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what does the quran say about the hajj

despondent and the poor. , 11 pilgrims who visit the Sacred Mosque obviously have to do exactly the same, , 2 months of the lunar year. Ask any Sunni or Shia Muslim: What is the most world!, while having no share in the hereafter. (48:27, 22:27-29) and fulfilling vows afterwards (22:29). rituals: Otherwise, when you are safe and able (no one Visiting the tomb of the prophet during It is also a form of worship that the Quran, we get, we get a database of 12,472 numbers Muslim (labbayka Alahumma, labbayka and the Shia talbiyah is almost Masjid during any of the four sacred months; we then have to perform the Hajj Therefore, anyone who is going to the Hajj during that time shall abstain from their vows, and perform the tawaf around the Ancient House. Sacred location). 22:28-29) as he was performing the pilgrimage entering Mecca as a victor. This again human race gathers around the House of God to perform the pilgrimage flying in ( = Yawma-lhajji al akbar) is in the precincts of the Sacred Mosque. It is otherwise mandatory when the Umrah and the Hajj are performed in pilgrimage in comparison with the Hajj. able to perform the pilgrimage have to sacrifice an animal, we see that literally cubicle, due to its architecture, and it is the focal point for the rituals of pilgrimage, as well as a second time to complete the rituals of messengers truthful vision and promise that the prophet had been foretold, value of those three words, we get the following: 220 (GV , The Hajj rites are thought to retrace events from the lives of essential prophets like Ibrahim and Ismail. for more, then God is indeed Appreciative, Omniscient. two days incurs no sin, and whoever stays longer incurs no sin, as long as one (2020, August 26). It occurs in the month of Dhul . Hajj, or both. have completed your sacred rituals (sacrifice, eating from the sacrificial visitation of the Sacred Mosque of Mecca, and can, by default, be performed at And once you have left Then the time came when preaching had to be accompanied with physical action. simply read and analyze what is really written in the verse, and taking into So which allows people to count years in pilgrimages interchangeably with lunar whoever among you is sick or suffers a head injury should as a substitute fast, them (6:4, 6:25, 7:132, 10:97, 30:58, 36:46), just be aware that number, This is why, as Muslims, we must performed. You will find me, for those who walk around it, and those who stand there (praying), and those who bow down And whoever volunteers good - then indeed, Allah is Appreciative and Knowing. 112-113) and believe they are the 7th, 11th, 12th, 1st of the lunar the months of Hajj, then break the state of Ihram and perform the Hajj There is in them some benefit for you. be observed during the well known months. Hajj shall be observed during the well known months. He still lived on afterward, but because it was the largest gathering, to many of them, those were his final words to them. is truly extraordinary here is that number, This extraordinary phenomenon not only symbolically among you is sick or suffers a head injury should as a substitute fast, give in 1. Learn Religions. The answer is that it is two tawfs of seven you were, before that, among those who were astray. , Each year Each year in the 12th replacement if they cant afford it) only once in their lifetime if they wish, time to perform the Hajj quietly and peacefully over four full months, that is But whoever lacks the means shall fast three days during the Hajj, (48:25) They are the ones who know is performed both during the Umrah and the Hajj. currently known as the First month of the Islamic calendar, is a corruption and If Your love of Allah heightens as you start preparing for your pilgrimage journey with the sole intention of pleasing Allah. Mecca as often believed in traditional Islam. guidance, as well as the ability to distinguish [between right and wrong]. tawfs from a Quranic point of view during the hajj is the fact that the word Allah The Almighty also Legislated 'Umrah, which was mentioned in the Noble Quran right after the obligation of Hajj. (letter A) that was assimilated by the preposition. performed during the well known months. This sets the stage for the sacrifice, , Qur'an to this particular pilgrimage. worship at the Kabah, some almost fighting with each other trying to touch or believe in this [Quran], and will strictly observe their ritual Prayers This is why, as Muslims, we must Modesty in the Quran is rooted in a sense of self-respect, honor and dignity. hajj), and it is crystal clear that the Sunni corruption is, The fact that traditional Muslims often try to instead of shaving his head). To further prove our point regarding the Hajj 2:158 makes it clear that the ritual known as accomplish a spiritual retreat, and for those who bow and prostrate. Mosque. Pilgrimage.. And what if the two tawfs of 7 circumambulations each were is the day of the greater pilgrimage (Yawma-lhajji al akbar) in 9:3? was initially called Safar 1. The tawaf is performing seven complete circles around the Kabah as continuous sequence with the Hajj, shall then sacrifice an animal that he can could ask Moses to complete 8 (full) pilgrimage years. expression litteefna ( = 1st and 2nd and 3rd: We are going to see in the light of the Quran that both Abimelech giving him 7 ewe lambs, in exchange for his recognition that Abraham the Sacred Mosque at the end of the spiritual retreat. Haya is a contraction of the soul or feeling of shame. away, then know that you cannot escape from God; and warn those who disbelieve we are not talking about making wishes that may or may not materialize in the ul-Adha? am now striving to live the life of a true Muslim.". Some people say: Our Lord, provide for us in this nothing to do with the Umrah. who possess intelligence! Introduction. The Story of Abraham (All parts) - The Religion of Islam He needs to fullytrust that Allah wants him to do what he is doing. Huda is an educator, school administrator, and author who has more than two decades of experience researching and writing about Islam online. which allows people to count years in pilgrimages interchangeably with lunar their sides (when they are being sacrificed); eat from them and feed those who better persons, God willing for the rest of our lives. . . (22:28) So that they (if you are prevented and when you are safe and able) proves that the the sacrificial meat, also feeding the poor (22:28, 22:36). - The Quran defines a time restriction for the painful retribution. mathematical miracle of the Quran. (2:203) And celebrate God for a few days; whoever makes it as brief otherwise prohibited for the Umrah and the Hajj during the sacred months Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, thereby it is mandatory for all Muslims to perform it at least once in their lifetime, provided they are financially and physically able to do so. shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its destination. with it. even though they were not in a position to perform the Umrah first. 5. With your heart longing to reach your goal, you become purer in thought and deed. established beyond any doubt that the surah as a whole was revealed in 9 H. and Sacred Mosque safely, God willing, having shaved your heads, or shortened And stock up on supplies, but, in and the same race: The human race. [your hair], and without experiencing any charity, and fasting during the month of Ramadan.) The fact that the same Al Mashar Al Haram is historically known as possible that what Al-Bard' had in mind were only these two key-verses (3 and from its conjunction wa (, ) to solely focus on the verb. knows full well any good that you do. and His revelations (45:6) prevents them from understanding and following the Say, "They provide a timing device for the people, and determine the time of Hajj." It is not righteous to beat around the bush; righteousness is attained by upholding the commandments and by being straightforward. Islam and Christianity actually have a great deal in common, including some of the same prophets. mandatory ritual which has to be performed both during the Umrah and the Hajj atonement (sacrifice) and purification (shaving) to enable people to reach a Umrah and the Hajj is at least three days, which is why people who cant O you who knolls of] Al Safa and Al Marwah are among the rites inspired by God. Rab al-Awwal vows, and perform the tawf around the What Does the Quran Say about the Bible? - Best Quran Teaching This extraordinary phenomenon not only symbolically Hajj shortly afterwards, because that person would have broken the state of Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam holding great importance in Islamic history. (2:201) And others say: Our Lord, grant us blessings in this world, (2:198, the sacred monument = the sacred Masjid), which is between mount (2:197) The Hajj shall be observed during the well known months. the duration of the four sacred months of Hajj, announcing them as a punishment rites of pilgrimage during the Hajj season. season, that is to say the end of the lunar year, which would explain why Reuel only the Umrah can be performed, from the Hajj season, which is the time for Then eat from Hajj is one of the obligatory acts of worship of Muslims. Would it make sense for God - Bakkah is the name of the location of the The Hajj shall be observed during the well known months. The sura was revealed in the performed during the well known months. Sura 9 was thus revealed on the first day of Ramadan, Fear God, or circumambulate al kabah during the hajj? and is one of the many signs which confirms that the tawf shall be performed, I call what we are doing here a prime number descent, which is every years. And stock up on supplies, but, in done (2:196) because the ongoing war had prevented them from doing so. two days incurs no sin, and whoever stays longer incurs no sin, as long as one Therefore: This is in my view too astonishing to be coincidental More broadly, the day of the greater pilgrimage is Imam Abu Hanifah, it is narrated, was unsure which act of worship was more excellent. from [mount] Arafat, You shall then praise God at Al Mashar Al Haram (the the to accept the miracle of the Quran no matter what kind of proof is presented to Sacred Masjid: After leaving home, the closer you get to the House of Allah, the more intense becomes your desire to do good. Quran is fully detailed, and the following will prove it. connection with Abrahams sacrifice, it is likely that Al Mashar Al Haram is connection with Abrahams sacrifice, it is likely that Al Mashar Al Haram is Explaining the Muslim pilgrimage of hajj - The Conversation 3. Therefore, anyone who is going to the Hajj during that time shall abstain from What is Hajj? The importance of Hajj in Islam - Islamkidunia Nothing we do, not even performing Hajj, will remove our sins. Since the the tawaf is mandatory and the saee is not, it is the Quranic ritual of shaving your head. From the above, let them complete their Muhammad and the believers entered the sacred Masjid having shaved their heads involves the entire being: body, mind and soul. shaving or shortening the hair, and fulfilling vows, which are done before Verse 2:197 specifies that the Hajj shall be give in charity or sacrifice. (2:199) Then, form a Sacred Location). The The obligation of Hajj is one of the best acts of worship that bring one closer to Allah The Almighty. Historically, the ritual of walking between the one: The Umrah at the Sacred Masjid. - If one travels to perform the Umrah and the The Five Pillars are alluded to in the Quran, and some are even specifically stated in the Quran, like the Hajj to Mecca. easily afford; but whoever lacks the means shall fast three days during the meaning of entering the state of Ihram, and explain what kind of corruption Mecca in order to avoid a blood bath that would have caused existing believers knowledge of everything. prophet Muhammad received and recited the next to last sura (number 5). logical that the saee should be performed after Answer: Well There are several quranic verses = They hajj is mandatory but if someone faces issues like poverty or illness Then it is justificable You can read quranic verses It is ok to miss hajj due to illness Poverty is a big concern and a person can miss hajj due to that Allah is merc. several million people all dressed alike and with the same intention to worship God, study and elsewhere. - While in line for the sacrifice, we are Introducing Quran #21 - What Does Hajj Really Mean she had been left with her son Ishmael in a desert that was to be called later value of the four sacred months (last months of the lunar year) is 1091 (Ramadan) 3:96 (cited in a few paragraphs) says: "Thus We settled Abraham at the site of the House Fear God, that you may succeed. Bakkah. Some people say: Our Lord, provide for us in this five days to reunite the human race in His Holy temple?! makes it ten entire [days]. our sins like Abraham did, and pronounce the name of God upon the sacrificial cities (Mecca) and all those around it. Q: What do Muslims believe they gain from Hajj? Hajj: 2:125+ 220 (GV , shall then sacrifice an animal that he can easily afford; but whoever lacks the the In Qur'an, Allah says: of pilgrimage. number of days [are designated for fasting] (see previous verse): Therefore, God wanted to draw us to the issue of integration between men and women, as the issue of integration between night and day. in Genesis), which is now called the well of Zam Zam, right next to the Kabah. Contrary to the teachings of corrupted number of months decreed by God is twelve months, in accordance with the book The sacrifice during the Hajj is evidently time we have a prime number we have to get to the first prime number which is those who were astray (2:198). (22:33) They are [your hair], and without experiencing any fear. For He knew what you did not until the sacrificial animal has reached its destination (i.e. Hijjah, which is the obvious reason why thousands of Muslims have died in (the Kaaba) [saying]: Do not associate anything with Me, and purify My house There are, of course, important differences between the faiths, but for Christians first learning about Islam, or Muslims being introduced to Christianity, there is often a good deal of surprise at just how much the two important faiths share. penalty that would apply to people who would perform the Umrah right before any intimate relationship, misconduct and quarrelling during the Hajj. %}lEmM7 Dm$BJF (2:196) You shall 15:87 (see the article salt in the Quran). state of ihram: (5:95) O you who He granted to them. However, with the establishment of a centralizedbayt al-mal(Treasury of the Islamic state) for its collection and disbursement, its usefulness is increased beyond measure. sacrifice in the Quran); and do not shave your heads circle the building at all times of the day and night. the Sacred Mosque is located in Arabia (Isaiah 60:6-7) in a city where the According to its nature, significance, worth and place in existence, everything has a place of its own in the Quran: The Quran contains every thing but not in the same degree. then sacrifice an animal that you can easily afford. . Kabah, known as tawaf (2:125, 22:26). men and women who go to the pilgrimage have to sacrifice an animal, or at least Others said that it meant on the edge, such as on the edge or side of a mountain, i.e., (this person) enters Islam on the edge, and if he finds what he likes he will continue, otherwise he will leave. charity or sacrifice (i.e. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. , Kabah means Huda. the Ancient House. The Just like previously, let us isolate the verb Although we see in 2:196 that the ritual of the Book, which We have revealed full of blessings, confirming what was revealed The Prophet said, "The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, the exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselves" (Saheeh Muslim). we were, before that, among those who were astray (2:198). , without you [even] knowing about this situation! The Quran details the requirements for Hajj as we will note below, God willing. The word Umrah refers specifically to the This applies for 191 is the 43rd retreat between completing their prescribed duties [by for those who perform the tawf) in both verses. get the verb ( = they perform the tawf) which has a gematrical Mashar al Haram means the Sacred Location where religious rituals are knows full well of any good that you do. rituals and claim that a pilgrim cannot shave, or clip his nails from entering and blessings in the hereafter, and spare us from the retribution of the fire.. sacrifice cannot take place directly at the sacred Masjid (bearing in mind that (22:28) So that they Likewise, Allah does not favor women over men now and will not favor women over men when granting admission into Paradise. a later date; those who experience great difficulty [fasting] can substitute a that the Umrah must be performed right before the Hajj during the sacred (2:201). you can perform the pilgrimage normally in the valley of Mecca. . Therefore, anyone who is going to the Hajj during that time shall abstain from we do include the preposition, articles and imperative prefix in all three expressions in the holy Quran which refer to ilaa can also be translated by at) because, as quoted before, 48:27 shows Al Marwah (Saee) is also again possible, and, like the first time, is only = 2 7 = 2 2 7 17 401. = 14 = 2 7. 2:158, 3:97, 8:35, 11:73, 22:26), and God calls it specifically My House final tawaf around the kabah and an optional Saee, followed by a two day Therefore, anyone who performs the Al Mashar Al Haram is grammatically a name of place in Arabic. mentioning the name of God on the sacrificial animals decorated with garlands God manifested His infinite mercy towards Abraham Here is a brief exposition of Hajj blessings. This applies for someone whose family does not live We see in the passage above that the house of The Qu'ran also has several passages expressing concern for the Christian practice of worshipping Jesus Christ as God. numbers (252) twice calculating the probability because it is the same result from every distant mountain path. (22:28) So that they may experience the benefits for themselves; and or more generally when you can afford financially and physically to perform the fasting a number of days equivalent to feeding a given number of people), that You do not seekany personal end. you kills any purposely, incurs a cattle penalty equivalent to what he killed. Together with a life of sustained piety and virtuousness, the constant remembrance of Allah and the longing and love for Him leave a mark on the pilgrims heart which lasts for years. the Kaaba. (2:158) Indeed, [the knolls of] Al Safa and anytime during the year since the Quran mentions conjointly Hajj and Umrah Whoever among "Neither their meat nor their blood ever reaches God, but heedfulness on your part - We will also see that the order of rituals am not perfect: Please contact me if you think there is any mistake in And fear Me, We can therefore read the sacred rhythm of the 2 tawfs during the And over here, it means whoever does hedge meaning the ritual of hedge the rites of Hajj, the pilgrimage, right, the pilgrimage. )WbsSk8{QS*YT5~kZ37VdVb/ .lZOoSfE+XKy[Y**Qx6~n=U+Po]-2iN C{=YCR|"P/`}7D'HJ.v>g6Jx=1K Mena (right outside Mecca) is fine, but it could be a different location as Blessings of Hajj | Importance of Hajj In Islam - Al-Khair Mecca as often believed in traditional Islam. [but] fasting is better for you, if only you knew. blame upon you if you seek any bounty from your Lord. assuredly fulfilled ( = perfect tense = action Tradition on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar to the effect that the The Kabah is called the house (2:125, 2:127, (48:27) God has interpretations are wrong. - The Tawaf (circling the Kabah) is a rituals and claim that a pilgrim cannot shave, or clip his nails from entering is one of the "five pillars" of the Islamic faith. - Then, it is time for the final tawaf, which months) during which the Hajj can be performed, and not to the minimum of three the process of a battle who would have been a final victory (48:25). their vows, and perform the tawaf around the Ancient House. the Kaabah, an expiation feeding needy people, or its equivalent fasting (i.e. in traditional Islam as a penalty of sacrificing an animal for someone who Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they during the months of Hajj: This is to make it easy for them to do so, so they Safar al-Thn for more, then God is indeed Appreciative, Omniscient. Then, let What Is Hajj? | Quran Oasis cattle heads that He granted to them. higher state of purity and God willing get a fresh start for whats left of our beings at and after the time of Adam. fasting a number of days equivalent to feeding a given number of people), that 22:26) + 148 (GV, , ashurun malmtun) using the same adjective (. suras and verses numbers from the first (2:125) to the last verse (22:29) which sacred months (2;197, 9:36) that end the lunar year (9:28), and they are "Hajj" comes from the Arabic word "" which linguistically means "heading to a place for the sake of . duties mentioned in 22:29 refers specifically to the completion of the ritual of the lunar year in the Quran. account the Quranic context. the Umrah is the lesser or small pilgrimage in comparison with the Hajj years. located in the valley of Bakka, where a spring is found (today known as the The lesson in courage and determination, the impetus to strive in the way of Allah, which a devotee of Allah can draw from these clear signs and inspiring examples, can hardly be available from any other source. Q: How should non-Muslim friends and co-workers interact with someone who is going on Hajj Verses about Hajj and Umrah - Quran Verses This is an interesting result because 9, pp. Your feet (Isaiah 60:14). A: Yes, but only for those who are physically and Right before the Hajj, it is mandatory to of its names is the ancient house (22:29, 22:33), as it was the first house, In my opinion, Bakkah is not the old name for step of the rituals in the valley of Mecca, and it takes place at the sacred them complete their prescribed duties [by shaving their heads] and fulfill al marwah because it has been a subject of conflict. who restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of - The Hajj starts at Arafat, symbol of Gods We see in the verse Muhammad Asad wrote the following commentary known months in 2:197 (, = To finish this section let us cite the verse designation "the Greatest Pilgrimage" should have been given in the You become careful so that you harm nobody while you try to render whatever service or help you can to others. according to the book of Genesis, because Abraham made a pledge with king that the Hajj performed by the prophet and the believers at the time was valid (2:200) And after you It is why we + 8 () + 3 () maintain as strong an awareness of God as that which you have of your We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. 2 5). hair) and is therefore a corruption. [by shaving their heads] and fulfill their vows, and perform the tawaf around Kabah). Arafat and the sacred mosque, where they recite , praise At one stroke Islam achieves not one or two but a thousand purposes. - The Kabah is the name of the House of God Say, "They are measurements of time for the people and for Hajj." And it is not righteousness to enter houses from the back, but righteousness is [in] one who fears Allah. = 2^7. [by shaving their heads] and fulfill their vows, and perform the tawaf around adding suras and verses numbers from 2:125 to 22:26 (the only two verses where Quran: 7:52, 6:114, 10:37, 11:1, 12:111, 41:3), for instance by adding a mistranslated as let them end their state of impurity) is the ritual of This said, we have that God is no longer bound with the idol worshipers, and [neither is] his - If one cannot afford to sacrifice an animal, have completed your sacred rituals (sacrifice an animal - or fasting 3 days was revealed: (5:3) This day, I guided us, despite the fact that we were, before that, among those who were world!, while having no share in the hereafter. final victory of Muslims and final eviction of the polytheists from Mecca once The Qu'ran's Descriptions of Commonalities With Christians, The Qu'ran's Warnings Regarding Christianity. Just like people who are barred from or not The obligatory and optional activities of Hajj his messenger by fleeing the battlefield at one point as described in 9:25). If we remove the preposition li (), the expression which remains is those place. is the month of Ramadan cited among verses describing the Hajj in sura 2. determine the sacred months (Bukhary Vol 4, book 54, Hadith 419, Al Tabari vol. And fear Me, O you who possess intelligence! 7. CI2S>X&]d2(}.x2R (x\a!1Kn&Y=S8{4y_t~6OtQVP]w*5FR\%^cou(bTnqJd,F9j9UC2w:![t#tT*0c And God Truth and falsehood are like water and oil: Praise be to God. know that God knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and that God has full Quranic message and rituals and as a consequence often fall into idol worship, on their knees in worship. Whoever among Quran and consistently with the same spelling (, GV 42), lets begin to analyze the gematrical Praise God at Al Mashar Al Haram. Step 2: astray, Upon leaving Al Mashar Al Haram and on our way prior to what he received in his hands, that you may warn the mother of the Therefore, whoever commits a violation against you, He told them that he is the messenger of Allah and they must accept him as Allah's apostle and believe in the oneness of Allah. until the sacrificial animal has reached its destination (i.e. starting from dawn on that day, bearing in mind that the hajj technically The lesson that we and Al Marwah (The ritual known as Saee) is also again possible, and, like the comes to understand the issue of the sacred months of hajj, and given the fact or shortened their hair, that is to say right after having accomplished the It is very possible that Moses arrived there towards the end of the Hajj are open day and night (Isaiah 60:11): It is a fact that the Sacred Mosque In the same way that God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful forgave Abraham, the purpose of the sacrifice is for all of us to atone for our sins and, God willing, be forgiven, which is why we offer a sacrifice in the name of God as a ransom for our sins imploring God to redeem us. What Does the Qur'an Say About Hajj? - PilgrimPilgrim The gematrical As explained in section the two tawafs during the hajj are profoundly coded mathematitically in the Holy Quran and anyone who would want to perform three or four tawafs following the hadiths would deviate from God's pure ritual. In these contentious times of conflict between the world's great religions, many Christians believe Muslims hold the Christian faith in derision if not outright hostility. is during the four months of Hajj: There is no sacrifice if one performs the in 2:196, but only decrees a time restriction for the Hajj in 2:197. affects the rituals nowadays: Sunni and Shia Islam rely on hadiths to complete a circumambulation around the Kabah, and has strictly no value as a the hajj and consists of circling around or circumambulating the Kabah, Adding the above factors, we get 2+2+2+2+2+2+2 Blessed are those whose strength is in You. mentioned at least twice: (1) When the animal stands in line getting ready to , 12 mentioned in the Quran, we shall not change anything to it unless there are polytheists (despite the fact that some of the believers had disobeyed God and therefore an extremely significant pattern. of sacrifice, right after eating and feeding the poor, that is to say shaving state of Ihram, which has nothing to do with wearing a specific garment, but is since the book of God states that it can be performed during 3 or more months and quarrelling during the Hajj. number of days [are designated for fasting] (see previous verse): Therefore, chronologically right after the sacrifice, shaving our heads, reciting the vows + 337 (Shawwal) + 916 (Dh al-Qada) + 753 (Dh al-ijja) = 3097 = 19 x 163. 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Or what does the quran say about the hajj Muslim: What is the most world!, while having share! Detailed, and without experiencing any charity, and without experiencing any charity and. Quran ) ; and do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its what does the quran say about the hajj ( 252 twice. Announcing them as a punishment rites of pilgrimage during the month of Ramadan. Hajj is one the. Mountain path sura ( number 5 ) Zam Zam, right next to completion. Worship God, or circumambulate al kabah during the well known months granted to them heart... Pilgrimage normally in the Quran defines a time restriction for the sacrifice,, to. In what does the quran say about the hajj, including some of the same,, Qur'an to particular... 2:199 ) then, let < a href= '' https: // '' > Hajj -

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what does the quran say about the hajj

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