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how to speak spiritually

Just as the fruits on a tree ripen at their own pace, so too, our souls mature and become enlightened at different times. The purpose of these exercises is to support you to release fear, gain clarity, and open space for relaxing into feeling at ease to express your true self. You may also receive some communication from your spirits while you're asleep. A medium may only be able to hear two or three pieces. Are you secretly afraid of speaking your spiritual truth? When your spiritual qualities radiate in your daily life, other people will want what you have and want to know how they can be like that too. Trying to manifest something major? Visions. Welcome to The Spiritual Living Blog, over 50 million readers since 2013. Find the priest after the service concludes and talk to him. 1. Book Here ABOUT Spiritually Speaking was created with the intention of helping the collective to wake up and raise the vibration for themselves and for the planet. This page contains affiliate links and this site earns from qualifying purchases made through these sponsored links. You can call them at any time. For advice on how to contact spirits using a dowsing pendulum, scroll down! Listen to your dreams. Then imagine the light thread traveling all the way down through your body and exiting out of your feet. I'd suggest you work with a Spirit Guide to organize your visitors, most like to call forward a Protection Guide or a Gatekeeper Guide. Who are you concerned will judge or criticize you for speaking your spiritual truth? Begin the session by having all of the participants place a finger lightly on the planchette, and then have the medium invite the spirit to visit. Greet the Holy Spirit as a person every morning. We each have three layers to us: First, we have the Self, also known and the mind or the ego. Many people are fascinated by new ideas but others may behave defensively when you talk about practices originating in other cultures. ", Gabriel says the secret lies in being intentional. Ive got your back. Enter Email Address, The Beach Is My Happy Placeand Here Are 3 Science-Backed Reasons It Should Be Yours, Too. Officially enroll on The Welcome Kit Page, Check your email to confirm your course subscription, Your Welcome Email will arrive within minutes and your first lesson, at 9am the very next morning. The 555 practice is a morning mindfulness practice created by Uma Beepat that can put the mind in a state of spirituality. When you give, you'll find that you get more in return. This is impossible to prove. Offer a prayer to the universe. Most of us talk regularly and throughout the day. Introduction One of the things that set humans apart is that we talk to communicate. In this case, 86% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. God can speak to us in several ways, through his word, our thoughts, an inner voice, dreams, angels, and even directly. Instead, sink into your soul and allow the divine to work through you. So just keep in mind you may get bits and pieces to begin with and the rest filters in after the initial transmission. 3. Drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to share any of your journal experiences as I would love to hear from you! Heres a great song to help you journal your Speaking Your Souls Truth. Spiritual Mediumship. "It's like when you meet someone and think they're not good for you, or that you feel you should take a chance on a job. Three of us learned to meditate around the same time but the fourth was a holdout. 1. Mentally express an interest in communicating with positive spirits to draw them to you. What do you spiritually stand for? Read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. Something supremely special happens when you set an intention of any kind. Step 3. Safety. I was afraid of what others would think of me. However, it's best to call them during the day because you will be less afraid. Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. 1. I guarantee most priests or pastors would be happy to talk to someone looking for spiritual guidance . Use a crystal necklace that was owned by a deceased loved one. However, while God speaks, other voices also speak. Try praying those words or . Fairies and tree spirits are considered devas and this type of spirit help individuals who have shown respect toward the earth. I want to support you to move from a contracted state into an expanded state of energy. Let it be loose, and then write up what they're saying. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. Being spiritually minded is a matter of life and death. Plain water is powerful and effective in its own right as well. After you've grounded your energy, and set your intention, notice when you feel, see or hear a vibration present. there are any negative spirits and how to keep them away, thanks. As we lose loved ones, some of us are interested in communicating with their spirits within the spirit world, and Gabriel's job is to act as a guide. You thought you were waking up at the crack of dawn to go pee every morning, but it might be something else. Keep it simpleno one will be interested in something that sounds too complicated. This is your souls strong point of view and where you need to spiritually trailblaze! Set the Mood As with all ceremonies, your physical environment should be prepped to support these subtle energies. If you're not the direct type, most churches have websites with contact information. The thing with spirits is that they don't "cross to the other side" after they die, so they're operating in the Earth element, which is why you can communicate with them. Should I call spirits at night or during the day? Sadly, many of the conflicts in the world today are the result of one group trying to impose its idea of spirituality on another group. When the news of the adulteress was brought to Jesus, he wasn't hasty to pass judgment or respond. Make sure your friends will take the process seriously. Spend time on questions that make you think about your life and its meaning. Here are some tips to help you activate speaking in tongues: Begin to thank God that He has given you the ability to speak in tongues. This can help you track the movements of the crystal. The term planchette refers to the small wooden arrow used to navigate the Ouija board. 6. Then during the full reading, the Spirit World goes more slowly, and the pieces are ironed out. The next step is opening energetic space and aligning you with expanded state of consciousness. To communicate effectively with someone, you have to first know who that someone is - this article goes over the first signs a Spirit is present. Sometimes if I have a formal reading, I'll get all the messages really quickly ahead of time, and I write down the bits and pieces in notes. When talking about your spiritual journey, try to be humble and careful not to sound as if you are superior in some way. After you are done asking questions or complete receiving, thank your Spirit friend(s) for sharing their messages with you. Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Set the highest intentions and create boundaries. "Our spirit lives on when we die, but we do see instances where people have something that's really tethering them down to the Earth, and so they get stuck here and can't move on," says Gabriel. Finally, dont be frustrated if some people arent interested in your practice. The simplest and easiest way to interest others in your spirituality is often not through what you say but by the life you lead. However, with enough calm and grounded energy around, you can also use it to call forward and connect with the higher vibration subtle energies in The Spirit World. Start by making simple, monosyllabic sounds. Hold the end of the chain in your dominant hand. The best and most productive conversations are had with Spirit when you are centered in your seat of self. God can teach through them all! Discover your Dosha in seconds and get on the path to better health. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. 4 Mistakes That Are Causing You to Waste Money on Skin-Care Serums, According to an Esthetician, These Are the Best Anti-Chafing Denim ShortsAccording to Some Very Happy Reviewers. Take any messages received with a grain of salt. Silently bless the world with your Love and Light wherever you go and to whomsoever you meet. "It helped me to know more about ghosts and the use of a Ouija board. and when it comes to spiritual practice, it's like the universe wakes UP to help you accomplish what it is that you seek. "You might try walking in nature, putting your phone away, and practicing deep-breathing," says Gabriel. 2022Well+Good LLC. When youve just finished meditating on a flight and the stranger sitting next to you asks you what you were doing, he or she may not be expecting or wanting a 30-minute lecture. As Harvard Business Review points out: "This wisdom has been around for a long time: "We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.". You look like someone who loves free workouts, discounts for cutting-edge wellness brands, and exclusive Well+Good content. People start doing yoga for all kinds of different reasons. Before you can stand in your confidence, you must learn how to clear the energy around speaking your spiritual truths and what you stand for. Everyone has a spark of Light, deep within, waiting to be fanned by the flame of spiritual awakening. Enjoy! Often when people are exposed to powerful biblical truths, they are drawn into a relationship with Christ. Before communicating with a Spirit, make sure that you fully define your boundaries of who you will interact with and when. To ground, bring your energy and emotions down to a centered place within yourself. And you can use the senses to pick up on messages from Spirit. And I'm not alone. "If you love me, you will keep my commands. Make the first sounds that pop into your head and allow yourself to. Well send you content youll want to readand put to use. "I'm going to start there. If a single Spirit has chosen you to communicate with, chances are, others will soon begin to come forward. Learn more about the time-tested and scientifically backed Chopra methods. 4. Starting Point 1: Read & Discuss the Bible For friends who have not yet followed Jesus, read and discuss the Bible together. Unfortunately, rather than encouraging him to meditate, we drove him in the opposite direction until, at the slightest mention of meditationhowever innocenthe would jump up and stamp out of the room. Earn the highest Chopra Certification available and expand your toolbox of offerings. This is to make sure you aren't potentially connecting with anything you don't want to be connecting with. You may come across a few challenges when explaining your spirituality to others, but here are some tips. You can think of accessing them as turning on and tuning into an old radio. Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. If he got a cold or had an argument with his girlfriend, we immediately pounced and told him that if he meditated none of those situations would have happened. Next is consciousness. How to Explain Your Spirituality to Others. You can also ground your energy by imagining a golden light thread coming down through your crown. He is the Spirit of truth. "What it's like is basically opening up a channel to spirits so that any spirit can come wandering through," she says, "and the problem is that you could easily pick up a lot of ghosts and stuck energy. By using our site, you agree to our. Pray for them, and then let them know. As you do, relax your tongue and allow the syllables to come up. When talking about your spiritual journey, try to be humble and careful not to sound as if you are superior in some way. Four- 3a Wake Up Calls. The three of us who meditated pestered him mercilessly. Others consider it a spiritual practice. Connect with me on Instagram: Listen for repetition or hints in the sounds you're making. . Waking up between 3 and 4 AM on a regular basis is a huge sign . Purchase or create a dowsing crystal. I want to support you to begin speaking your spiritual truth, and create a movement with what lights up your soul. Some say it's daydreaming, but visions are dreams that you have when you are wide awake. Vinegar tastes sharp and acidic. We want to address any energy that you feel contracted in so we can realign you with expanded energy. Of course, just how to do this may be different for everyone. Relax & Ground. Its sometimes easy to forget that everyone and everything in creation is connected by a spiritual web. What needs to happen for you to feel and become the ultra-confident spiritual person that you are? Now write out what you stand against! 7. Ryan Yokome 2019. . Discover short videos related to how souls speak spiritually on TikTok. Let me tell youI was shook. You likely have a few of the psychic senses already activated strongly in you. Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. Tell them how much they mean to you. proverbs 29:20. Before communicating with a Spirit, make sure that you fully define your boundaries of who you will. Avoid being confrontational by challenging someone elses beliefs. Visit a specialty herb shop and pick out a crystal. Power Animals are totems of power. Get it daily. "Say that you'd like to work with the highest vibrational guides available to you," she says, "and then you can ask them a question, take a deep breath, and relax your hand. Keep praising Him and thanking Him in your. What gave you the courage to confidently stand in your vision and follow through to see the creative idea completed? I know for me sometimes I struggle with coming down hard on myself or being in fear when Im in a contracted state. Do you ever ask yourself why you get in your own way? Hear her out on this, though: She says you should never, ever be afraid of ghosts (AKA spirits). "And there's not just one way to connect with them," she says. The 7 Basic Steps For Connecting With The Spirit World Step 1. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. This article has been viewed 571,858 times. Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast: By following the below steps, you can open your connection to The Spirit World safely and easily. Your practices may seem important to you but be open and accepting of other practices and points of view. Avoid being confrontational by challenging someone else's beliefs. But if you want them to speak to you, and they haven't already started, ask them questions. What changes have you noticed in your life, your health, and your relationships with others. Verse Concepts. Write out a few ideas and beliefs that you can get behind. 8 Steps To Working With Spirit, Mediumship 101: 6 Steps to Developing Your Connection, Your Psychic Senses: How Spirit Communicates With You. Also, now I know if. A 14-day journey to unlock the secrets to safe spirit communication. When Satan tempted Him, Jesus wasn't just quoting scriptures, he'd embodied it. Photo of orange sky and clouds by Pixabay from Pexels with text overlay The 7 Basic Steps For Connecting With The Spirit World -. 2 Samuel 23:2. What you stand against is typically the things in life that anger or frustrate you. Watch todays video below then follow the three-step exercises! Hi, I'm Amanda! In theTalking To Spirits eCourse, youll learn everything you need to: Understand how spirits communicate with us, Learn how to use your intuitive abilities to interpret Spirit messages, Develop prayers and intentions setting for safe connection, Contact your Spirit Guides and Angels on the Other Side, Demystify the spirit communication process. "The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue. How can you reconnect back into your spiritual power today? 3. I dont want you to bulldoze over your feelings and emotions with willpower. Anyone with an open heart and a willing soul, can sit with Spirit and begin to communicate with The Spirit World. Through daily prayer, mediation, creation of art, music, food, and ceremony, the ancestor spirits can communicate, guide, protect, and heal the living. Connect with me on Youtube: Light a white candle, sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath, she instructs. Of course, just how to do this may be different for everyone. One of the most beautiful aspects of spirituality is that it can be experienced differently by everyone. Determine "yes" and "no" . If you store the planchette and the board together, you risk unintentionally inviting spirits into your home. They'll start talking really fast. Thanks! "It basically just involves spending five minutes in meditation, five minutes stretching, and five minutes mentally preparing for the day," explains Beepat, a consciousness coach and owner of Lotus Wellness Center. While not everyone believes in the existence of a spirit world, however, for those who do, there are a few things to get straight before diving into how to communicate with spiritslike what spirits are, in the first place, and, perhaps more notably, what they're not. The 7 Basic Steps For Connecting With The Spirit World, this article on identifying the different vibrations of Spirit, this article goes over the first signs a Spirit. Its like hearing the voice of God yet . 4. Gabriel dubs spirit-focused writing meditations as "automatic writing." As French philosopher and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Everyone is spiritual, whether they are willing to admit it or not. ",,,, "I had no idea how to contact a specific spirit, now I know and will be able to talk to them. Avoid using tools. If you have a regular spiritual practice, you are presumably receiving some benefits, and that is a good place to start the conversation. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. "Don't use tools like an Ouija board or a pendulum if you aren't trained to do so," warns Gabriel, who stresses that training is required for using either of these powerful platforms correctly. God is always there. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at You may also receive some communication from . Last Updated: August 18, 2022 "It's a very focused, specific station when you want to reach for someone," she explains. You will always move through a contracted and expanded state. Speak out boldly. Method 1 Exploring Your Personal Well-Being and Self-Awareness 1 Dig deep to figure out your purpose and your values. Be polite when talking with spirits and treat them with respect. 1. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Say an affirmation like "Only my highest good comes to me.". Your spirit guide is prompting you, so it's all about quieting your mind so that you can hear what your gut is saying." The fear of abandonment, letting people down, not feeling good enough, or creating conflict to name a few. Fear can invite negative energy. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Answer the questions below in your journal and allow the answers to flow through you. :) So helpful and knowledgeable. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. Approved. Many psychics discourage the use of Ouija boards as they can invite negative spirits into your home. We receive input through sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. No one wants to be constantly preached at. Fear can invite negative spirits into the Ouija board. *** I think the Holy Ghost can speak to us through all of these languages/activities. You take the first step in moving your mouth, lips, and throat to give the words. "If you can elevate and quiet the mind, you start to connect with the higher vibration spirit worldyou can focus on that vibration and connect with loved ones. My eBook, theSpirit Identification Key- has more information on how to identify who is present, but most importantly pay attention to how you feel. - Listen to How to Speak to the Spiritually Dead: Ephesians 5:8-14, Part 8 by Look at the Book instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Spirituality isnt just the time you spend meditating, praying, or doing yoga asanas. Photo of orange water on shoreline and horizon by Nathan Cowley from Pexels. Verse Concepts. Everyones destiny is enlightenment. Often this the trigger for a deeper personal connection. If you feel a presence lingering after youve ended the session, burn some sage incense to cleanse the room. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. She explains that the "bumping into" feeling is essentially that energy you feel when you visit a historic place, or when you're in a place with undeniably strange vibes. The lesson: Dont try to convert anyone to your way of thinking if it is against his or her wishes. This is the identity part of you; who you identify as - woman, man, young, old, married, single, as a parent, and so on. This enabled him to refute Satan's tactics. Well, here are ten things that may happen to you when you have a spiritually gifted nature. This way, whether anyone is interested in your practices or not, they wont be able to avoid benefiting from your radiance. 2. Its how you live your life. Others seek out a more personal connection with their spiritual side by engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation, spending time in nature or creative expression. "It can be very frustrating at first because you want to connect with them immediately, but it doesn't work like that," she says. You dont have to convince everyone join you. Did you notice that your life flowed much easier and synchronicities showed up in your life? Devas are devoted to our planet and come in energies different than angels. Total Well-being Teacher and Coaching Certification. And that is where you get this amazing connection and beautiful energy that can assist you in your life and help you in healing.". Pay attention to those sounds that you tend to naturally. We react and interpret the physical realm around us according to the messages received through those senses. "DO" Something. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Your spiritual truths are what will also create programs and products that you can stand firm in to make an offer and enroll clients or customers. Read . The world crushes the dust under its feet but the seeker after Truth should be so humble that even the dust would crush him/her.. Submit Video/Podcast; Search for: Some people prefer to dangle the crystal over a circle drawn on a piece of paper. ", "I have a ouija board, so it gave me tips on that.". Mahatma Gandhi said, The seeker after Truth should be humbler than dust. Answer (1 of 4): The fact that you speak 'regularly' suggests a spiritual connection already exists. She breaks her HIGHLY effective manifesting practice down into 5 steps that are easy to follow. Below, she shares her best advice for doing just that. Have a dog. Using a Dowsing Pendulum 1. This song will help you get into energetic alignment while you are journaling.Listen Here, Subscribe Here: When you hear about anything new, you may ask yourself, Whats in it for me? or How could I benefit from this? People are more likely to be interested in something thats proven to be useful to someone else. Lay down a white cloth of some sort as the base of your altar or shrine. The world is unable to receive him because it doesn't see him or know him. When you respect others, they are more likely to listen to what you have to say. If they show a lack of respect, it could have bad consequences. The connection is clear. You do not need to think about what words to speak. Your spirits lift to new heights when you give to others, because you know that you're using your gifts to their fullest potential. Stay focused. Speak from your own experiences, such as: Avoid using too many foreign words or phrases. The thing is, if you're just sitting and waiting for something to happen, you aren't actively moving towards your aim, you're just staying stagnant. A dowsing crystal is a crystal that's hanging on the end of a string or chain. Looking for a specific topic? Most Relevant Verses. Here are the best ways to be in communication with these beneficent forces: 1. However, if your dog avoids a certain part of the house, you may be living with a spirit. We each have a way to do this, so use your way, and get to this place. Paul said in Romans 8:6, "To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.". He sends us to open the eyes of the spiritually dead through our words. ", "This was great. Whenever you are having a difficult conversation, the expert advice is always to listen just as much, if not more, than you talk. So take steps, huge or small, which will in some way get you closer to where you want to be. I had many fears surface when I thought about speaking my truth. Become a spiritual lighthouse. One of the biggest barriers to your spiritual growth may be prideparticularly spiritual pride. An introduction to the concept of sattvik living (Spirituality in daily life) 1. Remember, you only judge from your own level of ignorance. If any of your friends are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, dont let them participate in the session. Take theTalking To Spirits eCourse. Certainly share your practices with your family and friends but learn when to stop. All of the services as Spiritually Speaking are designed to lift you to your next level, release the stagnation, and allow your light to shine brightly! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 571,858 times. 2. There is no training required in learning how to contact your Spirit Guides rather a gentle and loving heart will draw in exactly the blessings you seek. 12) Listen as much as you talk. "They can make you feel weird, but that's it. Sage incense can be bought online or at specialty herbal supply stores. It is as if by doing them, we are more open to be led by the Spirit. Here are 7 ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us: Through the Inner Witness Through Revelation Through an Audible Voice Through Spiritual Vision Through Spiritual Senses Through Inspired Ideas Through Spiritual Discernment The Holy Spirit still speaks to us today. Empaths are known to have mediumistic ability, though most use it with physical people around them. For most of my life, Ive struggled to speak my souls truth. 2. The Talking To Spirits eCourse is designed to teach you all the tools you need to start communicating with Spirits immediately and to finally understand the entire process - from start to finish. 2. Case in point: My dreams about my grandmother. Fourth was a holdout too complicated, taste, and exclusive Well+Good content gave you the courage to confidently in... 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