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list of mythological kings

"Berossus and the protestants: Reconstructing protestant myth". Photo via Wikimedia. This list may not reflect recent changes. Valley of the Kings, Where Pharaohs Are Buried. In 1904 Adolf von Harnack proposed that there had been a scribal error in Liber Pontificalis with Britanio' being written as an erroneous expansion for 'Britio', a citadel of Edessa, present day anlurfa in Turkey. He challenged the hero to a wrestling match but was defeated and killed. After the death of his close friend Phaethon, he mourned the boy with dirges on the banks of the river Eridanos, where he was transformed into a swan. Despite Periphas not having done anything wrong himself, Zeuss original plan was to simply obliterate the man from the face of the Earth. He was absolutely opposed to religious freedom, actively attempting to crush protestant churches within his kingdoms. [21][22] Revd F. R. A. Glover, M.A., of London in 1861 published England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim in which he claimed Tea Tephi was one of Zedekiah's daughters. Glover believed that Tea Tephi was a surviving Judahite princess who had escaped and travelled to Ireland, and who married a local High King of Ireland in the 6th century BC who subsequently became blood linked to the British monarchy. These are given in the "Synchronisation" column of the table below. (For some of his stories see the Crommyonian Sow, the Marathonian Bull and the Minotaur.). MIDAS A king of Phrygia who kindly entertained Dionysus' companion Silenus when he became separated from the god's company and as reward was given a golden touch. ERYSICHTHON (Erysikhthon) A Thessalian king who chopped down the sacred grove of the goddess Demeter and was inflicted with insatiable hunger. An important political figure, Salman also served as the Minister of Defense from 5 November 2011 to 23 January 2015. They named the boy Bharata and went on with their lives. ANDROMEDA A beautiful Ethiopian princess who was chained to the rocks as a sacrifice for the sea-monster ravaging the coast. Milner in his booklet The Royal House of Britain an Enduring Dynasty' (1902, revised 1909). [13] Geoffrey's book was later retold by Wace (in French) and Layamon (in Middle English); the final column represents Layamon's version. Most of these are probably mythical or only semi-historical. Des grantz geanz ("Of the Great Giants"), a 14th-century Anglo-Norman poem, contains a variant story regarding Albion, the oldest recorded name for Britain, and also contains a slightly different list of kings. The poem also attempts by euhemerism to rationalise the legends of giants; Albina is thus described as being "very tall", but is presented as a human queen, a descendant of a Greek king, not a mythological creature. Vedic mythology germinated from the Vedas, also known as Vedam, which are again a component of the Hindu Shruti. Some believe that his own men mutinied and killed him, while other stories say that his ships were destroyed by a storm. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | X | Z. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Since King Zedekiah of Judah had all his sons killed during the Babylonian Captivity, no male successors could continue the throne of King David, but, as Glover noted, Zedekiah had daughters who escaped death (Jeremiah 43:6). Basilisk - A legendary lizard who could kill a man with its stare. CYCNUS OF THYRIA (Kyknos Thyrios) An Aetolian youth who demanded many difficult labours of his love Phyllius. His wife, who was even further removed from blame, was turned into a vulture. In some forms of the tale, King Arthur didnt really want his knights running off on a quest to find the Grail because he believed that sending your knights far away from the kingdom they need to defend is generally a bad idea. ASCALABUS (Askalabos) An Attican boy who was transformed into a spotted lizard as punishment for mocking the goddess Demeter when she quaffed a drink to quench her thirst. edit. The heirs to the Celtic-British throne continued through the Welsh kings of Gwynedd until that line was forced to submit itself to the Plantagenets in the 13th century. Steahan Kingdom. He died of grief after accidentally killing his pet stag and was turned into a cypress tree. When Devayani discovered the children, she told her father, who cursed the king for his unfaithfulness by turning him into an old man. His death marked the end of the house of Brutus. However, since this was a crime against the natural order, Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt. CYRENE (Kyrene) A Thessalian princess and huntress. The Infant Zeus Nurtured by the Goat Amalthea, by Nicolas Poussin [Public Domain] 1. CYCNUS OF COLONAE (Kyknos Kolonaios) A champion of the Trojans in the first battles of the Trojan War. In order to honor Memnon for his bravery and skill, it is said that Zeus had birds swoop and fly over his funeral pyre, then finally fight each other and fall down dead in tribute. PYGMALION A Cypriot king who fell in love with an ivory statue. He was slain by Heracles who was sent to fetch the horses as one of his twelve labours. (For the story of his birth see Thetis.). [1] It is also claimed in Historia Brittonum, as well as Historia Regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth that the first King of the Britons was Brutus of Troy and that the island of Britain was named after him. [25][29] In an earlier publication in 1982, Covenant Publishing Co. admitted that Tea Tephi could not be traced in Irish literature or myth and may have been fabricated by Glover, but they clarified they still believed in the Milesian Royal House-Davidic Line bloodline connection (popularised by Hoeh). Scota first appeared in literature from the 11th or 12th century and most modern scholars interpret the legends surrounding her to have emerged to rival Geoffrey of Monmouth's claims that the descendants of Brutus (through Albanactus) founded Scotland. Fading away, he was transformed into a daffodil. He went out with a fleet of seven ships, but legend is unclear as to what happened to him after that. A central tenet of British Israelism is that the British monarchy is from the Davidic line and the legend of Tea Tephi from the 19th century attempted to legitimise this claim. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology: Oarses-Zygia. Gaea sent a scorpion to destroy him when he boasted he would hunt down all the animals of the earth. The Anglo-Saxon invaders ruled the south-eastern part of the island of Great Britain, which would become England, after that point in time under the Bretwaldas and later the kings of England. the ruler who liberated Vietnam from Chinese control after ten years of fighting from 1418 to 1428. A king is an authority unto himself, and is thus often depicted as a figure well above a mere mortal. ODYSSEUS A hero of the Trojan War, whose fleet was blown off course in a storm on his return. AMYMONE An Argive princess who was seduced by the god Poseidon when she came to Lerna in search of water during a drought. For some reason, he decided that his horses should be fed nothing but human flesh. In the old Greek legends, there was a great kingdom known as Argo. Yayati was married to a woman named Devayani and things seemed to be going well until a former princess named Smarmistha became a maid at their house. John Milton records these traditions in his History of Britain, although he gives them little credence. She was loved by the god Apollo who first spied her as she was wrestling a lion. Cool Mythical Kingdom Names. Several other genealogical links are claimed by British Israelites to connect the bloodline of King David to the British monarchy, one identifies Dara (or Darda) the son of Zerah of Judah as, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Locations associated with Arthurian legend,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Civil war; Britain divided under five unnamed kings, Charles W. Dunn, in a revised translation of, This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 18:38. The fragments can be found in Asher (1993) and include a king list. [28] However, like Tea Tephi, there has long been controversy about these identifications, mainly because of conflicting or inconsistent dates. The king himself, in these legends, is also ill or weakened and it is suggested that the two problems are inextricably intertwined. [20], Tea Tephi is a legendary princess found described in British Israelite literature from the 19th century. LYCURGUS (Lykourgos) A Thracian king who attacked the company of the god Dionysus driving him to seek refuge the sea. Meaning good man, hes a solid choice and a good alternative to the popular Evan. This name has multiple meanings in different languages. After King Mel there would be another 16 other High Kings in Ireland until the last serving King in 1166. The Norse Gods are the mythological characters from the Northern Germanic tribes of the 9th century AD passed down by word of mouth in the form of poetry. PANDORA The first woman created by the gods. CYCNUS OF ITONUS (Kyknos Itonios) A bandit prince of Thessalian Phthiotis who fought with Heracles, but was slain and transformed into a swan by his father Ares. DEUCALION (Deukalion) A King of Thessaly who survived the Great Deluge sent by Zeus to destroy mankind. Pausanias's Description of Greece Volume 3 ,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Either son of Deucalion or Earth-born, he deposed Cranaus and was in turn deposed by Erichthonius, Earth-born son of Hephaestus and either Gaia, Athena or Atthis, Son of Pandion II; construction of Trojan Walls by, This page was last edited on 18 April 2022, at 15:40. However, Apollo had been worshiped faithfully by Periphas, so he interceded with Zeus on behalf of the king. [18] He is credited as having founded the first civilisation in Britain and introduced agriculture. All the legends agree, though, that Ith and his men were not seen again until their bodies washed up on the shores of Breogans empire. Before being revealed as a hoax, the list found its way into John Bale's Illustrium majoris Britanniae scriptorum (1548), John Caius' Historia Cantabrigiensis Academiae (1574), William Harrison's Description of England (1577), Holinshed's Chronicles (1587) and Anthony Munday's A briefe chronicle (1611). The inevitable battle between the two demigods began, and the clash was incredible. The Welsh clergyman Edward Davies included this myth in his Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions and Languages of the Ancient Britons (1804): First, the bursting of the lake of waters, and the overwhelming of the face of all lands, so that all mankind drowned, excepting Dwyvan and Dwyvach, who escaped in a naked vessel and from then the Island of Britain was re-peopled. PELOPS A king of Pisa and the Peloponesse. The knight may find some relicsuch as a grailand use that to fix the problem, or he may need to discuss something with the king in just the right way. Parry, G. (2001). The boy was accidentally killed by a discus during a game of quoits and transformed by the god into the larkspur flower. He was slain by Heracles when the hero was brought before the altar. Skofnung belonged to the legendary Danish king Hrlf Kraki. Morganwg's triads describe the earliest occupation of Britain (Prydain) and contain a pseudo-historical reign of kings, beginning with Hu Gadarn, the "Plough King".[17]. Puru quickly became an old man, and Yayati was blessed with as much youth as he wanted. Myth and Identity in Early Medieval Scotland, EJ Cowan, Scottish Historical Review lxiii, No. (1st Kings were part of the Middle Kingdom) Wegaf I Amenemhat-Senebef Sekhemre-Khutawi The son of Laertes and the husband of Penelope, he was famous for his intellectual brilliance and versatility. The mammoth and the flood: an attempt to confront the theory of uniformity with the facts of recent geology, Sir Henry Hoyle Howorth, S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1887. These fragments were later revealed to have been forged by Annius himself, and are now known as "Pseudo-Berossus". She convinced the king to wed her as his second wife, and before long they had several children, all kept completely secret from Yayatis first wife. Brutus is a descendant of Aeneas, the legendary Trojan ancestor of the founders of Rome, and his story is evidently related to Roman foundation legends. PASIPHAE A Queen of Crete, the wife of King Minos. Following this morbid act of revenge, the dwarf king put a curse upon the halls. [12] In the Scottish origin myths, Albanactus had little place and Scottish chroniclers (e.g., John of Fordun and Walter Bower) claimed that Scota was the eponymous founder of Scotland and the Scots long before Albanactus, during the time of Moses. Before long, people were erecting temples to Periphas and worshiping him as a savior. Indras plan worked and the two soon had a daughter named Shakantula, but they unfortunately abandoned her as an infant. [31], For historical kings who used or upon whom was bestowed the title "King of the Britons", see, Monarchs derived from Geoffrey of Monmouth. The birds are supposed to return every year to do the same on the anniversary of his death. According to Hesiods Theogony, in the beginning, there was only Chaos. He was killed by local peasants who thought they had been poisoned by the new beverage. There are many myths and legend surrounding the Greek Demigod Achilles. According to Greek mythology Achilles was a demigod and the son of Thetis, a minor sea-goddess and Peleus, the king of Myrmidons, an ancient tribe of Greece. He is famous for being the stongest and the bravest of all the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War. The king never returned, and eventually the family gave up on him ever making good on his word. TENNES A king of the island of Tenedos who was killed by Akhilleus in a skirmish on the way to Troy. Just scroll down and choose one. Cleitor (mythology) Clymenus; Cocalus; Copreus (mythology) Corax (mythology) Corinthus; Skip to the content. The story of King Yayati comes from Indian mythology, and it starts with the age-old problem of infidelity. Banshee - A spirit appearing as a frenzied old woman whose high pitched shriek prophesied a death soon to come. The journey takes them 120 days, after which they finally find a beach on which to bring their canoes ashore. [26] She is described as the wife of rimn a Ml Espine (Milesian) and dated to 1700 BC (Geoffrey Keating: 1287 BC). PERSEUS A hero commanded by King Polydectes of Seriphus to fetch the Gorgon's head. Photo: DJMcCrady / flickr / CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0. She was killed by the hero in his quest. He returned with the prize and turned the king to stone. They are known as Memnonidae. Some of the most fascinating people in history are the great kings and leaders. EUROPA A Phoenician princess abducted to the island of Crete by the god Zeus who carried her across the sea in the guise of a bull. These were later revealed to be a mixture of forgeries by Morganwg and Williams' alterations to authentic triads. The following list of legendary kings of Britain derives predominantly from Geoffrey of Monmouth's circa 1136 work Historia Regum Britanniae ("the History of the Kings of Britain"). The story of the Fisher King is not necessarily the story of one particular king and is often tied into the quest for the Holy Grail. weapons, armor, clothing) found in mythology, legend, folklore, tall tale, fable, religion, spirituality, superstition, paranormal, and pseudoscience from across the world. The Albina myth is also found in some later manuscripts of Wace's Roman de Brut (1155), attached as a prologue.[9]. ENDYMION A handsome shepherd prince loved by the moon-goddess Selene. Devayanis father soon became wracked with guilt for the severity of the curse, but it was too latehe was unable to reverse the effects., Template Category TOC via CatAutoTOC on category with 301600 pages, CatAutoTOC generates standard Category TOC, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 July 2022, at 18:55. Indian mythology accounts for the existence of four Vedas namely Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. A. Goodchild in 1897 as The Book of Tephi, the work is, however, considered pseudo-historical or a forgery. HYACINTHUS (Hyakinthos) A handsome Spartan prince loved by the god Apollo. During the reign of King Anaxagoras, some women argued that the Earthly temples were better than those of the gods. The legends of these kings have long captured our imaginations. Elixir Kingdom. [25] A collection of alleged bardic traditions and Irish manuscripts which detail Tea Tephi were published by J. Geoffrey's narrative begins with the exiled Trojan prince Brutus, after whom Britain is supposedly named, a tradition previously recorded in less elaborate form in the 9th century Historia Brittonum. This is partly due to the fact that theyre usually well documented in history, but they also often had larger-than-life personas. 6 King Edgar The Atheling. Several 19th-century Christian authorsfor example, Henry Hoyle Howorth[19]interpreted this myth to be evidence for the Biblical flood of Noah, yet in Morganwg's chronology Dwyfan and Dwyfach are dated to the 18th or 17th century BC, which does not fit the Biblical estimate for the Noachian deluge. The people believed that the chieftains had supernatural qualities and that carving a giant head in their likeness would help the people retain that power, which would bless them with good harvests and fertility. She requested immortality for her spouse but neglected to ask for eternal youth, and he shrivelled up with time. Wishing to see to every corner of his realm, the king reconstructed the tower of Hercules. This list will be organized according to the category of object. The name of the King of Edessa contemporaraneous with Pope Eleutherius was Lucius Aelius Aurelius Abgar VIII.[5]. TITHONUS (Tithonos) A handsome Trojan prince abducted by the goddess Eos for a husband. If you spy a favorite fictional king that you think is the greatest but who's on the bottom of the list, vote him up to see him rise to a higher spot on the list. Lucius is first mentioned in a 6th-century version of the Liber Pontificalis, which says that he sent a letter to Pope Eleutherius asking to be made a Christian. All of them are regarded as the children of Lord Brahma, who created the Universe. One day, Glaucus was in a chariot race when the horses pulled apart and ate their own master. Memnon threw himself into battle and killed many highly skilled Greek warriors, but when he killed Antilochusa friend of Achillesit became personal. There are multiple versions of the story, but most involve either Hera or Dionysius cursing the women of the land with madness as punishment for their slight against their creators. (For one tale see the Calydonian Boar Hunt.). The king would allow people to touch him, but forbid anyone from actually gazing upon him. The list of mythological places in the world is endless. In Colchis he won the witch Medea for his bride. She bore him twin sons, Amphion and Zethos. Not wanting to anger a divine power, the king finally accepted Shakantula and Bharata as his own. Those who did touch him found his hands to be cold and disturbingly soft, so perhaps he had something specific he wanted to hide. Owen Tudor, grandfather of Henry VII of England, was a maternal descendant of the kings of Gwynedd; Henry's marriage with Elizabeth of York thus signified the merging of the two royal houses (as well as the feuding houses of York and Lancaster). Mythological objects encompass a variety of items (e.g. There was plenty of evidence that he was aroundhe would certainly eat the meals left out for himbut still nobody laid eyes on him. Edited by William Smith. CYPARISSUS (Kyparissos) A handsome youth of the island of Ceos loved by the god Apollo. ORION A handsome giant and hunter, companion of the goddess Artemis. But although its used widely in Arthurian legend, the tale of the Fisher King is not unique to those stories and could just be an allegory for government in general. So, the list below has some really cool names for a mythical kingdom if you are looking for one. The story of King Breogan begins with a bit of magic. Geoffrey constructed a largely fictional history for the Britons (ancestors of the Welsh, the Cornish and the Bretons), partly based on the work of earlier medieval historians like Gildas, Nennius and Bede, partly from Welsh genealogies and saints' lives, partly from sources now lost and unidentifiable, and partly from his own imagination (see bibliography). According to the legends passed on by word of mouth, there was once a great tribal chieftain named Hotu Matua, who lived in a place called Kiva. She was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a golden shower and bore him the hero Perseus. Upon his deathbed, the king divided the land between his sons, who all became great chieftains in their own right. With Memnons arrival, Troy once again had a fighting chance. In Hindu mythology, Asuras or demons enjoy the same status as Gods and humans. Although Athens is more commonly associated As she was about to leave angrily, the sky tore open and the voice of one of the gods told Dushyanta to take responsibility for his son and the wife he had married. Heracles was sent to fetch these as one of his twelve labours and slew the king in his quest. Knowing that Puru had been the most loyal and wisest of his children, he made him king and retired into the forest to meditate for his remaining years. As luck would have it, he chanced upon a magic mirror that let him see far beyond the borders of his kingdom. As a favor to Apollo, Zeus decided not to kill Periphas and instead turned him into an eagle. BELLEROPHON (Bellerophontes) A Corinthian prince who captured the winged horse Pegasus and destroyed the monstrous Chimera which was ravaging the land of Lycia. He was known for being a gambler and, despite his clammy hands, could work wonders on the harp. NARCISSUS (Narkissos) An arrogant Boeotian youth who spurned the attention of others and was cursed to fall in love with his own reflection. For more stories of heroes try the Bestiary page and associated entries, which features the fabulous creatures, monsters and giants encountered by heroes of myth. Note: some of the existing swords are named after earlier legendary ones. Edgar the Atheling was one of the shortest-reigning monarchs in British history. He was later elevated to godhood. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand. He is The flood of Noah is placed in the 3rd millennium BC, not the 2nd millennium BC, by the. ); O' Curry, Manners and Customs, II, 3. Browse through this list of the greatest fictional kings to find the ruler you are looking for. The story goes that one man was absolutely determined to get a look at the dwarf king, so he endeavored to get his chance. They were driven mad and dismembered one of their sons before being transformed into owls and bats. Being a descendant of the gods as well as a king, its not surprising that he was more than a little eccentric. [10][11] However some early Irish sources also refer to the Scota legends and not all scholars regard the legends as fabrications or as political constructions. Part of the Anglo-Saxon resistance during William the Conquerors invasion, he was elected king by the royal council in London in October 1066. Most of his children rejected his request, but finally his son Puru agreed to do so out of love for his father. As he continued to gaze upon the land, he became more and more enamored with it, and eventually he decided to set out on an expedition of conquest. 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list of mythological kings

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