does It Mean If He Still Wants To Hang Out. Hey girls, today I'm going to talk to you about how to get him back in your arms, before he moves on and finds another girl. You only get one body and it is senseless to hurt it over a break up. "One last meeting" extends the pain. It just wasn't right timing, hard feelings by each.. After that I 'played around' for a couple years and ended up meeting my last LTR..10+yrsneedless to say, that didn't work out. Empowered living. Unless for any specific reason you wish to keep him in your life, don't bother doing the whole friendship thing, it will just end in heartbreak. I'm actually quite surprised with how well I've coped for only a week, and my family and friends have said the same. I don't know you personally and I don't have any psychic power to know this. It could jeopardize your chances with someone great because youre holding on to the past. I wish we could just get along and be friends with everyone, especially people we once cared so deeply for, but thats just not how the world works. To view or add a comment, sign in. I have gone through a lot of break up threads and I know a lot of people would just say to do NC.I have thought about it, and yes it would definitely make it easier, but being such an anxious person and wanting to change who I am and the way I respond to things in life, this would definitely help me build resilience.I can admit I feel sad when I drive past somewhere we used to hang out, but I am excited to meet someone who will give me the time, make me the priority and love me as much as I love them. If you stay his friend, you risk him keeping you in the friend zone and you having to hear and see him with another girl all while you have been waiting for him to come back, but he most likely won't because he never lost you. Next time, run when the red flags start waving. 8 Books About Self-Love To Transform Your Mental Health. Seeing the person you are trying to get over does not help the situation at all, and out-of-sight-out-of-mind is best most of the time. Boost Yourself 11. He sees no future with you. N after Wateva happened y does he wants to b he trying to get over with guilt or he genuinely wants frnz(he doesn't has any frnz in his life apart frm siblings) You don't feel the pain, the withdrawal because you still have that person around. He calls me throughout the day and even before he sleeps just like he used to when we were in a relationship. I became obsessive and had anxiety attacks often (ofc, unbeknownst to him). Please continue the discussion and post updates to this thread. It's not conventional friends where you spend time together & talk. I split very amicably and didn't spend much time running after him. I will admit this is somewhat of a vent, and would really like to share this here as I continue to move on with my life as best I can. It could be that he wants to hang out straight after breaking up, or you two havent been in contact for quite some time, and then he wants to hang out with you again. If he is asking for a friendship with you, ask if this is how normal friends act. . He continued to ask me to be "better to him" because he "loves me", before meeting up with me and telling me he couldn't do it anymore. He is the one who broke up with you and he doesn't get the benefit of being your friend and nothing has changed, so why the break up? The break up was everywhere, he was really emotional and said a lot of strange things, plus I wasn't prepared for it so naturally I have questions I want answered. Answer (1 of 9): Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that. Breakups can be lonely, and it could be that this is how he is dealing with the breakup, but it is not fair on you and it can really be a rollercoaster for your emotions. I flew up to see him, we fought everyday, he continued barking at me. Girlfriend Broke up with me, wants to be friends but I'm too deeply in love with her, My boyfriend broke up with me, but we are now friends with benefits. Mentioning this to him I was being "too pushy", and "complaining too much". He drives to my house wearing a shirt I'd bought him for Christmas. This means that he would be hanging out with you to keep you around, and he might even be quite flirty and touchy in order to make sure you are interested. I'm not ready for a relationship right nowLet's be friends. By indirectly showing your ex boyfriend that you are not just moping about, desperate for his attention, he's going to realize that you're an independent girl, and you don't need him as much as he thought. She was sending him essays after essays on social networking sites and by texts about how much he meant to her, and how she is the only girl that "gets" him. After my 10 day break with him, I was flying out while his family were flying in to see him.For the next week I received replies only when he was in the toilet.He admitted that he never messaged or called me in front of his family, yet I still stayed, I still loved him and as did he, supposedly. This doesn't mean going up to him and saying "I'm glad we're not dating". He broke up with you, he knows his reasons. Imagine that you win a large sum of money without working (winning the lottery). As much as that hurts, you have to do it. So consider how your relationship was, how it ended, and how your ex might be acting when working out what it means when he wants to hang out. His eyes began to wander, and I sat through dinners where he only ever complimented his friend's girlfriends. I know its not good to be friends but the way we act are still the same. Love just happens. The flags were there, but I was belittled to the point where you start to self blame, and I used to tell him that if I couldn't make it work with him, I couldn't make it work with anyone else.Although I can see how bad this relationship was for me, it is so hard to let go and stop thinking.In the end I am very lucky he ended it, as he dodged a bullet for me. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. I didnt even know? Idgaf anymore everyone is saying oh u guys look good together you guys should get . Copyright 1997-2022 I wasn't really looking for anything serious after my divorce and it was kinda long distance,even though I was travelling a lot to her town for a company I owned..anyways.. Once you start applying these initial steps, you are ready for the re-attraction process, which is where you truly learn how to get him back for good. You are well within your rights to cut contact with him if you need to, and if you feel like seeing him might be harmful to you. I can admit I cried a few times, but I think my ex was expecting a bigger reaction which I haven't given him to make him feel special.I would like to continue as I have now and possibly meet up to try this "friendship" thing in a few months time and see if it's actually something I would need in my life. Creating a mix of the two is the best way to make him want you back. What Well my boyfriend never gives me time he is always busy with his friends an Is it possible to stay friends after an affair. What could happen is he could act as though the two of you might get back together, only to drop you suddenly one day when someone else more interesting to him comes along. I was unwell with a kidney infection while on an all day bus tour. Sorry, my question is how does the friendship thing work after a relationship?Is it worth it?What are other peoples experiences? When a man feels he can have a woman whenever he wants he will not want her at all. Drove her up to the middle of the forest which was pitch black and whipped my dick out, told her if she didn't want to walk she would have to suck it. Towards the end of the year I had only been at his house once and met his family on a few occasions. Smarter relationships. Please eat something and take care of yourself. Yep, given his age "closure" means one last roll in the hay. You will be a stranger or at best an acquaintance. If that's not something you want to pursue, I can totally understand Again, sorry to be cruel. I had a found another guy by then so I just moved on. Start hooking up with your friends and update your Facebook profile whenever you are out or doing something cool. If you think this might be the case, and if you have an idea that he is talking to other people, rather dont hang out and remember that you deserve so much better. so how can i pull back as a friend too if have to? Love is an emotional feeling, and if you want to get him back, you need to reignite the emotion that he felt for you when you were together. The sad part is he still doesnt want to be in a relationship again and he says he needs time. My opinion. It will kill all the sexual tension between the two partners. However, he can't miss you if you are always around. But when I would talk to him about it he started making demands like I'll take you back if you drop out of school and get a better job and an apartment in my area. Youre in love again. The only satisfaction Ive got out of keeping him on social media so far, is being able to finally post my vacation photosthe ones that I had to hide so that his family didnt know I was with him.Im sure this will have some type of consequences for him at home,but I was very clear about not being obliged to lie for him anymore if we werent together.If only he knew how good honest feels. Please eat something and take care of yourself. Around mid year I was paying for most of our outings, using my car and guzzling my petrol. I am a guy myself, I know how to male mind works and trust me, by the end of this article I'm going to show you how to get right inside your ex boyfriends head that he is going to be begging for you to come back. How does the person who breaks up with YOU ask for closure? Ending his relationship with you has left him alone, but he now finds himself between partners and flings, and he wants to keep his options open before deciding what to do. He might also be putting you in the friend zone to get all of the benefits of having an emotional support system there, without actually having to be in a relationship. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. It may look normal but it is an approach that won't work. i actually get it now but i think harm is already done cause i have been talking to him as a friend and hanging out with him but its all the same nothing has changed (thats the part it confuses me why is he calling me as like before? Make a positive change in your appearance. It's natural to feel that way, but you have to realize that you can't stop him from moving on. I hear you loud and clear you made my day how funny! I broke up with my boyfriend of two years after he left the door open and we couldn't find the cat. There is nothing wrong with the way you look now, but often a change of appearance is a quick way to gain confidence. I argued that he was selling me a false dream. Staying around him will not make him want you back any faster. You live & learn. He sent a temp check method asking if I was 'still down to talk" - since he made small talk, I just small talked back for a little bit, but again, kept it light.

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he broke up with me, but wants closure

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