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synonyms for only one

Simply put public art is art in public spaces. Res., 86: 137-149. The lava delta had developed four lobes being fed by multiple flows and had an estimated area of 0.32 square kilometers. The northernmost flow was moving at 1 m/hour and was 12 m high and 500 m wide in some places. A series of powerful explosions began at 1720 and shock waves could be seen propagating through the emission plumes. We also show estimates of horizontal GPS linear velocities between 2006 and 2007. Lava fountaining and low-intensity Strombolian explosions persisted. PLOS Biology provides an Open Access platform to showcase your best research and commentary across all areas of biological science. How Many Yet the answer to this question remains enigmatic, as efforts to sample the world's biodiversity to date have been limited and thus have precluded direct quantification of global species richness, and because indirect estimates rely on assumptions that have proven highly controversial. Suspended ash and high concentrations of volcanic gases, specifically sulfur dioxide, triggered periodic air-quality alerts mostly affecting the W part of the island including Los Llanos de Aridane, El Paso, and Tazacorte; authorities warned residents of affected areas to stay indoors. J. Volcanol. Teneguia One produces pyroclastic material with about 20 pulses per minute. IGN noted similarities between the February 2018 and July-August 2020 events in terms of location and magnitude (figure 3). Confirmed Eruption, 6050 BCE 1500 years the next day. Geotherm. For each MODIS image, the algorithm automatically scans each 1 km pixel within it to check for high-temperature hot-spots. Late on 30 September 2021 two new vents emerged about 600 m NW of the base of the main cone. Roughly 2,860 buildings had been affected by 30 November (2,748 destroyed) and about 3.5 km2 of crops were covered by lava. Multiple eruptions during the last 7,000 years have produced mild explosive activity and lava flows which have damaged populated areas and reached the sea in 1585, 1646, 1712, 1949, and 1971. The fissures emitt abundant white gases, rich in SO2. Day S J, Carracedo J C, Guillou H, Gravestock P, 1999. The Alert Level remained at Red (the highest level on a four-color scale) for affected communities. Accessed 14 Nov. 2022. One of the stronger periods produced dense, dark ash plumes that rose to 6 km altitude and ejected bombs (some of which were several meters in diameter) as far as 500 m from the vent. Prodigal definition, wastefully or recklessly extravagant: prodigal expenditure. On 18 November an ash plume rose to 3.5 km altitude and drifted SW (figure 45). The main lava flow advanced W towards the coast. - Elisa. This suggests that the asymptotic trends among higher taxonomic levels do not result from a lack of taxonomic effort as there has been at least sufficient effort to describe new species at a constant rate. 2 reached the sea on the SW coast. A N-S-oriented crack opened in an area 100 m S of the main vent, likely from subsidence, because it was not hot or emitting gas. The flow was 600 m across at the widest part and the leading edge was 4-6 m tall. The eruption at La Palma continued during 10-16 November, characterized by Strombolian explosions and lava fountaining from multiple vents, advancing and sometimes branching lava flows, and daily ash emissions. Bonnelli, R., 1950, Contribucion al estudio de la erupcion del volcan del Nambroque o San Juan (Isla de la Palma), 24 de Junio - Agosto de 1949: Instituto Geografico y Catastral, Madrid, Spain. Several lava streams from the new vents continued to advance NW and then W along older flows which had split into two branches on 26 November. Table 2. Summary of activity during October-December 2021. Sources: Instituto Volcanolgico de Canarias (INVOLCAN); Instituto Geogrfico Nacional (IGN); Gobierno de Canaries. Here we show that the higher taxonomic classification of species (i.e., the assignment of species to phylum, class, order, family, and genus) follows a consistent and predictable pattern from which the total number of species in a taxonomic group can be estimated. The southern vent, Teneguia Two, emits only blocky lava flows which fall from the sea cliff to the sea. The sulfur dioxide flux was as high as 16,760 tons per day. A PEVOLCA report from 20 November reported that the total volume of emitted tephra during the eruption was more than 10 million cubic meters. Buy Cheap Furniture Online in Singapore | F31 Furniture Store As a result, the vent increased in height and width during 24-25 October. Summary of the growth of the lava flow field at La Palma between October and December 2021, listing the width of the field (m) and the covered area (km2). A partial collapse of the cone allowed the inner lava lake to spill out, sending flows and very large cooled blocks downslope. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001127.s001. Pflugers Arch. By 10 November the highest point of the main cone was 1,130 m a.s.l. The northernmost flow, flow 12, traveled over new ground in the Fronton area and then rejoined flow 8 downslope. The easternmost vent produced a fast-moving flow that traveled along the S margin of Flow 10 and around the S side of Montaa Cogote on 24 November. Reprocessing of the previous data indicated a distribution of seismicity for the three series (October 2017, February 2018, and July 2020) in a wide strip in an east-west direction, although the October 2017 series occurred at a shallower depth and with the epicenters more concentrated. This prevents direct extrapolation of the number of species from species-accumulation curves [22],[23] and highlights our current uncertainty regarding estimates of total species richness (Figure 1F). This video documents the development, installation, and celebration of A Monument to Maggie. and caused ashfall to the S. Video showed lava fountains rising 500 m above the vent late that night. Differential interferograms were corrected for atmospheric elevation-phase dependence. Sometimes dense and billowing ash-and-gas plumes rose 1.8-3.1 km (5,900-10,200 ft) a.s.l. It provides synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and even translations of the word in several other languages. Small breakouts were visible near Montaa Cogote and Las Norias. The eruption at La Palma continued during 1-7 December, characterized by Strombolian explosions and lava fountaining/jetting from multiple existing and new vents, advancing and sometimes branching lava flows, and almost daily ash emissions. The magnitudes of the events during October 2017 (given as MbLg, or the magnitude from the amplitude of the Lg phase, similar to the local Richter magnitude) ranged from less than 1.5 to 2.7, and they occurred over a depth range of 12-35 km. Additionally, a M 5.1 earthquake was detected at 0208 on 19 November at a depth of 36 km; this event was the largest earthquake recorded since the swarm heralding the magmatic intrusion began on 11 September. Synonyms for WELL-BEING: good, interest, weal, welfare; Antonyms for WELL-BEING: ill-being Well-being: the state of doing well especially in relation to one's happiness or success. (b) Stacking of 18 long temporal separation ENVISAT differential interferograms for the period 2003?2008. Shallow flank deformation at Cumbre Vieja volcano (Canary Islands): Implications on the stability of steep-sided volcano flanks at oceanic islands. The lava of the eruption is always anchibrolic trachy basalt and changes with time to a more vesicular type reported by Fuster-Casas.". Chronology and volcanology of the 1949 multi-vent rift-zone eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands). Summary of activity during October-December 2021. Strong explosions heard at 1230 ejected material out of the vent, and lava overflowed a vent on the flanks of the main cone at 1415. Stack results shown onto a shaded DEM. Flow 2 had reached the sea around 0144 on 10 October, starting a new lava delta, which overlapped the previous one to the N. Flows 1-9 continued to advance, while the others remained relatively stationary. The earthquakes in the previous swarms were deeper, between 20 and 30 km, and were less intense than the current swarm. On 13 October a preemptive evacuation of about 400 people from La Laguna in Los Llanos de Aridane was initiated as part of the N flow advanced NW. During the afternoon, a new vent opened on the W flank and effused lava at a high rate. This NW flow generated large blocks that fell on a lower lava emission point that resulted in multiple lava spills. This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. During 23-25 November, Flows 4, 5, and 7 at the N end of the flow field continued to widen and advance, filling in gaps between previous flows and feeding the N lava delta. Dozens of events were felt by residents during the week. The lava delta had an area of approximately 0.43 km2. Magnitude is reported by IGN as MbLg, or the magnitude from the amplitude of the Lg phase, similar to the local Richter magnitude. The main cone had at least three effusive vents and another vent to the N was also active. Unfortunately, obtaining an accurate number is constrained by the fact that most species remain to be described and because indirect attempts to answer this question have been highly controversial. J. Volcanol. More than 100 million cubic meters of lava had been erupted since the beginning of the eruption, according to PEVOLCA. Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, An eruption from Birigoyo was also K-Ar dated at 6,000 +/- 3,000 yrs BP (Day et al., 1999). By 23 November the width of the flow field had grown to 3.3 km and lava covered an estimated 10.73 square kilometers. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. The peak occurred just before two new vents opened on the flank of the main cone, and then notably decreased afterwards, but remained at high levels. Lava filled in some gaps between the N flows, numbers 4 and 7, though lava-flow advancement was mainly focused at and near the ocean entries, with lava feeding flows 1, 2, and 9. 11 November. Proc Internatl Symp Activity Oceanic Volc, Archipelago Univ Azores, 3: 83-94. On 6 October a breakout lava flow from the W end of the main flow field traveled S between Los Guirres and El Charc, destroying crops and buildings (figure 33). Lava had engulfed 1,956 buildings, 60 of which were partially damaged, and almost 2.3 square kilometers of crops were lost. Several vents in the main cone were active, though the activity levels varied in intensity throughout the week. Lava flows emerged from two new vents and moved W toward the coastline, affecting 3,063 buildings, of which 2,896 were destroyed. The largest magnitude subsidence signal corresponds to the Teneguia volcano (T symbol). At 1510 on 19 September an eruption began in the area of Cabeza de Vaca, in the municipality of El Paso. These repeated injuries often lead to a reduced life expectancy in people with congenital insensitivity to pain. Video taken at 1050 on 29 November showed lava flows transporting large blocks downslope. Some explosions produced dense black plumes that billowed as they rose above the vent. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. By evening, sustained fountaining was continuing at the N flank vent, while pulsating jets from three vents within the main crater produced strong effusion into both lava flows. Reference. In this paper, we describe a new approach whose validation against existing inventories and explicit statistical nature adds greater robustness to the estimation of the number of species of given taxa. Several new vents along an E-W fissure located W of Montaa del Cogote opened around noon on 4 December, producing multiple fast-moving lava flows. Clean-up of ash from streets and homes was conducted by both authorities and residents. Ash-and-gas plumes visible during 1-3 and 6-7 December rose as high as 3.5 km a.s.l. An ash plume rose to 4.3 km altitude on 24 November. In the last hours of the day activity of all active centers inreased: Teneguia One emits abundant fluid lava through five or more points in the N-S fissure. Secondly, although a majority (79.4%) of experts that we polled in our taxonomic survey felt that the number of taxonomic experts is decreasing, it was pointed out that other factors are counteracting this trend. Several vents in the main cone continued to effuse lava, eject tephra, and emit ash-and-gas plumes. The Toulouse VAAC reported ash plumes throughout the day. The eruption at La Palma continued during 8-13 December, characterized by sporadic Strombolian activity, occasional lava jetting, advancing and sometimes branching lava flows, and daily ash-and-gas emissions. In general, decreases were observed in the levels of seismicity, tremor, deformation, and sulfur dioxide emissions, though by 9 November the data continued to fluctuate with no consistent trends. Teneguia Four is as active as Teneguia One, forming an elongated crater with at least four projection points--a line in a NW direction. Considering current rates of description of eukaryote species in the last 20 years (i.e., 6,200 species per year; 811 SD; Figure 3F3J), the average number of new species described per taxonomist's career (i.e., 24.8 species, [30]) and the estimated average cost to describe animal species (i.e., US$48,500 per species [30]) and assuming that these values remain constant and are general among taxonomic groups, describing Earth's remaining species may take as long as 1,200 years and would require 303,000 taxonomists at an approximated cost of US$364 billion. We presume, however, that this is not a major factor: while the discovery rate of higher taxa is declining (black dots and red lines in Figure 3F3J), the rate of description of new species remains relatively constant (grey lines in Figure 3F3J). Lava from the vents traveled W and joined the main flow field downslope. The effusion of the fluid lava started last night changed to a more viscous lava early this morning. By 19 October the plumes had extended to the NW over Spain, France, and Germany. Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty CAVW lists an 18 December stop date, but Mitchell-Thome (1982) and Afonso (1974) both list 21 December 1646 as the end of the eruption. To address this, we performed a sensitivity analysis in which the asymptotic number of taxa was calculated for accumulation curves with different levels of completeness. The maximum accumulated deformation increased to 15 cm in the area close to the seismicity by 1100 on 19 September, and the eruption began about five hours later. An ash plume that day rose at least 4.5 km altitude (figure 38). On that same day, there was a decrease in seismicity, tremor, and deformation levels, in addition to sulfur dioxide emissions, though scientists were unable to confirm this decline. Yes Teneguia Four and Five alternate the projection of jets of gases with the emission of clouds of lapilli. Ancochea E, Hernan F, Cendrero A, Cantagrel J M, Fuster J M, Ibarrola E, Coello J, 1994. Confirmed Eruption The most northern flow had continued to advance and was 300 m from the coast. Flows 1, 2, and 9 fed the S delta at a lower rate. Yes The northernmost flow advanced another 50 m toward the coast. We evaluated the fit of exponential, power, and hyperexponential functions to the data and obtained a prediction of the number of species by multimodel averaging based on AICc of the best type of function. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or By noon the vents in the main cone became notably less active and remained only intermittently active through 30 November. Sulfur dioxide emissions fluctuated at high levels between 2,882 tons per day and at least 20,000 tons per day. A new opening was formed just under the NE rim of this crater. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Dense ash-and-gas plumes continued to rise from the main vents, as high as 5 km; the rising plume created gravity waves that looked like ripples moving away from the top of the plume. Several vents in the main cone continued to effuse lava, eject tephra, and emit ash-and-gas plumes. In the morning Teneguia Four emitted abundant lava which reached the W coast in the afternoon. Restrictions for other residents living near the margins of the flows were also lifted. Luckily, YourDictionarys easy-to-use thesaurus minimizes your search time by listing the most relevant words to you, from over 2 million synonyms, antonyms, related words, and idioms. Prieto, J.F., Gonzalez, P.J., Seco, A., Rodriguez-Velasco, G., Tunini, L., Perlock, P.A., Arjona, A., Aparicio, A., Camacho, A.G., Rundle, J.B. and Tiampo, K.F.,, 2009. Activity during 28-30 September 2021. [2] In contrast, an oligotypic taxon contains more than one but only a very few subordinate taxa. Similar activity was reported in November, with frequent earthquakes, ash plumes that rose to 4.6 km altitude, ejecta, and multiple lava effusions, some of which reached the coastline and formed a lava delta. A seismic swarm on the morning of 27 September was located at about 10 km depth in the same area of the previous seismicity below the vent.

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