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mars in gemini august 2022

This Mars retrograde journey through your 12th house could equally possible be about reconnecting with your creative fire, with your passion and desire. 3. Thank you! Mars enters the sign of Gemini, signaling a major transit for a planet that tends to bring into action anything that it conjuncts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Basically were talking about Eros and Thanatos here; the two forces that drive us according to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. But no matter whether you already have a diploma or not; we all remain students of life until our very last day. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Almost always energetic. But also, fun, exciting and passionate friendships may enter your life (Mars may bring you party friends; not so much the shoulder to cry on). Otherwise life would be too simple and easy, we wouldnt be challenged to learn, grow and overcome. Try to be honest with yourself though, about your needs, boundaries, desires, etcetera as much as possible. If you want to change your direction, you may want to rewrite the past. Where it seems like the challenge is too big to overcome. Start here. However, the restlessness of Mars in Gemini may be distracting, making you jumpy and more neurotic than usual. Last, creativity and fertility matters will see an influx of luck, so if youre eager to pursue these, hop to it! On one hand, you could be amplifying your income tremendouslybut youre also likely to be burning through cash just as fast! Mars is connected to our passion, our drive, our lust for life. Mercury turns direct in Virgo October 2, 2022; Mars Transit in Gemini - October 16, 2022; Sun Transit in Libra October 17, 2022, from Virgo; Venus Transit in Libra October 18, 2022; July 23August 22. Bonnie Gillespie ~~ Enoughness is an inside job and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. If we ignore our anger, our frustration, our pain, but also if we ignore our passion, our desire, our motivation for life, it will start to haunt us in our dreams. Your email address will not be published. Feeling held back from the things you want to do, struggling to achieve the goals that you want to achieve, office renovations that do turn the office into a temporary battlefield, job interviews that make you feel like youre sweating hot sauce, its all possible. Mars will be in the sign of Gemini for 217 days, almost seven months: August 20 2022 March 25 2023. Martian love is the type of love that comes with lots of pleasure and lots of pain. And sometimes, more often than not actually, it takes a while to figure out where and how to direct our energy and passion. August 19, 2022. Here are the details: Mars enters Gemini on August 20th, 2022. Archetypal Astrology, Tarot & Counseling by Maud Gemmeke. As mentioned, the 12th house is also a creative place. We are willing to work longer hours on a project we are passionate about, are talkative, and enthusiastic. Sometimes aggressive. Learn how your comment data is processed. Gemini is on the 4th house in your birth chart, which is the area of the birth chart that is all about home, housings, roots, foundations, parents, ancestry and private life. Maybe even so smooth, or exciting, or so well; that you totally forget about your private life. Last, youll notice that youre bounding around through short-distance travel quite a bit. How do you want to show up at the office? Have faith that any rejection is divine protection, that any closed door means that another one will open, that any ending will bring a new beginning. Know that its temporary. The 12th house is the most hidden place in the birth chart, sometimes not even visible to oneself. be the opposite during retrograde? As Mars makes his journey through Gemini, hes rearranging the interior of your 9th house; which is the house of future plans and dreams, of higher knowledge, studies and learning, faraway travels and philosophy and religion. Mars will be retrograde from October 30th until January 12th. Mars is in Gemini from August 20, 2022 until March 25, 2023. Mars is in Gemini from August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023. As I wrote in my musings on Mars in Gemini (see the next article on the homepage), Mars likes to fuck and Mars likes to fight. Mercury stations direct about a week later so it might take a few weeks for problems to be resolved and confusion to dissipate. Writer blocks are challenges to overcome. In this case, Mars will spend 7 months in the sign of Gemini.This transit through the sign of Gemini brings in a very different archetypal expression then what happened in 2020-21 when Mars spent 6 months in the sign of Aries (which is the current incarnation of Mars until Dec 7th).Im co-facilitatinga Mars in Gemini webinar on August 22nd(that also discusses the end of this phase of the Mars cycle and the beginning of the next Mars cycle)right here with Daniel Giamario. Oh what a joy. By learning how to build your brand, target your buyers, create content that showcases you best, and pitch like the rockstar you are, youll build a fulfilling career (wherever you live) that helps rocket you to the next tier. Which isnt always about standing up against someone, sometimes its actually standing up against ourselves. Be kind to yourself dear Capricorn. Your perception will be faster and you can understand new ideas quicker, easily picking out the details you need. Have faith that any desire is worth exploring. All this talking will be stimulating and you may be hyperactive, running around the local neighbourhood and feeling wired. By the time Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, things will have balanced out. As Mars fires up your social sector, youll be having a blast with many friends as your social life ramps up to level ten. We are likely to be attracted to eclectic people and unusual places. Mars will be in the sign of Gemini from late August 2022 to March 2023, with a long retrograde from late October to mid-January. Mars, the planet of sex, passion and drive will spend an exceptionally long time circling the skies of Gemini. The red planet will enter here beginning August 20, 2022 to remain until March 25, 2023! The reason he will orbit here for so long is due to a retrograde phase, which will take place from October 30, 2022 until January 12, 2023. Mars Neptune alignments create uncertainty and confusion, and with Mars in Gemini the effect will be amplified. You may feel like you need more hours and you need more days. This planet lends energy to any given situation and draws energy from the sign it is in. It will feel tough to remain still. I love the face you put on Mars- he looks like hes up to something! But honestly, important colleagues, best friends, enemies and frenemies, and also clients; you may all encounter them in the 7th house. Fire needs fuel, and an Aries needs lots of it. Try to tap into the Mars Saturn trine which will bring you back down to earth if youre willing to do some hard work on your ideas to make them real. Last day of Mars in Taurus, a sign it wont return to until 2024. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Youll be quite busy working on projects behind-the-scenes for many months ahead, Cancer. After Mars goes retrograde, theres a total lunar eclipse at the Full Moon in Taurus on 8 November when retrograde Mars is trine Saturn and still square Jupiter and Neptune. Not everyone will like it when you stand up for yourself. When a planet goes retrograde it doesnt necessarily flip to its opposite it means its energy gets turned inwards or it becomes misdirected and confused. Communication is on fire. published August 09, 2022. His trines to Saturn also in air will help to bring our restless and possibly anxious energy back down to earth and assist us to bring discipline to our actions. Thanks! What are your hopes and dreams? What does good fortune have to do with that? Our need to make new social contacts and connections is incredibly intensified. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Or you may find yourself rather frustrated with your love life, determined to make changes, going in pursuit of prince or princess charming. Too much confidence may make us fly like Icarus; trying to fly too high and getting burned by the Sun. The 5th house is said to be the domain of Venus, not exactly a place where Mars feels at home. And with our creative projects the question often arises: am I creating this for an audience or for my own pleasure? By the same token, misinformation and fake news spread at the speed of lightning, creating a lot of confusion. There will probably never be enough hours in a day, days in a week, to do all the things you want to do. Mars enters What is really unusual about this years upcoming transit of Mars in Gemini though is the length of the planets continuous stay in this sign: 217 days, from 20 August 2022 to 25 March 2023! Disruption and communication breakdowns are more likely around this time. In the upcoming months, you may not experience it as peaceful as you would like it to be. Most generally though, having Mars making a retrograde journey through the 11th house, speaks about the rearrangement of social contracts. If committed, you could be taking the next step, whether that is making serious plans, moving in, getting engaged or even becoming married. Its the place that we enter when we go to therapy, when we lay on the psychoanalysts couch. Yep, that's how it feels knowing that the Mars in Gemini stretching from August 20, 2022 to Dont give up. There will be an enormous amount of frenetic talking over the next 7 months and a lot of it will be pure bullshit and empty words. Mars retrogrades in the sign at Venusian love is easy; its the love at first sight with the happy wedding fairytale ending. We are more assertive and direct in speech, clever, and resourceful. Teachers probably can attest to that. We may see connection failures, technological breakdowns, power cuts, hacks, theft and fraud, and perhaps a cyber war fought via deep state bots on social media. . As Mars makes his journey through Gemini, hell be helping or forcing you to rearrange your contracts and/or list of contacts. When I ran a writers group, many years ago, there was always a couple of writers who talked and talked and never wrote a word. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Be careful what you believe. Youve got this! Mars will ingress into Gemini on August 20th, 2022. Mars will turn retrograde in the sign at 25 degrees on October 30th, 2022. Mars direct at 8 degrees Gemini on January 12, 2023. Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on March 25, 2023. Just thinking about this makes me laugh. I get a kick out of Mars in Gemini. Its like hopped-up cleverness. Sounds like a lot, right? Mars retrograde on its own can be confusing enough, especially in Gemini, but add a square to Neptune into the mix and its a recipe for real (and imaginary) problems. In Gemini, Its a good time for writing, podcasting and debates, and you may spend more time online connecting on social media. Mars in Taurus is slow and steady, although hes been jangled by his run-in with Uranus and the north node. 4 - What do the colors in the cards represent? Hot tips: get versatile, flexible and as bendy as possible. Mars will be spending a very long time in a fellow Air sign and ready to push you to pursue new horizons. In September, Mercury stations retrograde in Libra trine Mars in Gemini, which isnt too bad, but the December retrograde could be more disruptive. What keeps the inner engine going? Dont let other people talk you down! Not necessarily a fun thing, but its oh so damn liberating. What is really unusual about this years upcoming transit of Mars in Gemini though is the length The reason for this is that we will be undergoing an intense Mars retrograde cycle that begins on 10/30 and continues into the new year ahead. Our love of a stimulating debate could easily turn into verbal sparring. Sep 17. Mars transits often signify a mix of following ones own desire or passion, and experiencing pain / separation. Mars, the planet of sex, passion and drive will spend an exceptionally long time circling the skies of Gemini. Every now and then we need to take a look at the demons that weve swept under the rug. In the upcoming months you may decide to part ways with someone, because you dont want to, or can, walk the same path anymore. A journey into your personal underworld. More than ever is it important that we choose our battles wisely. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Our curiosity is so high, and our mind so hungry for mental stimulation, that we may find ourselves wanting to absorb more information than we can possibly process. Rummage in thearchives hereor exploremy books. This long journey of Mars in Gemini may be symbolic for a psychological journey. Youre not doomed. Whatever your rollercoaster ride will be like, enjoy the ride and make sure you use condoms (and protection against dicks and douchebags in general). While Mars makes his journey through Gemini, you may find that you want or need to change your routines, in order to feel energised. Dear Pisces, as Mars makes his way back and forth through Gemini, he will be rearranging your living room and basement. We all have an inner soldier, warrior, hero, aggressor, dominator, pursuer, and the like. More than ever do words exert tremendous power. Feel free to leave comments below. In the upcoming months you will probably take steps forward and a few steps back; have the wind in your back en have the wind slowing you down. So with Mars in Gemini retrograde therell be more confusion and poor communication, muddled thinking that kind of thing. You can sign up now and work at your own pace. Mars transits usually arent pleasant But its a good, healthy and sometimes even necessary thing to do. Rather excel at two jobs, instead of drowning in four. What we normally did not have words for, we are finally able to acknowledge. This is a tense and unpredictable moment. If you get rejected after a job interview, consider it divine protection (I know youll probably not experience it that way, but trust me it is). A pet having health issues, and it taking a while to figure out exactly what is going on, might cause some expensive veterinarian bills. . Required fields are marked *. There arent, you aint gonna get them. The f 1 - Introduction to mastering Tarot Spreads. What is it that you want out of life? Every good book, every good movie, has a chapter or scene where it seems like things are not working out. This will encourage you to take the lead in every single waypersonally and professionally. Your partner leaving their dirty socks everywhere may frustrate you more than ever. However, its happening in the middle of the Saturn Uranus square which tightens in October, followed by a couple of eclipses. As The Archer you are born to aim and shoot. We enter the 12th house when we enter the therapists office; but also when we enter the yoga shala, the meditation retreat centre and other secluded places from the society were part of, like a country far away, a prison, or creative place like photography dark rooms or music studios (the light and sound from outside locked out). Read more on Gemini here, and more on Mars retrograde here. Allow yourself to not know in what direction to go. On the flip side: Mars also comes with a dose of courage, passion and/or confidence for those who are in need of it. For singles, this is a fantastic moment to line up dates with people who represent long-term relationship potential. Ive gotchuu! The 12th house is the house of dreams, of the subconscious. By which Im trying to tell you: you can learn to cope with things, and nothing is set in stone. Give yourself that time. But, heres someone speaking with the experience of divorce: breaking contracts is painful, even when you initiate it yourself. We could choose to look at what might need to be improved and worked upon when it comes to, for example, our social media presence, our website and the language that we choose to put out message out there. Under normal circumstances this would be a potentially disruptive retrograde but not too difficult to handle. Taking steps backwards doesnt mean that there isnt progress, or that youll not move forward again. ), Personally, rather than getting into fights in the comments (or getting sexy in the DMs), Im spending this energy boost to my 9H largely *off* social so I can create my Chart Harmony oracle cards, journals, workbooks, app, and my next BOOK! The library will be the battlefield of your Mars. Which all sounds scary and dark and painful, though it really doesnt need to be that harsh. Mars, the planet of self-assertion, courage, leadership, and dynamic energy entered Gemini, the To support my work, donate below . In case youre a student, the classroom will be where you encounter your challenges and have your victories in the upcoming months. On 25 October theres a partial solar eclipse at the New Moon in Scorpio with the Sun, Moon and Mercury trine Mars, which is practically stationary by then and also square Jupiter and Neptune. Letter bombs are not ok. Mars is always up to something! As someone who works with groups of people (a rather challenging group; which is criminals) I know how differently group sessions can run. Mars entered Gemini on August 20th 2022 and will leave Gemini on March 25th 2023. 5 - What do the Symbols in the cards represent? The renovation of your living room will be done when Spring comes. Dear Libra, how and where are you investing your energy into your future? And I think that of all twelve horoscopes, I find this one the most difficult one to write. The next three are after the birth of the Gemini Mars archetype on December 7 2022, and when Mars is a youth and in training. Heres my post on the Insta if youd like to consume it there. Most different commentaries about Mars in Gemini 2022/23 emphasise this wildfire impact of Mars. Mars in Gemini That means However, the squares to Neptune may have us missing important details, feeling exhausted or experiencing a lack of motivation. On August 20, 2022, Mars enters dualistic, fast-talking Gemini for a seven-month circuit, until March 25, 2023. The reason for this protracted period? The red planet goes retrograde from October 30 to January 12, 2023. Forget about deciphering fact from fiction in 2022s final quarter! You can gather information and share it widely, make lots of new friends and expand your network. the one reason they ended up in prison, is because they didnt behave); which makes a Mars in the 11th house transit much more challenging to deal with. Take a walk outside if things get too heated inside. Sometimes the universe does it for us. I hope the useless office appliances will be in the garbage at that point. Our curiosity is at an all times' high, creating the risk that we become quite scattered. Mars entered Gemini on August 20th 2022 and will leave Gemini on March 25th 2023. Mars in Gemini - August 2022 to March 2023 - Bonnie Gillespie. And what is it that pisses you off? This is because Mars will be retrograde in Gemini. Often suppressing this energy, either killing it completely or having it come out, leash out, impulsively and aggressively after having it pushed down for too long. Every artist will tel you that their first project wasnt a good piece and maybe even a failure. Not a good idea to engage in any form of gossip. So often we suppress our life force. Theres always tomorrow. Balance is key, and the tips in Self-Management for Actors will put you well on your way to having the best manager you deserve: yourself! This is one of the best opportunities for singles to put themselves out thereyou could find someone who ignites your heart. We all are artists. Keep an eye on where this is happening in your natal chart so you can get a feel for WHERE the lessons will show up. 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mars in gemini august 2022

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