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my daughter is still single

A man's job. I was raised the traditional route, always treat women with respect hold the door honor and integrity and of course sex is for marriage. Self-depreciating or not, some people are just in rough shape and really should maybe avoid romantic relationships. Second marriage ended due to lack of communications, she just left with two children. I personally do not care how much a guy makes. But these people really dont wonder about such topics and probably wont read this article. Its about who will accept you and unless youre in this position you really wouldnt understand. I hate how society tries to mold people into stereotypes. Having all those problems I dont see how I can solve them, even one at a time. As you stated, you are not alone. A single word, Look, Reaction makes me run away and it makes a disaster for me and my employer too. Im a hopeless romantic. But, being at this age force you to think Why you are still single. I would be happy to go out and try to meet people, but when you get disappointed with the poor turnout (in terms of number, quality, and/or gender ratio of people) or lack of genuine human interaction, it just feels like punishment with no upside, and eventually I just stop. Yep, typical Indian male mentality mindset. She held a burning contempt for me for the last ten years as I desperately tried to find a way to make her happy, or at least appeased. The second guy on that same dating site, he was a nerd who was open minded, smart and likes to go on adventures (three things i am looking for in a guy), after a few dates, we learned how much more we have in common and what we want in life, its almost exact And today is our third month anniversary and we are already thinking/planning ahead, anyways same thing here.but still dont give up on loveif their is still life.. we hope for the best. For example: find and heal your blockages. We may be guilty of not needing a man to survive, but we arent all about the money. Its so hard having her dump her frustration on you on top of that. buddy i understand, im in my 50s look 10 years younger and cant meet women, its like im invisible im very lonely very depressed and very sad, i cry all the time. Yes, we might get hurt but when we stop taking risks, we reduce our chances of meeting someone we could really have a future with. secondly those comments i get from people with family every day are very hurtful. I havent had a guy ask me for my number or want to get to know me at all. That never happens. I am very innovative and yes very smart employee and they all knew it. But it didnt make any sense. Did I ruin her life by indoctrinating her with my 1960s/1980s feminist myth that we can have it all? You need to consider him seriously as your future partner because with him you will find happiness for life. Ive been single nearly 30 years, Ive dated, but with no luck at all. And worst of all I seem to be passing these to my child as well. Personally I could care less about dating in America at this stage of my life. Perhaps for many people. I ve never had a long term girlfriend, but dated plenty. Any ways, it is easy to talk about all this somehow obvious things, but very hard to apply it to every day life. Also Warzone is effected by this for some reason. :((, Same I am 15 though everyone I like either doesnt like me has a boyfriend or likes someone else. Having spent most of my adult life single i know all the difficulties that come with it. The last women who showed interest in me was politely rejected. Someone decided we would have a credit crunch though about 9 months before I was gonna hit the real big time.she stayed a while, that wasnt entirely the reason for our breakup, as in she didnt leave me cos I wasnt on top any more, but the strain of living here, and all that just messed it up. I am 56 & was never married for many reasons. There is way too much shame put on people who dont fit a certain mold. I will make use of it. Theres not really anything on your list that is positive. Even women who had not had children, so having children wasnt a reason for mens disinterest. However, it apparently didn't resolve the crashing issue as fresh reports ( 1, 2) are still coming in. No friends and take it from there, no official girlfriends and ABSOLUTELY no living with someone. She often makes . Everytime i want to fall in love, many of my friend say im desperate. Well then there are many of us Good men out there that are certainly Not single by choice and wish that we couldve met a Good woman to settle down with to have a family, and years ago there were much Easier methods for men and women to Connect with one another with the help of many friends and family that would introduce you to someone that wouldve been right for you. Also you need to get yourself out there. They want everything but that. I would think the women's room would be a better option for her but wouldn . I have been praying for her, her boyfriend and baby that God will use this to draw her to himself and that he will be glorified. Its better to have wasted a couple months really trying to get to know a person who you think you might want to commit yourself to than to jump into a serious long term relationship to only find out that youve just wasted three years of your life. A few times now, a couple of my acquaintances girlfriends have, well one full on propositioned me, and another 2 were just like dodgy, I really wanted/needed to bang em but I dont mess with girls of guys I know, and I dont cheat on people I am in a relationship with (its true I doubt anyone would believe it who knows me apart from the rejected girls in question, Im not even handsome so I dunno how this happened without my encouragement lol). Keep doing your thing. hey man Im in the same boat, always pick people who arent good for me, and theyre subconscious choices. I still talk with an accent, and Im rather short 54, slightly overweight, slightly balding at the top and wear glasses. This list is vindictive, condescending and manipulative. Unfortunately it is very hard finding it today since today is a very different story altogether, which it is just too bad that the old days are no longer with us. To me, a single woman who has children represents extra baggage in a relationship. Good luck going forward. There are a lot who stay single for personal choices that are valid. Yet, I dont know how to get out of it. Have a decent job (19 year firefighter with a major southern city), and yesI am single. Not leave you 400 texts and climb down your chimney stalker crazy but just, you know, less balanced, losing your focus, not being yourself crazy. I lost my true in my 25 yr marriage, so its nice finding and being myself again. Why should it be the men who have to change? I have found that just I need to get better and change. But seriouslythe truth iswe all want someone nicemost just want the asshole we love to be nice to us. Parents also dont have time to educate their children, we have both men and women working full time jobs, obviously they dont spend time with kids. Im sick of dating. Today it is all about the money since most women will go for the men that have money unfortunately which is very sad how money changes people for the worst of all due to their greed and selfishness that is now everywhere these days. Its not always a question of the world is your oyster go out there and look. By Tiffany Bailey. Ironically, initially we tend not to trust the people who really like us, but when we give them a chance, we find that weve chosen someone who values us for who we really are, someone who can really make us happy. They say theyre into me, showing interest in me, saying theyll do anything for me, introduce me to their parents but along the way, when it gets serious Id get dumped because they either have their defences up cos theyve been hurt in the past, he had low self esteem because he thought I was out of his league, those are his words, not mine. Its important not to make fixed rules or to buy into other peoples rules when it comes to dating. I was engaged to be married in my 30s and it wasnt the best match. I have spent years working to put them through college and now have nice home and a vacation home. (Theres not really anything on your list that is positive.) Wonderful, fully engaged with life, volunteer, have multiple interests, people like me, decent looking, outdoors type . Two of her siblings Jill, 57, and Gregg, 45 are also . Im not sure I would want to be in a relationship with a woman who already as children by another man. While I claimed my daughter in 2019 as a college student, she will be married in 2020 and filing jointly. In shidduchim, in contrast, theres often a sense of stagnation. no relationship with family of any kind / disowned to conceal narcissistic abuse Or perhaps the kids of career parents Ive met since moving to the south: incapable of even making a dinner reservation for themselves at the age of 24 because they always had someone who was paid to do everything for them. That just leads to further seeking of happiness with more materialistic things. Friendship with a woman to me, is just not good enough. I have my reasons, like more tangible but I guess subconsciously there is a bit of this. Like what, for example? Al my exes have at one time or another stolen from me or abandoned me . 1st Corinthians 1 Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman., I hate it when people defend Christianity without even reading the bible. Jana Duggar is still single at 31. Im not a psychic and cant foretell the future but Im going to step out into the mysterious cosmos and say the following about you: you are in the best place you could be and thats attractive no matter if you look like a big troll or a beast. Ill be in my mid 40s by then, and it wont mage a difference; everything about me is a red flag to decent, educated men. but now that its not ok to have a guy friend i am just to scared or indifferent for a relationship. I find myself wanting to discuss world events with him or just hear his perspectives on different issues. But have I ever been too picky. Although you can't solve an adult's problems for them, here are some ways you can support a single person in your family: Offer your unconditional love. I am interested in lots of things, music, art etc, and up for trying new activities. Ill be turning 40 in a few months, and Ive always been single. If anyone actually read the bible (as I did) they would no longer be Christian (like me). Are There Any Left?). You may decide to expend more visible effort so your daughter feels heard, and thats probably meaningful hishtadlus. And 15 years ago I had a relationship that ended and was told that I wasnt really loved and he took my house. im still single at my 56yrs. Apparently, Gisele had been living her life without Tom while still married to him, and she was probably waiting for the right time to leave the marriage and focus [] I am kind of their touchstone to another life, the single middle aged woman friend. I thank God for that. It was like, none of them ever found me cute, attractive or good looking. Most of the women I know make more money than the men they are in relationships with. Sometimes I just sit and think that maybe I will never have a man In my life because I am not attractive,or maybe God wants me to focus on Him . I keep trying and failing. Why is it always that the woman does the deciding? HOW? Ive been told that Im a handsome man by more than one woman (and not just Mom:). Even when I was in my 20s I never really went out on the weekends, never was really a drinker, never liked crowds, not much into the bar scene. I think the other issue is since social media and internet was invented well now if you want sex, a hookup or watch porn well its all at a click of a button. One of my brothers recently informed me I was too old to find someone which made me hopping mad. Or maybe some people are just blessed with the majority of people being attracted to them , or maybe its the persons age, society judges them, so many things it could be rather than someones bitterness, defensiveness, fear of intimacy, etc. Stop being so judgemental! Dear, Kay: My Kid Came Home Insisting On The Pronoun Zhir. They really do continue to blame their parents. Feel free to avoid answering that rhetorical question. They believe they want a fulfilling relationship more than anything, but they believe even more firmly that no one worthwhile would be interested in them. In our adult relationships, we may resist being too vulnerable or write people off too easily. Over the years Ive become overly distant and shut out from the world and for many years now Im completely shut down. Also, if you move to a new city for work, its pretty difficult to make close friends of any sort when everyone else is already busy with their own lives. In reality, there is no ideal man out there. Turning 30 is a milestone. and it has only led to unhealthy realtionships and casual flings and obviously have not worked out, so why would I continue doing that? I can identify with certain of the points of the article: low self-esteem and a mixed sentiment of a fear of intimacy. Everybody loses. They are not saying that there are not people that do stay single for their religion.theyre saying no where in the Bible does it state in order to spread the word of God and Jesus Christ you must remain alone. And, of course, listen to others and give back to them as well. We may feel unwilling to compete, particularly as we get older, and we start to have self-attacks like Your time has passed, youre too old for this. Our fears of competition can lead us to avoid putting ourselves out there. For the most part why relationships break, is lack of proper communication (nagging adds stress to partners), lack of common interests and always giving negative energy. I love children but Id rather them be my own. Everyone always says that relationships take two people committing to something greater than themselves but then people also say, you cant change yourself for another peraon? Who Im interested in, is not interested in me. its hard to find at my age thats the problem. Its depressing, but a statistical fact. I retire from the military in 4 years, have saved since the age of 16 and have started construction on my dream home. There are really No good places to go anymore since they had single clubs other than the bar scene without drinking, and they had a lot of church dance for singles too. You said yourself you are attracted to beautiful ( or at least pretty) women and not mentioned anything about personality so why not travel to Thailand and make someone very rich and buy yourself companion. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Of cause romantic people tend to break easily once they feel and see other person is not romantic as he is. There are hundreds of men who want you for your strength alone, know that. Im dating someone. I know this doesnt apply to the whole population, but the vast majority. I think my culture has a lot to do with why I am single. I think the better way to deal with single hood specially in your mid-late 30s is not to think about it and doing things what you want to do, at a time when you want to do them. I had 3 days off not to long ago. . I am single because men I meet and date just want sex and are not serious about commitment. My best female friend at the moment is my dog. Woman claim theyjust want a nice guylol. I thank them for trying to make me feel good, but tell them I never see any evidence that a woman actually sees me as sexually attractive. As he noted, you cant fulfill the top of the pyramid (education is part of it) without fulfilling the bottom of the pyramid (Love, self-esteem, effection, belonging, etc). Id always hoped for love, a family, but the longer it goes on the less hope I have. Im 34feeling lonley at times and been single for 7 years. I created an animal preserve, got my Ph.D. and began a life of my own. Why? They say that all I need to get a date is to trust them when they say I am attractive, then put myself out there and ask women out. Its just not fair to my would-be partner if I settle for anything less. With my dad being sick, my grandmother just passing away and now with my moms disability I am helping them. If you are looking for 10 things in a partner, dont, just find the top 4 or 5 things in a future partner that are more important, and keep your standards not too high or not too too low, remember, you want a best friend, a partner. Your solitary days will be no more, for tomorrow is safe in my hands. I grew up in Boston and even sometimes that affects me from dating guys. Totally agree. But dont quit being a man. We tend to feel devastated or hurt by the repeated rejections without recognizing that we are actually seeking out this pattern. I dont want to take the lead or chase a man (never worked for me) so at this point it feels unlikely anything will come of it. We should try new activities and even try dating diverse people as a means to discover new parts of ourselves and what makes us happy. My whole life without a girlfriend or a woman to fall head over hills in love with me, my life is complete crap. That why i still single until now. It is something we do. Ive also tried online dating to no avail. You know no matter what anyone thinks about me, Ive had more women than all them put together and thats a fact (probably depending who them are and I will again when I get chance, to be honest I dont see myself settling down until 40 now, and I make no apologies. No doubt the writer would say, See! So why act? Many of my friends found wonderful spouses.. they are so happy. Reading some of the comments, it seems like many are in denial . Already been there, done that; people these days are very to themselves and not open to that sort of interaction with strangers. This articles point, dont fear getting out there and making them. At least you know if you do marry, that you will be marrying someone with good values and a strong faith in Christ. 80 percent of the married people I c r fat, ugly; there goes ur theory, Thats not true you are only exposing yourself to those types of people there are loving people in this world we just hide from the rest of the world. Ive never had a boyfriend. Id rather go for someone who has more of a quiet confidence. As long as he has a job or career. EVERY daughter deserves a strong relationship with her father and to enjoy his presence in her life, even in divorce. Many women start to have thoughts like, There are no decent men out there or All the good ones are taken. Men may have thoughts like, You cant trust a women or Women are all out to take advantage of you. We may have unrealistic expectations for a partner or pinpoint weaknesses from the moment we meet someone. Because the reality is Id you find yourself in a serious marriage commitment, including marriage and kids and the whole nine yards you better damn well bet your last dollar that your life is going to change. I believe that love finds you and it either happens or it doesnt. I guess I simply used up every bit of my dating energy when I was young and stupid and now I dont have the energy. Its just how it goes sometimes. But its worth reading. The good old days were certainly the best since many men and women had to really struggle to make ends meat, so women had no choice since they had to accept their men for who they were when both men and women had no money to begin with which many men and women had to live with their parents. I wasnt fortunate enough to be in that mix. Why put MYSELF through that?! During that time, I was unaware of the other relationships that she was engaged in. That is not what she said. !I have been playing catch-up due to my emotional immaturity..Men , dont do be coward like me. this is not true, you get hurt to many times. Many of you geniuses on this comment section try to come up with all the reasons in the world on why you or certain people stay single. I know a ton of people in relationships who arent even happy let alone fulfilled. Nobody should be passive and submissive in a relationship, so I dont get why youre only addressing men here. 99% of the men Ive dated have been very average-looking. Once retired (@ age 40), I will spend the rest of my life indulging in my hobbies. Whereas those who are married are not. Hi, Horribly put. I am about there myself. I am 34 but many people think I look like Im 40. No, matter if I change everything in my life to be successful than after that too tough for to start a relationship. I got remarried in 2013 to the man of my dreams. Why won't guys look past my career plans and see me? relationship is a crazy scary thing. This is why I dont bother with people. If you are a single male and want attention go to the Philippines or another country. I find that single woman my age are even more disgruntled about being single than I am. But every time that I tried, I failed miserably. i think some people are meant to be single i have never had a boyfriend and i am attractive it doesnt matter what i do i even lost weight and nothing it never came thru so i now accept it thats just the way it is alot of people are meant to be alone. I dress well, put myself out there, but never get so much as a phone number. Be well and never give up! But what about many of us Single people that really hate to be Alone?, especially when all your friends and family members are all married with their families and were still Not. I was in a few relationships that were wonderful, until they werent. If a person truly believes that a relationship takes way more time, energy and resources that its ultimately worth, they might decide to throw in the towel, do their own thing, and have other kinds of relationships with people other than pair-bond / committed / LTR type relationships. She loves me unconditionally, wants to hang out with me, waits by the door for me to come home when I am out of the house, and cannot access my bank account. She was very wonderful. @ Albert.accept yourself the way u are,make yourself happy, hangouts with friends dont Denny urself happiness,the right girl will find you maybe its not yet time. And Most of the women that have their Careers now certainly Would Not make a Good Wife at all since it is all about them. One day, a woman will see that and be attracted to the qualities she sees. I am 34 male and still thinking , I like to share my experiences with other readers too. 49 divorced after 20 years of marriage. I lived 14 years away from my mum and when circumstances forced me to go back and look after I intended it would be for about 2 years however circumstances for varies reasons made feel obliged to stay. I did need that relationship to be healthy enough for me to honestly have expressed my negative opinions of those things rather than lie through my teeth, but what was needed was the effort. There has never been any evidence that a woman has any sexual interest in me at all. They tried for many years but got divorced after 36 years of marriage. My grandfathers 68 and recently married after 26 years of being alone. You dont have to play the games of the modern woman here in America. I am also 34 year old Indian man thats pretty much in the same boat all though I am not well educated. But its been hard to find someone interested in even talking with me at this time, especially with the stupid pandemic wearing a mask, most places locked down here, and not being able to get more than 6 feet away from people. And family has all moved away. i dont know why ,i fell sad sometimes . I feel we mostly want a fun friend who wants to do things and just hang out; someone who is grown up and based in reality. Because, those idiot god playing controllers with our lives really go all out of their way to constantly make the end of what might of been. ), there are to many dateing sites. It wasnt until I was in my 40s that I realized my abusive, nasty mother (who clearly hated me as well as my father) was a prescription drug addict, likely with mental health problems. But no having a loving relationship means loving, but weird. I dont know if youre being serious here, but have you at least read the article till the end? Older men exclude older women. What about a child? Focus on the positives. And there are many of us that really shouldve been married by now with our own family already. Spending time with someone who doesnt need me to fulfill their needs, or to placate their loneliness is paramount to me. also lower your standards, your a regular indian guy. You have to make decisions on your own, both big and small, and you have to develop the confidence to stand by those decisions. She said to give the person a chance that likes you bc they might wind up being a great catch in the long run. Our adult relationships, we may resist being too vulnerable or write people off too easily love! My would-be partner if i settle for anything less few relationships that were wonderful, fully with! Student, she will be married in 2020 and filing jointly be in a relationship never married for years. Mom: ) there are no decent men out there but the vast majority politely rejected i grew up Boston! 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my daughter is still single

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