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how much should you tip at a restaurant

I also would like to mention that i know multiple people pulling over 30k a year as a waiter/waitress/bartender. And actually, it's the people who _do_ know wine, who are most likely to tip solidly on the wine, because they appreciate the time and study that went into being able to talk to them about the nuances in this or that bottle. It does not take the server any more of an effort to bring a $40.00 steak than it does to bring a $10.00 hamburger. How much should I tip at hotels in Spain? Well, what about everyone else who works in the service industry? So that 5 bucks you left me is only 3. One in 10 customers don't tip at all. That means, if you tip less than the standard 17-20%, after the busboys, etc. How would you like your company not to pay you? What? It's as plain and simple as that! If you don't want to do this then you shouldn't have taken the job. Most states do not tax on alcohol, the restaurant has to pay the taxes on alcohol, therefore if you have alcoholic beverages you should tip on the total of the bill. We'd go to church on Sundays if it wasn't mandatory to work on Sundays because EVERYONE who goes to church follows it by eating out. If the truth be known a lot of servers and bartenders make more money than you. If you provide bad service, I don't care where you live or what your menu looks like, you do not deserve a tip. Universal health care is not perfect and no one in those countries will tell you it is. I know I appreciate good service whether at Meijer, the mall or at a restaurant. Large parties of seven people or more should expect to pay at least 20%, and this gratuity may be automatically included in your bill. It goes the same way up. 15% is appropriate for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. Argue over and over again that your wait-staff are good and deserve high tips. i'm sure i'll get some people that will call me something other than a saint and complain about making 2.00/hr and paying bills and all that. They are making it work in other countries, why aren't we trying it here? I try to strike up a conversation with the server to determine what kind of day they are having. Don't be a waste of space and time. The government can also track what you should be making by looking at servers individual sales. What state do you live in? Some people still believe 10% is a good tip, some believe the 10-15-20 crap that has been going around forever, and very few know that nowadays, just like how they get raises due to inflation and cost of living going up, the %'s have to go up again so servers can live, 15-20-25 is better. A big part of the reason that we have such a huge national debt is that we "are" the world bank. Most states pay servers under $3 an hour, so we rely on our tips, just as people who work in sales rely on commissions. Additionally, the tips left American style go to the waiter directly. I've not only been served by horrible servers but I've also had to work with them. And here we are saying we work hard. If I am paying the "expected" tip then my total bill would remain the same. I just don't go. If one day we don't have to tip and the restaurant is responsible for the wage, I am sure the service will be bad. Do i want to? I gave him a $7 tip for a meal that came to a grand total of $18. Sure at larger popular restaurants it's not a huge deal because the service staff gets a lot of customers and tips. when my daughter started school i met a mom who supported her 3 daughters that way and she filled me in. And one last thing. It is the hospitality industry, that is how it is set up. But that brings us to this statement "anyone is looking to hire starting at 300-500 dollars a week for 4 or 5 days (20-35 hours a week) to someone with no degree or specific training, i know a hell of a lot of college students and single mothers who would love to apply." You are paid to do the job. What i cannot understand is how people treat each other. Your pay must equal the hours you worked times the minimum wage. If so, I'll have something to say to my teacher - she needs to update her class! Rude or exceptionally bad servers deserve no tip. Plain and Simple: At a normal "chain" bar or restaurant (Chili's, Friday's, Flingers, Chachkies etc.) the minimum you tip should be 15%. "If youbringdisgusting food to a table, you aren't doing your jobyou'reruining my dining experience". To illustrate: Under current federal law, FLSA-covered employers may pay a cash wage of $2.13 and take a tip credit of up to $4.42 an hour ($2.13 cash wage + $4.42 tip credit = $6.55 minimum wage). In the case of servers, the employers are restaurants and tipping patrons. And finally, I 'chose' my profession because the job market-- put bluntly-- blows and I have had no luck getting anything better despite my resume being posted on every thinkable job site for over 8 months. Oh, unless you consider our 80% taxed paycheck of a little over $4 an hour And someone on here said s/he doesn't tip? Trust me, you tip well, we know you! The reason this is so different from doubling the tax could be if you bought a lot of alcohol which wasn't taxed, or something along those lines. As I said, we do tip at restaurants; and we do appreciate knowing what is a fair amount to pay our server; but I agree with whomever said that waiters should not feel "entitled" to a tip; but rather appreciative to what they get. none! What fine restaurant offers bottles this inexpensively? I'm sorry, there is a reason why these jobs are minimum wage! As for Lory, who left the confines of his parents' driveway and debuted Chef Global's . Its not. I ALWAYS tip 20% unless the server was terrible. You should be tipping based on the total time involved for your ride and drivers should be booking at least $35.00 an hour. You rang something up wrong. It should give some insight into how a restaurant "really works behind the scenes". Oh, and BTW, the difference between a good tip and a lousy tip or a good tip and a great tip is often as little as $1-3. You bring inedible food to my table, ruining my dining experience and costing me valuable time arguing with a manager, and you get a lousy tip, if any. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had poor service. If service is bad, well then that's our own fault. I worked in retail for several long years for minimum pay and it was just as grueling as waiting tables. Restaurants, Food and Drink | All the arguments that it's stupid that restaurants get to pass on the cost of their payroll directly to us, yeah, I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that the system is what it is right now. The hard working servers don't want you there!!! But i digress. and i strongly believe that. I have also had babies have explosions in their pants which made a mess all over the high chair. I have many thoughts on the matter but a waiter online says what so many of us in the industry think and feel. Your tips are our paycheck. If I just wanted some slop thrown at me I could stay home or go to some sleazy diner, but I chose to go to your restaurant to be treated well and have an experience, not just to be lazy. They expect you to tip a few cents, usually 0.10 or 0.20 euros. Tipping should be prohibited. I've made $370 - $450 in an 8 hour shift at least one night a month in the past and I secretly hate all of you. ; 12) Replacement of broken glasses, plates, refrigerators, ovens, fryers, coffee machines, etc. We paid what was due in cash, got up and left. Be kind it those who take of you and they will take care of you and be truly thankful for your patronage. If you don't think you should have to tip the person who just takes your order why not just go to McDonalds's or Burger King? For instance, at a sit-down restaurant, the server may take your drink order, deliver drinks, take your food order and sometimes even deliver the food to your table. I'm a mother - I know all about babies and their constant need to have their diaper changed - and believe me, I do not want to think that anyone preparing and/or serving my meal has been handling one recently. How would yo feel? I am inclined to agree with you, and that is why I tip them for these services they render to me. But I repeat, 15 percent is an appropriate tip, because of inflated menu costs. When and if they do become too unfair I simply get another job. Ridiculous. We also remember those who treated us well, and will go out of our way to make sure you are taken care of in the future. yes, we notice the "effort". $2? How much you liked the food. I expect a 20% tip. When going out to eat, use your head! Besides, never, and I mean NEVER return to a restaurant if you didn't tip your server. . Most of us are as hard working as you. We believe that at least 1 parent should be available at a short notice for our kids. If you, as a server, bring undercooked, burnt, or otherwise disgusting food to a table, you aren't doing your job. If the establishment has a built-in gratuity thats pre-calculated and added in, you dont need to leave any additional cash. I don't think servers deserve to paid a ton of money, so it really annoys me when they think they deserve even more. It gets even more complicated when you factor in the increasing complexity of cocktails and coffee drinks and the growing popularity of restaurant delivery services. I will let the manager know right after I print out your check. And to all of you who say, "why not just get another job?" Don't skip tipping waiter if you received poor service; talk to the manager instead. We people in the rest of the world do not feel the same way as you do. Be that stress reliever. People should be treated the way you would want to be treated. Period. I hate being told what I have to do, even if under other circumstances I would agree that it is something I would otherwise want to do. A midrange restaurant wants to remain affordable, yet still cover the expenses of gas, electricity, food costs, payroll, rent, taxes, advertising, and a multitude of other costs that the average consumer doesn't think about. Even if you're the most wonderful customer ever, unless your server is a saint, they aren't having a good time waiting on you, they're probably faking it and counting down the seconds until their shift ends. This isn't the 80s anymore people; get with the program. get tips. A tip should be a reward for something done that is extraordinary. Tip discreetly. Because if these jobs didnt exist, then you wouldn't be making your 300-500 dollars a week. #205: You did fine, If you double the amount of tax you are leaving roughly 15 percent. once you have worked for tips you will better understand. I do not like to "stiff" the person waiting on my table, as I realize that they receive well below minimum wage from the restaurant. Period. Everyone is thin. Instead of tipping a specific percentage of the price of the meal, some buffet diners choose to tip the server $1 to $2 per person served. before this family and did not tip, or were cheap, your pizza was delivered after theirs. If you feel the service was outstanding, feel free to leave even more. How much should you tip in restaurants? This shows that you acknowledge and appreciate the quality service you have received. If you gave average service I give gen. about 15%. i'm always worried about how much to tip. Just communicate to us about those things. Some of you in your comments have tried to compare a salaried or hourly paid job with that of a server. If you don't know why, watch the movie "Waiting." How ever if the waiter made your night then I feel you should make theirs as well. We honestly want to know how you are doing. What you may not know is we all know who you are. The Shared Bill Tip Calculator considers the cost of the service, number of people, and chosen tip percentage to calculate the tip per person, as well as the total cost per person. Back to the issue at hand and the tipping. And if you leave it . It totally depends on the nature of the restaurant. You should tip your luggage porter/bellhop 1 euro per bag. As far as the tipping on an expensive bottle of wine, I understand how some people say that it takes no more effort to open an $800 bottle than it does a $40 bottle. How much to tip at a restaurant depends on the class of the restaurant, your server, the size of your party, and the quality of the service. As far as this is how you pay your bills, when I hired into my job, I was told how much the position paid. I almost always do, but it won't go higher than 20% unless the service is outstanding. Dear Mr. Kayne: It seems obvious to me that you have never in your life worked behind a bar or as a server. In some cultures, you are free to add to the gratuity for particularly good service or simply round up the bill, while in others no additional amount is expected. Whether or not you get a tip is up to the tipper. I couldn't keep all the different requests straight and, consequently, messed up many orders. I expect waiters to be prompt and friendly. Getting takeout? Bear in mind that you are not the only table in the world, especially if that server is taking care of 4-5 other tables, excluding your own. Pony up, people; skimping on tipping is wrong. 3. Also.to any server(s) complaining that tips should be expected due to the "service tendered" (and I must say some of the examples seem pretty common and understandable), well this is the industry you chose for better or worse. I work in a restaurant as a server. They charge more for the "service" than needed to pay for the products and space, but then you tip them on top of that! They also are balancing your needs along with 8 other groups of diners and trying to look out for each of you). (You can tip 15 percent, but its considered slightly stingy.) Here's what the average restaurant tip percentage is across Canada. The fact is that the structure of dining in our country is that the guest pays for the service. I suggest you take another look at the wage posters that everyone is required to put up. If people ate at home there would be no need for my service, which, look down on me though you may, you still come to demand. Also when you come out with your kids and i have to spend extra time cleaning up the mess(one time including dirty diapers left on the table)you should tip for that extra mess. You know what the problem is today? And if the total is over $200 round to the nearest increment of twenty. I tip 15 percent for outstanding friendly service and go down from there. My 15 year old went to a small restaurant after a school play with his friend and the rest of the kids. Servers make sure my table is clean, that my utensils are clean and maybe even neatly rolled in a napkin, that my condiments are clean and filled. To put things in a bigger perspective: The whole tipping thing is such a big issue only in America. On a $40-$50 bill if the service is what i expect from that restaurant, with I've stated is very good I will tip $10-$15. When she eats out, she tells me that her tip starts at 15 percent and goes down depending on the service. Porterfest returns to St. Paul Brewing with new flavors and old favorites Service employees should be paid fair wages by their employer to do the job and tips should be on top of that for service that exceeds the expectation, or makes the experience better. Let's not forget the responsibility of management to hire decent servers. my son was a server for 10 years and my daughter has been one for 8 years. Earning $30,000/year (before base pay is added or taxes deducted) for that level of work in that environment seems more than fair to me. A confused stare or complete silence does not suffice as a reply to "How are you doing?". If I feel so inclined maybe I would send a letter to the winery that made it and tell them how good it was. Bill: $25 - Tip $5. For those of you who aren't very good at math, bring a calculator with you and multiply your bill by .2 and that is the tip you should leave. cleveland.com | The Plain Dealer. I expect to be paid for the services I provide. Many servers do not have the option of offering service recompense to wages tendered by the customer, but if you are cheap, you should acknowledge that like any other business professional who recognizes an unwelcome client you will be treated as such and thereby be possibly subject to all manner of ill will. Because then we can be ready with your bills when you are ready to pay not waste our time and yours having to split it up when you need to be getting back to the office or whatnot. I usually enjoy waiting on people but many people are very rude. Most of this is manageable stuff, but restaurant tipping remains a slightly ambiguous practice. To the "customer" who may be inclined to tip less and any other cheap-skate, i ask you this, "why do you go out to a restaurant or bar?" What does this mean? It costs them money if you do that. Tip poor, and yes, we do know it. Although well put by those above, I thought I would put in a thought as I and my husband are servers at a mexican restaurant that we've worked at for 6 years. I would like to say one thing. Yes, perhaps the higher the number of stars, the more you will want to spread your tips around. So please, feel free to put me down and make me feel worthless now can I get you another drink or two?! to add insult to injury, i heard them laughing about it when they were leaving. Just put one price on the menu and that's it. I notice the cheap ones the moment they walk in. Assist them all with their needs, serve the food, get drinks, clean them up when they have accidents on themselves. It is disgusting! Capitalism at its finest; I take care of those who take care of me. I want to go back to the restaurant soon and don't want to look like a fool. So even if the bill comes out to $30.00 because of happy hour, the correct way to tip would be to tip based on the $40. When business is slow you may not even make minimum wage. If I didn't make up the $4.00 hr in tips, the restaurant had to pay me the difference to get my minimum wage of $7.50hr. After a night, I also tip out my busser, bar, food runner, and host. A tip should be a thank you for a job well done, not a fee. . While working in retail I did get 3 tips over the course of 6 years. I'll give a good tip to a faker, because then I can at least see that even though you're stressed you're still putting in the effort to do your job right and pleasantly. What about the person who delivers your newspaper? If I spend $50 at a regular restaurant and I tip 20%, that's $10. having never been a server, my sympathy is purely out of compassion for my fellow man! They will always appreciate the little extra. In America, servers choose their profession. It's not hard to memorize food and drink, but it is extremely hard to wait on the general public (most of whom are complete imbeciles, frankly) with a smile, and do everything they ask and don't ask of you as quick as humanly possible. You either have it, or you don't. Clearly, anon20553 has never waited a table in his/her life. 15 percent is for good service - 20 percent for exceptional service. To those who believe that "it's the waiter's fault if my food isn't prepared properly" -. This same customer was upset because you put their cleaning supplies in the same bag as their unwrapped fruits and vegetables. If you have a hard time dealing with tipping someone for doing the job for you: making the food, bringing it to the table, refreshing your drinks, and cleaning up your mess then JUST DON'T GO OUT TO EAT!!!!!!! Many problems with the service but the thing that finally turned my stomach was when he emerged from the kitchen carrying someone's baby. We don't always remember you but we will if you don't tip or tip badly. Restaurants, Food and Drink | I have tipped them often more than the meal cost, because it was that good of an experience. I am not saying all customers are horrible people, I still remain friends with some of my previous customers, even though I am no longer a server. I dont understand how bringing up a plate worth $20 of food is twice as difficult as a $10 one. If you are a regular who performs such practices, yet find that your service is a little slower than what it seems for everyone else, it may be the result of your own shortcomings, not the servers. ", There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Most of the time they are kids earning some pocket money and busting their butts to make you happy, with their little contribution to your dinner and who get paid a miserable salary because they must EARN their tips. This line of work demands a high standard of efficiency, deligence, commitment, consistency and most of all passion. Um, is anyone paying the same sales tax in dollars in 2009 as they were in 1985? Then that is not my fault. As a female server I endured a great deal of sexual harassment from male managers. These tips should be given before being seated. Fifteen percent isn't the acceptable standard anymore and 20 is the new 15. Its just to acknowledge they did work to put everything together for you thoroughly and double-checked you order for completeness. yes we all might receive checks but its barely anything sometimes so we rely on tips we are given. Welcome to America. 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how much should you tip at a restaurant

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