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It was he who said in 2001: Our top priority was, is and always will be education, education, education. Later writers called him Arthur. Australian soldiers were considered by the British officers they were stationed under to be wild and unruly. Without the special sanctuary conditions governments provide they cant hack it anymore. The people feeling numb, in shock, anxious and depressed. ), She took my silver spurs, a dollar and a dime, and left me craving for more summer wine.. This also is empowering, I am not worried about having to have hot water, or very much water, etc, As others here say, I usually wash my hair ( with no shampoo) once a week, usually in the shower, since I have one, with whatever temp of water is at hand ( like others here, I often have the hot water heater turned off) and clean other parts in between. To deal with overcast days, with only 2-5% of peak production, would mean one locomotive can be powered for every 20-50 km of railway. Either way, I dont have much hope for UK (or indeed Western) politics. Electric cars in the abstract sound like a great idea. Remember Margaret Thatcher saying that if youre over 30 and still taking public transit, youre a failure? I like walking, but it was very hot, there were no trees to shade us, and sometimes no sidewalk. They have a newsletter with short articles, available gratis on the Societas Magicas website: http://www.societasmagica.org. If no PJ, I think this could be an NIT team at best. Lets Go Tigers! We heard that Mark is of average size but can only last 30 seconds! I developed this method during the Day Zero scare when our city was about to run out of water. JMG: I have of late been studying my ancestral religious tradition, which was forged in the wake of the Western Roman Empires collapse and has some experience at holding things together when everything is falling apart. Only you can do that you signed up for comment notification, you have to unsub. Solutions that have worked in the past with some modern takes, Off topic from wind and solar, this bit of news came out recently. Will take you to a adult toy store and buy you whatever sex toy you want and will make you use it in front of him. So they are definitely useful to soften the descent. Renewables can provide a useful amount of energy, most of the time. It was only a dream, but was most satisfying, as it made vivid and emphatic what must happen to correct the dreadful tendings of the criminally psychopathic enterprise that our government has become. What happens when large countries all convert and the price of the fissile material suddenly skyrockets? Perhaps its actually just as profitable as them, or actually _is_ better but _still_ isnt good enough to be economically viable. Those earning say 150,000 a year and paying higher rate taxes? Roman Catholicism, my ancestral tradition, has absolutely no issues with calling on Mary, the saints, or the angels and asking them to work miracles on your behalf, Id also note that Catholic folk magic was incorporating old gods and spirits long before Vodou and Santeria, and that most Hoodoo in the Protestant South incorporates a lot of King James Bible magic. Which seems to me to make it a useful example for how to look at some kinds of rosy depictions of certain technologies these days, because if the above were _true_, wed surely be seeing thorium fission plants being built all over the place. Quos Ego, obviously I disagree. Now, of more interest, this evening a local Kookaburra bird called to one of my dogs to get onto sorting out a rabbit. - Classof09 Mr. Greer wrote: On the other hand, its just possible that the people in power might remember that their job is to find solutions to fit the problems we face, not try to bully problems into fitting their preferred set of solutions. Catholic scholars tend to sweep it under the rug, while Protestant scholars point to it as Papist Superstition and Folly. I actually dont recall hearing or reading basically anything bad about it. I usually try to back up my statements with publicly available documentation. I think thats kind of hot though! And while you can wash your hair in the sink, I really hate doing so. Physics also play in favour of concentrating electricity from a large area in periods of low availability: the losses are the square of the current but only linear in the resistance of the wire, so concentrating a little electricity from a large area results in significantly less losses than if we simply extrapolate from the ratio of energy currently lost in transmission in current grids. I am worried for Britain. Will people these days be too embarrassed to take sink baths? Its physical characteristics make it useful in a bunch of energy uses. modify intake for vortec heads. To start with use the power output of the turbine multiplied by its capacity factor ( this is where most green energy boosters cheat). I am a bit hobbled right now and need to ride out for some more years Im afraid. My take is that solar thermal is far more viable than solar PV, and that windpower is extremely useful for intermittent mechanical energy late medieval and early modern windmills in western Europe contributed mightily to the economy of the time by grinding grain, pumping water, sawing wood, and doing dozens of other energy-intensive tasks whenever the wind blew. Dillon Hunter handles the ball well and provides nice size (6'4") and uncommon decision making for a freshman. Ive been bathing this way about three years now. you. Well, get over it. The religion is insistently secular, but it has us collectively predestined nonetheless. He has been known to come quick, but makes up for that with his mouth. If you're not a member click HERE to learn more about our community and join the fun! If climatic patterns shift favourably, the Volga Basin and even the enormous river valleys of Siberia (Ob, Lena, Irtysh, Amur etc) could support large populations in comparison to the worn out and energy depleted European peninsular. Venmo is preferred. Greg is average in size, but IS not into giving oral or doing much foreplay. This is something that British officials and ordinary Britons should have in mind for the future, since the worlds remaining concentrated energy reserves are depleting steadily with each day that passes. I use an electric kettle for heating water for bathing, and hand-washing laundry and dishes. No argument from me here, as long as what we mean by grid is large-scale synchronized electrical networks connected over thousands of kilometers with centralized production by a few producers, and the expectation from consumers that they can consume as much as they want anytime of the day or night. The US uses as much fraud as it does because its dominant minority is extremely vulnerable. Believe it or not, this guy can supposedly put TOMMY LEE to shame! Find out its elevation. (professional managerial class) Our mis-leadership class can and will nix any plan that improves the lives of the masses without also enriching the already rich, and theyll do it by labeling it as giving free stuff to undeserving poor folks. Interesting times coming up for the U.S. so JMGs entry this week is quite timely imo. The problem was, farmers preferred to grow GMO corn which converts efficiently to gas rather than food crops, and Germany was becoming a food importer. And if people stop believing the claims when they turn out to be false? Mirrors, carpentry, motor building, intermittent electrical micro-grids, bicycles, etc. Mister N, it does seem unlikely that the current elites will pay any attention to the sort of points Im raising. Steve is suppose to have a good size cock, whatever that means. An average size dick, but a good fuck. Its as though people have forgotten that the universe doesnt care what we want. I predict he will see a lot of minutes this year. When we asked David Lee Ralph what was in his pants, he said 6 inches and to the left. So there you have it. The bottom line is his cock is just like him, short. Deneb @ 183. Aldarion, of course theyre modest. It also deserves to be said here that the threat from global warming, serious as it is, is being wildly overinflated in the mass media and the climate-activist scene. Yeah, its the Apocalyptic Porn. I get the impression that invading Russia is what European elites do when theyre ready to die. There is no riot going on in his pants. If youre one of his side pieces of action, he demands you stay loyal to him while he can go get other pussy. Of interest was that the bird realised the dog would chase and kill the rabbit, but not eat it. If no PJ, I think this could be an NIT team at best. The chaebol he worked for cratered too. Some info about British canal and river freight: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/media/original/6213-a-proposed-strategy-for-waterborne-freight.pdf?v=96c75f, https://waterways.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/IWA-Freight-Policy.pdf, https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/media/library/1265.pdf, https://logistics.org.uk/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=c50e975f-cb4e-4905-8281-dbbbb60289be&lang=en-GB. Probably depends on how well he is into you, no pun intended. Could it be said that the cure for cancer is to modern medicine what controlled fusion and commercially viable fission power (without government support) are to power generation? Just because the AGW echo chamber is peddling nonsense doesnt mean that going to the opposite extreme is a good idea! >mass migrations are a common feature of periods of decline and fall. The real enemy is within self-doubt, belittling oneself, sabotaging oneself, pitying oneself. A friend of mine up here noticed the same thing. My energy bill is 70% water heating, which is one of the few things that *can* be solved by rooftop solar. Email me at tdbpeschel @ gmail.com removing the spaces if youre interested. One of the reasons some people are so desperate to believe in the future of EVs is that once you accept that we are back to a life without happy motoring most of the American Landscape ( and most of the money embedded in it) gets upended. Roman Catholicism, my ancestral tradition, has absolutely no issues with calling on Mary, the saints, or the angels and asking them to work miracles on your behalf. We wont have that luxury this time around! Bugles have a limited set of notes. I would observe, by the way, that nowhere in the world could anyone get a days food for the cost of 1kWh of electricity. Thats why the US hasnt fought a serious war in years we no longer have the industrial plant to keep our forces supplied with munitions. You were saying about circling back around to the past? Is 3 games sufficient to assess whether or not, http://www.espn.com/college-sports/basketball/recruiting/player/_/id/238291/dillon-hunter, https://twitter.com/sportscenter/status/1197925365123076097?s=46&t=CN3JbbGNI57IApWSb1i_sw, https://theclemsoninsider.com/2022/10/12/1-on-1-with-brad-brownell-from-acc-tipoff/, https://www.tigernet.com/clemson-forum/message/yet-amazingly-the-majority-here-think-that-our-offense-will-be-much-better-this-year-30786085, https://www.tigernet.com/clemson-forum/message/i-dont-have-anything-against-you-judge-31297023. Other than a few complaints from the Church Fathers, Christian sorcery hasnt received a lot of attention from later Christian scholars. You also know that your society is run by a dominant minority when the same problems come up over and over again, because theyre never actually solvedtheyre just swept under the rug in a frantic effort to insist that the same old solutions really will work. Stuart, the IPCC is worth watching, precisely because their estimates have turned out to be on the modest side. He is 64th in the ESPN 100, so he fits your description of a talented freshman. I expect both to see a great deal of use in the deindustrial future. Or, to put it another way, that shows how incredibly cheap electricity is. But anyway, I think its about time I tried washing my hair without a shower. Keri Kelli / Ex-Ratt, Warrant, Dads Porno Mag. Try telling that to a true believer, though! Ive been doing sink baths for several years now. One of the things Im grateful for is that so many other people have already made most of the mistakes I might be tempted to make, so I can see how that plays out.. Kfish, Blinken can insist all he likes that supply ought to meet demand. The creative minority has to stay nimble and pay close attention to whats actually happening in order to keep solving problems and retain the loyalty of the rest of society. It was very successful. So if he Wants You To Want Him, you should let him!!! I would argue that building solar and wind gives a better return for the fossil fuels that we are consuming than using the fossil fuels in the building of coal, nuclear, or even natural gas plants (if lifetime fuel consumption is included). Some folks will be able to ride our limited rail transit networks in to a reworked version of central cities from the near outskirts where tracks and stations were built. Also China, due to its manufacturing for much of the world. Wer, of course! Who despite his difficulties, far worse than mine, offered me hospitality and sweetness A gesture that Read More. Who knew somebody from Slipknot would be a sweet kisser? About the equivalent of $10 in Kwon. Best of all, find your favorite Black hopefuls & suicide girls! High-quality optical mirrors are more difficult to make, but it would be worth seeing if a low-tech way of creating them could be worked up. This tee features polaroid photos of our SuicideGirls, snapped during various Blackheart Burlesque performances all over America, Canada, and Australia. Booklover, they still havent really grasped that Europe isnt the imperial center of the planet any more. Yellow means try to delay energy-intensive activities for another time. Itll be me and my wife, both early 50s by then, and two teenagers, traveling by train mostly, each with a backpack or roll-behind, and little else. As for suburbs and exurbs, it depends on whether they have any basis for local economic activity. Relatively modest investments in canal improvements would enable a significant share of domestic freight to be transferred to canal boats and shipped for a tiny fraction of the energy cost needed for other modes. As for Labour, no innovative or interesting ideas or policies emerging from them. PumpkinScone, look at the demographics. While I do think that my family and I are better prepared than most, I see the many holes in our plans and the parts where we depend on sheer luck which is cause for a lot of anxiety. Its quite possible to have small grids distributing intermittent electricity supplies over modest distances, and in some urban areas those might survive for a long time, or even indefinitely. Likes to cuddle, but might not be so friendly in the morning. Boston College literally had 3 guards with more starts, minutes, and points. The reason for this was that Star Wars was imitating Dune, which was also feudalistic. Im in a slight despair about UK politics. I am thinking of electric cars. Some of them are going to decide that they can do better without the USA, and should leave its orbit before they get thrown under the bus too. The whole video is good, as Oliver discusses the lunacy of Labour Party leader Keir Starmers stated vision of a green future for Britain and puts quite a bit of this weeks post into perspective). (This may sound snide; its not. Kleptocracy is of course a pervasive feature of todays industrial societies, but theres more going on here than blind greed the failure of imagination is even getting in the way of making a fast buck. He also has a Prince Albert, which means he has a pierced cock. I was truly stunned by that reasoning but it must be in the WSJ. Prayer especially ensures Divine Mediation. With appropriate use of gearing, its really surprising how many things you can power with a horse on a treadmill. I do agree with you though about prices and working better. God is a jealous God so its considered Spiritual Adultery to do so. The above is on-the-spot speculation, mind, but its at least seeming plausible; after all, as youve commented, Progress looks very suspiciously like Christianity with the serial numbers filed off. I was reminded of all this forcefully the other day by the news from Britain. Theyre not the final step in anything; theyre the opening stage of a long transition. What Are Online Shoppers Favorite Coupon Types? A very stupid one. Its by no means certain that theyre going to remain in power indefinitely, however and as Ill be pointing out further on, theres a lot that can be done by individuals, families, and communities no matter what the clueless elites do. Average size but has GOOD width. One thought I had after reading this was whether any sort of social conditioning for variable (and ultimately lower) energy use might be useful in the years ahead. 5. This comes in all to about 192,700kCal for the month, or 6,400kCal a day. You know that your society is run by a dominant minority when, no matter what the problem is, the people in power always insist on the same solutions. He has a decent size cock, but not great. Mr. Bolan is of average size, but report are he fucks like a 10! Wind and sunlight are diffuse, intermittent energy sources very poorly suited to a modern power grid, so the illusion of the German Energiewende was propped up with vast amounts of cheap Russian natural gas. Theres no longer the sense of existential terror toward nukes that you saw in the mid-20th century. Part of the reason why WW1 was so important for Australian identity was because most of the Australian men realised from first hand experience that not only were they not inferior to Europeans as most had assumed, they were often better. None of this has been enough to avert the current crisis in a country that has few fossil fuels left. I still have fond memories of that time. Admittedly, its what Id expect to see in the Grauniad these days! ( Here we have Canada, which will eventually have new liveable territory in the northern territories.). He didnt impress me in the video, and Ive also heard that Brets skills are overrated. 229), this sort of behavior is not unprecedented. @JMG #51: economically its even less profitable than uranium and plutonium fission Though, actually, thinking on what youve said there, I wonder: perhaps thats not the case. Perhaps a new copper age is in store for us! Cliff, I know. Queen for a Day?). Bob, you really need to stroll away from the anti-AGW echo chamber and do some of your own research. If no PJ, I think this could be an NIT team at best. Thats why elites end up being replaced so often by rising classes tha are less clueless and more aware of whats actually going on. The technologies that can migrate back towards artisan production and produce significant returns on energy/work from the artisan labor will be deployed again once the maintenance costs of automation and the price of fossil fuels will be sufficiently high. Robert, got it! Michael, I cant do that. I predict he will see a lot of minutes this year. Your jaw wont get sore sucking his cock, so hes an average joe. Another data point on biogas: our largest local sewage plane, serving a population of about a million, produces enough gas from the sewage and from food and other wastes for about 3000 homes, and there is useful fertiliser produced also so it is useful output, but only a small fraction of the gas currently used by the homes and businesses in the area. When you post a comment it changes the address to the number of that comment. RED DOPE RIOT Metal Sludge chats with Rock N Roll Author, Quiet Riot and, If this song doesn't make you want to smash something, F#, Who has the Tuff anniversary remaster of What Comes Around Goes Around? Toynbees all but forgotten these days, but three quarters of a century ago his was a name to conjure with. Also isnt keen on wearing condoms. We would fill it and hang it in a south facing window and usually by 2 pm at the latest the water would be at the temperature we liked for showering. Sullys godsmacker isnt too long, but quite thick, but not uncomfortably so. My guess is that Putin marks his annexation by moving nuclear missiles onto the land and explaining politely that any attack on the annexed territory is an attack on Russian soil. etc. Eventually, Tory MPs had enough, like the majority of the electorate, with the circus that surrounded Boris and removed him. It doesnt mean you can avoid the tide of history coming your way, but often people get by hanging from the slightest of threads and you never know what small advantage will help. He has an average size DOWN BOY, nothing too great, but nothing too bad. So, fine for middle class maybe to have it limited to 200 a month, but that is going to make low income retirees and other low income people have unaffordable bills, they will not be able to keep heat on. He got irritated and asked for the next question. Hackenschmidt, yep. Which obviously can be taken advantage of by malicious desires. If you dont, hes nice enough to respect that, but hell wanna cum on your tits. In this way Prayer is idiot-proof because even fools can pour out their soul to God and their foolish requests will be denied. We keep getting better & better everyday, in every way! Well, to work in accord with Him is to move towards the future He wants, but since He has not told us, we must guess. Martin Back, of course its a limited amount. Figures are given for gas collected after 10, 20, and 30 days. He has oral talent and will go down before, during and after sex. Now that worries me, but people will find ways to steer clear of known poisons. It seems bonkers to me. I have always liked Toynbee, I read ten of the volumes of his magnum opus when I should have been studying for final exams! (You can doublecheck your math by making sure the Moon is in exactly the same degree and minute of the same sign.) If they do, they may morph into independent towns; if not; theyll be abandoned to squatters and wrecking crews. His lil something something stays down a lot. Like adjusting the hemline on a skirt, you can go back and forth as circumstances require. Works for me. About 5 inches and rather greedy in bed. 1-on-1 with Brad Brownell from ACC Tipoff. And Im not surprised by any of us this, because during a long, dark night of the soul back in the summer of 1994, even though I lacked the vocabulary for understanding Peak Oil and related matters, I realized that these were the choices we were making as a society, and the behaviors associated with these choices would only get more pathological the closer we came to crunch time. Isnt exactly that memorable. Tom is very good orally, likes foreplay and insists on using a condom (safety first!). Truss, despite her flaws, has some good ideas from the perspective of better regulation and easing the burdens on small to medium businesses. @dasirya it looks amazing on you you're so gorgeous. (And okay, indulging in occasional boondoggle projects like the Death Star.) Average all-around; shows respect, and doesnt seem to be TOO much the player. And the use of Prayer which brings about such results. Lots of lesbians. There is about 3,000 MW of installed wind capacity in this system. The former solution may be achievable while the latter one is a mirage, but the mirage is much more thrilling. Is it a conspiracy from the top down to pacify and distract the masses with identity politics? Rule by Excel spreadsheets. Apologies if this has already been said, but today Im in a hurry. If youre down with pentagrams and Satan, then not only is Tom for you, but hes got a big cock to boot. Im suggesting that in the future, that limited amount will be a heck of a lot better than nothing. There is no will, and at least in the west the people have no leaders to represent their interests anyway. What Changes Are B2B Marketers Anticipating to Their Budgets Next Year? Liz Truss, for example, didnt have to convince a majority of the voting population of Britain to put her into No 10 Downing Street; she just had to make nice with the members of the Conservative Party, and so could be much more forthright about her intentions. A fully-automated solution for the same work would have required a CNC table, a computer, a vacuum cleaner, and ventilation to deal with the higher concentration of dust particules. Cause that way, you know what your getting! Now he is excellent in bed, though he has really ugly, curly-haired crotch and balls, but his oral and finger skills make the hair ordeal worth it. Prefers quickie blowjobs and doesnt return the favors. I do see a future where we will be more energy constrained. Chris, one of these days I should do an occult critique of ideology. I cant find the other book I read on the subject with a quick search. Marc is a decent lay but nothing to write home about. SMB CMOs Try to Stay on Top of Expanding Set of Channels, Mountain of Data, Most TV Viewers Say Theyre Tolerant of Ads, Moms Want Authentic, Relatable Parenting Content, TikTok Expands Lead As Teens Favorite Social Media Platform. Hes a quick draw, and after hes done, he gives you the boot. All through my childhood it was sink baths during the week, tub baths for the weekend, and washing hair in the sink as well. Of course I wont get to see the results of that in this life, although Ill probably have to live a few more in the wreckage. So for whatever reason, the universe closes the book on the U.S. for all that it has been during my lifetime (Im Gen-X) and a new book for it will be written thereafter. And here it is.the final card I turned over for America 2023. Re. Its a pity no-one did these detailed calculations in about 1980 . Zack De La Rocha / Ex-Rage Against The Machine. Dude, speaking of futures that work, there are a few problems looming on the horizon. They managed to get by on 1 barrel of oil per person per year. Pondering electric cars made me think of mule and horse teams. As you say, this does not mean we are not extremely wasteful and near the top on a global scale, but the raw number is misleading. 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