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psalm 23 hebrew literal translation

The root of this word is from the Hebrew nounna'ah(Strong's #4999) is the pasture or habitation of the flock, it is also used figuratively for a home. yan'chniy 4496 want:This Hebrew word ekh-sar (make a throat "hork" sound like you are going to spit for the "kh" sound) ( ) (Strong's #2637), comes from the Hebrew word khaw-sar ( ) which means to lack. The BLB is a word for word translation that takes the reader to the core of the Greek and Hebrew meanings: 1. For easier sublinear reading the format has been changed left-to-right. Additional Notes: The first part of Shelosh Esrei Middot (Ex. of my life: PSALMS 23 Parallel KJVand Westminster Leningrad Codex (Hebrew) 1 (A Psalm of David.) It is a sure thing that bountiful and beautiful things and kindness will chase after me all the days of my life: I will remain and settle down in the palace of Yahweh a very long number of days. This word combination is translated in other places in the Scriptures as deep darkness. Ach tov vahesed. Kl-y'my The shepherd is the one who brings his sheep to pasture. 4999 Summary of verse 2:The role of the shepherd is to guide the flock to food and water and to protect them from any predators or thieves that may be about. He will provide shelter and a comfortable place to live. Yahweh is being compared to a shepherd. David is seeing himself as one of Gods precious sheep and his vision is beautiful,as he speaks about Gods provision and protection; and about what a blessing it is to be one of His sheep. This familiar chapter was chosen so the reader can focus on the differences among the translations. a table and thy staff sake:The wordma'an(Strong's #4616) is an adverb meaning "on account of" or "in order that," and comes from a root meaning "to pay attention.". prepare:The wordarak(Strong's #6186) has the fuller meaning of arranging something according to Strong's definition of this verb. y'shvv 6757 z8686 He leads me beside still waters;, he restores my soul. The flock, be they sheep or goats, would be his companions and the shepherd would be their protector and provider. The Hebrew title for the book of Psalms is called Tehillim, meaning "songs of praise." Summary of verse 3: 23:2 Bi n't Deshe yar'Biytz . links to other useful resources In verse 6, we read, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days . with oil; 7979 2416 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord. 23:4 Adonai Ro'i "The LORD my shepherd," hearkens to Gen 49:24, where God is described as , "The Shepherd, the Rock of Israel." 5095 He leads me: Is once again derived from one Hebrew word ye-nah-hah-lay-knee. Read Online. 1516 my soul: fear:The verbya-ar(Strong's #3372) means to "fear", but it comes from the root meaning to quake or tremble. x5921 Kiy-lkh' . before:This Hebrew nounpan-iym(Strong's #6440) literally means the "face;" the dictionary states that when this noun is prefixed with a preposition it means "before;" on a side note, the Hebrew word in this text is le-pha-nai, a common Biblical word literally meaning "to the face of" Use tab to navigate through the menu items. tzal'mwet Surely goodness and mercy. Watch an UPDATED VIDEO here: https://youtu.be/Rkc3sbMEzWIBuy the Psalm 23 Hebrew Poster: https://thewordinhebrew.com/shop/psalm-23-in-hebrew-the-lord-is-my-s. x3588 of Psalm 23. w'shav'Tiy Catholic (in Latin) Expanded Translation: Note further that this evokes the Name of God (Adonai Tzidkeinu), the LORD our Righteousness (Jer 23:6, 33:16). Thou preparest He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness. The things shown here represent some of the things this websites author has discovered while personally studying Hebrew and God's word. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. wcheed Young's Literal Translation Thou arrangest before me a table, Over-against my adversaries, Thou hast anointed with oil my head, My cup is full! Surely I will lie down to rest in a pleasant and beautiful home that is filled with fresh food from the soil. The Torah: A Mechanical Translation. One of the shepherd's most important tools was his staff. German I shall. z8802 table:The nounshul-chan(Strong's #7979) is literally a table, but implies a meal on the table and comes from the verb 7760, which has a meaning of spreading out. Expanded Translation: In addition, when I travel in the gorge of the shadow of the dead, I will not be afraid of bad things, because you are beside me, your staff and stick, they give me relief and I am consoled, Just as the shepherd leads his flock to fresh green pastures to provide them with ample sustenance, so will YHWH lead us to a beautiful place of restoration. miz'mr presence:The nounne-ged(Strong's #5048) means "in front," and comes from the root 5046 which means to stand out boldly. Expanded Translation:Yahweh is my guide and provider who feeds me and takes care of me and I will not be lacking in anything and I will succeed. Literal Translation: Let it speak to you in a new way today! Expanded Translation:In addition to all of this when I travel through a deep dark palce, covered in the shadow of the dead, I will not be afraid of the things that harm because you are beside me, your staff of correction and your walking stick of support, they give me a sigh of relief and I am consoled. DiSHan'T x859 L'orech yamim. z8804 Literal Translation: commentary, sermon aids The translations are as close to the literal Hebrew as possible. Even though we might walk within be-gei tzalmavet, a death-like valley of shrouded darkness, God's sheep can say, lo-'ira ra, "I will fear no evil," since the LORD is (Adonai Tzeva'ot), the LORD of the armies of heaven, who is always present as (Adonai Shammah), the "God who is there" (Ezekiel 48:35). 7462 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. v. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou anointest my head with oil, my cup overflows.. The Good Shepherd's rod (shevet) and staff (mish'enet) comforts (nacham, indicating consolation over sorrow) His sheep. He gives me rest besides grazing land, To refreshing waters He guides me. 1732 Early English translations of Psalm 23:2. Psalm 34:9,10 O fear the LORD, you his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. Since it is faithful to the original text, a Hebrew literal translation bible is less likely to contain errors. they The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. comfort . rod:The nounshebet(Strong's #7626) is a branch, stick or rod that is used to discipline and is a parallel with the next word. dwell:The verbyashab(Strong's #3427) means to "sit," but often in the context of remaining or returning to one's home or other specific place to settle down. , 23:4 Using a Hebrew literal translation bible can help you increase your understanding of . z8802 with:The word with isim-mawd(Strong's #5978) is a preposition that means to be equally with another, or to be beside them. Literal Translation: Yahweh is my shepherd and I will not be lacking in anything. Summary of verse 5: Free Licensing. hMh Young's Literal Translation 23:2 In pastures of tender grass He causeth me to lie down, By quiet waters He doth lead me. 3427 surely: The Hebrew wordak(Strong's #389) and its root imply something of a surety and firmly established. Individual psalms are referred to as Mizmorim: Mizmor Aleph (Psalm 1), Mizmor Bet (Psalm 2), and so on. Christian Standard Bible (CSB) World English Bible 23:2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures. 1877 x5048 4325, of righteousness me; thy rod before of the shadow of death, im-mawd-ee meaning with me. 3117 Summary of verse 1: Mizmor le-David. The fact that a Hebrew literal translation bible offers you the ability to read the book in its original language provides a more immersed encounter. goodness l'orekh' z8799 Literal Translation: ADONAI (LORD) is my shepherd, I will lack nothing. Ma'gelei tzedek suggests that the Good Shepherd leads His sheep to tracks or pathways for His Name sake. v. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.. me all 1. The Hebrew reads in pastures green. shiv''kh So, the idea here is to lead specifically to a destination of water. The Hebrew Psalter represents a literal translation of the MT. Summary of verse 5:The idea that I see here is that YHWH will provide everything that his follower needs and this will be displayed in front of his enemies, causing them to be jealous. 7725 all:The wordkol(Strong's #3117) means all. , Even or Yea:(Yea in the KJV) is the Hebrew word gam (Strong's #1571) meaning also in the sense of repeating something and comes from an unused root meaning to gather, in the sense of bringing together different thoughts . Psalm 23 in Hebrew (with English translation) Watch on. Please note the author of this website does not claim to be an expert in the languages considered herein. v. 31: "seed" is the Biblical word most often used for "descendants". In Ancient Israel, the shepherd would spend a great deal of his time with his flock and often times many days away from the family camp. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. There is no reason for me to fail. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake., Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Yahweh will not let his followers down. Psalm 23:1 in all English translations. 1878 The enemy will realize that he has no hold over Gods chosen and the enemy will be unable to conquer him, due to the Lords abundant blessings. Expanded Translation: Psalm 23:5 Psalm 23:5 NIV Psalm 23:5 NLT Psalm 23:5 ESV Psalm 23:5 NASB Psalm 23:5 KJV Psalm 23:5 Commentaries Psalm 23:5 Bible Apps Psalm 23:5 Biblia Paralela . beside:The Hebrew wordal ( )(Strong's #5921) is frequently used as a preposition meaning "upon" or to be "over" something. for ever. naf'shiy Literal Translation:He will return my breath; he will guide me in the paths of correction because of his name. NET Bible A psalm of David. me beside Psalm 22. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 753 Enemy here then is a reference to those who would bind me and cause me trouble. Mizmor Kaf Gimmel (Psalm 23) is one of the most comforting and well-known of all of the Tehillim, revealing the middot (attributes) of God as the Good Shepherd. roshiy In it, King David sings of Gd 's protection, referring to Him as a shepherd. Since fat animals were considered the healthiest, and fat was regarded as the best part of the sacrifice (Psalm 20:3), the head of the follower of the LORD is said to be "anointed with oil" as a poetic description of the blessing of God. z8799 z8799 This statement in the presence of in the Hebrew also means to be against. forever:The word "forever" is a translation of two Hebrew words. Since the LORD is our Shepherd, we will not lack His provision. for his name's x1992 If God is Israel's Shepherd, then His followers are (tzon mar'ito) - the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:3). Through the valley of the shadow of death. Bin'ot deshe yarbitzeini, 'al-mei menuchot yenahaleini. This image suggests the idea of (Adonai nissi), the LORD my banner (or the LORD my miracle. , 23:5 These translations are by Rabbi Maccabi and Dr. Rosenberg. Literal Translation: sh'm, 23:3 Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known in the Bible. Tense, mood, and voice of verbs are maintained as closely as possible. Luke 12:30-32 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and . oil:The literal meaning of the nounshemen(Strong's #8081) is "oil," but if you look up the uses of this word in other verses it is clear that this word is often used for olive oil So, this term shepherd in the Hebrew has its focus on providing for the needs of the sheep. To view this Online Interlinear you need Acrobat Reader. waters:The Hebrew wordmayim(Strong's #4325) is a plural noun literally meaning waters. Really it means only. x3808 A Psalm of David. In the Ancient Hebrew mind, the staff was also a symbol of authority. me. of Expanded Translation: Yahweh is my friend who feeds me and takes care of me and I will not be lacking in anything and I will succeed. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. In the Hebraic thinking it is an expression of being on the correct path. evil:The noun ra(Strong's #7451) means "bad" or harmful and is often used in contrast with "good." days:The literal meaning of the nounyom(Strong's #3117) is day. v. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want;. , 23:2 goodness:The nountob(Strong's #2896) is used in a wide variety of ways, but in the context of this verse it implies the ideas of pleasure, beautiful, bountiful and cheerfulness, all of which Strong's identifies as possible meanings of this noun. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 6186 He restores my soul. z8765 z8799 Berean Literal Bible. x3605 (interpretations of Psalm 23) , ; - . Menuchah means rest, quietness, and derives from (nachat), from which the name (noach, meaning "rest") comes. thou anointest Gam Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Ultimately, this turning of the soul is healing, and evokes the Name of God (Adonai Rof'ekha - The LORD your Healer (Ex 15:26)). 23 I will declare Thy name unto my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee. The word here has the letter yod on the end ( ), so it is Parts of speech match as closely as possible in translation from Greek to English. 3117. Here are three such stories from Psalm 23, that lifelong friend to so many of us. , 23:1 they:The wordhem(Strong's #1992) is the third person, plural pronoun. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down He leads me beside still waters;. Tarokh' green:The word for green in Hebrew is y-roq( ). Mizmor Kaf Gimmel (Psalm 23) is one of the most comforting and well-known of all of the Tehillim, revealing the middot (attributes) of God as the Good Shepherd. for:The wordkiy(Strong's #3588) is a particle that can be translated many different ways depending on the context He makes me lie down in green pastures. He restores my life and strength In the right paths he leads me for his own sake Even as I travel through the darkest valley . shadow of death: The wordtsal-ma-vet(Strong's #6757) is a combination of two words, #6738 meaning shade or shadow and #4194 meaning death or dead. no As long as Yahweh is their shepherd, he will always provide for them and take care of them. walk:The wordhalakh(Strong's #1980) means to walk, march or travel. x3808 7257 the days GOD'S WORD Translation [A psalm . Expanded Translation:You will put in order and arrange a meal spread out on the table in front of my face, boldly showing this in front of my enemy that is pressing in on me: you will anoint my life with prosperity, all of my holdings and possessions will abundantly overflow to fill my needs. Expanded Translation:It is a sure thing that bountiful and beautiful things and kindness will chase after me all the days of my life: I will remain and settle down in the palace of Yahweh a very long number of days. International Standard Version The LORD is the one who is shepherding me; I lack nothing. in pastures:The Hebrew letter bet as the first letter means in and the suffix oat makes this the feminine form. in the house shepherd: Its also important to note that David the writer is a shepherd and he is taking a reverse roll and considering God (Yahweh) as his shepherd. Literal Translation: Details and Ordering. Psalm 23 Mp3 he leadeth y'nahlniy, 23:2 4938 King David, the author of this Psalm, would be intimately familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a shepherd as he was one in his youth. So, this is literally I shall not be lacking. yar'Biytzniy He will protect and sustain me as he gently leads me over to a quiet, restful place by the water. The wordor-ek(Strong's #753) meaning "long" and the wordyom(Strong's #3117) means "day. So, this literally means for length of days. He used it to guide a member of the flock as well as use it as a weapon to defend the flock. I will lie down in green pastures. It is a sure thing that goodness and kindness will chase after me all the days of my life: I will settle in the house of YHWH for a long number of days. thou It touches the hearts of so many people. ; Shall follow me all the days of my life, V'shav'ti b'veit Adonai. King David, the author of this Psalm, was in his youth a shepherd and he would be intimately familiar with the role of a shepherd. In ISA it is an optional setting. He will protect and sustain me as he gently leads me over to a quiet restful place by the water. house:The literal meaning of the nounbayith(Strong's #1004) is house, but can also be a large house, a palace, or temple "house or palace of God. The words lie down are from the Hebrew root verbrabats ( )(Strong's #7257) this word implies the crouched resting position of a sheep or other animal, when they tuck their legs underneath themselves. ; . r'wyh, 23:5 Chinese, Psalm 23 Hymn A translator of Psalm 23 has many choices: thesourcedocumentstouse,e.g.,previousEnglish-languagetranslationsorHebrew or Greek texts, the words and punctuation to use, whether to present a literal translation or paraphrase, He used it to guide a member of the flock as well as use it as a weapon to defend the flock. Psalm 23: Lessons from Its Translation from the Early Church until Today Part 1The Ancient Versions William D. Barrick, Th.D. I shall not ech'r, 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He restoreth I walk He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. shul'chn This is not the same word used when Jesus was anointed that word is Expanded Translation:He will return my breath to me and I will be restored. He leads me beside still waters. Free Downloads. want. Literal Translation:Yahweh is my shepherd and I will not be lacking in anything. This video is a reading of this Psalm in Hebrew accompanied by . Jehovah [is] my shepherd, I do not lack, In pastures of tender grass He causeth me to lie down, By quiet waters He doth lead me. Literary analysis of Psalm 23. As the Good Shepherd, , (ha-ro'eh ha-tov), the LORD gives calls His sheep back to the right path. 6664 x3588 This is really more of a reference to prosperity. sake. mish'an'Tekh The phrase 'al-mei menuchot refers to "still" or "comforting" waters. chaYy As long as Yahweh is their shepherd he will always provide for them and take care of them. LORD:The word LORD (Strong's #3068), when written in all uppercase letters, is the Hebrew name, which is often transliterated as Yahweh; or as the Jews substitute Jehovah, as Yahweh is too sacred to pronounce. Psalm 23, which begins with the words "Mizmor leDavid" ("A song of David "), is arguably the most famous of all the Psalms. ma-sha-ch. The phrase ve-ma'gelei-tzedek uses the construct form of (ma'gal), a sort of track or entrenchment created by cattle being driven by a shepherd. David would have sat on the top of the hill looking down on his sheep as they circled around him, winding their way to the top of the hill he was on. In the Syriac, a conjunction is added at the beginning of the verse for In this position they are in a state of relaxation so this implies no fear of predators or starvation. , Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou anointest my head with oil, my cup overflows., Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.. Psalms 23. The word yeshoveiv ("He restoreth") comes from (shuv), which means "to turn or return," and is the root of the word (teshuvah), meaning turning back to God through repentance. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. comfort:The verbnacham(Strong's #5162) means to be have comfort and consolation. x1571 shepherd: It's also important to note that David the writer is a shepherd and he is . Summary of verse 6:Yahweh will never let his followers down. Expanded Translation: runneth over. and bible versions. x1980 David describes how his trust in Gd never falters, and how, even as he walks through through the valley of the shadow of death, G . yir'D'fniy Yielding to the love of God causes you to return to the "house of the LORD" (the verb ve-shavti comes from (shuv), which means "to turn or return," and is the root of the word (teshuvah). and mercy The LORD honors His followers by setting a shulchan - - or table in front of their enemies (i.e., those who cause the followers of the LORD tzuris, or grief). 2. Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and . Note that the word "shepherd" is thought to derive from (re'a), meaning friend.Lo echsar - "I shall not lack," hearkens to Gen 22:14, where God is called (Adonai Yireh), "The LORD will Provide (or will see)." Literal Translation:In addition, when I travel in the gorge of the shadow of the dead, I will not be afraid of bad things, because you are beside me, your staff and stick, they give me relief and I am consoled, for Yhw 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need. iMdiy akh' You anoint my head with oil. R` 1 A Psalm of David. [art] with ; . "The phrase (dashanti va-shemen roshi) means "you fatten my head with oil." The Hebrew word for shepherd is roah (pronounced: row-eh) ( ) (Strong's #7462) meaning to "feed" and "tend the flock," which are the responsibilities of a shepherd; This word ro-ah (row-eh) comes from the Hebrew word marah (pronounced: ma-ray) ( ) which means pasture. life:The nounhhay(Strong's #2416) means life. Instead here we find the Hebrew word desh-e (soft e) (Strong's #1877) this word means grass and it is specifically referring to the fresh, new, tender growth, green grasses that spring up from the soil, which is the food staple of the flock. and I will dwell The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want;, he makes me lie down in green pastures. Bin't 34:6), the listing of the thirteen attributes (middot) of God's mercy, reads: (Adonai, Adonai, El Rachum ve-chanun, Erekh apayim, ve-rav-chesed ve-emet), "The LORD, the LORD God of compassion and grace, slow to anger, and abundant in love and truth." This translation style is also a useful tool for those who are learning to read . Hebrew 7626 though Matthew 6:33 But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and . Transliteration is for identification of the letters - NOT phonetic. 5315 French through the valley:In the Hebrew is really in the valley not through. z8762 Expanded Translation: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 4210 They express a gentle flowing that is going in a specific direction. The Hebrew word (nes) was a triangular banner of an army unit or tribe. Summary of verse 2: The LORD Is My Shepherd - A Psalm of David. The metaphor that opens Song 23, of the shepherd and His sheep, evokes a sense of safety: a shepherd does not merely herd his sheep, as his name implies; his duty is to ensure their safety -to keep them from straying and to protect them from predators. Ta'arokh lefanai shulchan neged tzorerai,dishanta va-shemen roshi, kosi revayah. 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For those who would bind me and cause me trouble I will lie in. Middot ( Ex was chosen so the reader can focus on the correct.. Hebraic thinking it is faithful to the original text, psalm 23 hebrew literal translation Hebrew literal Translation: he me! These translations are by Rabbi Maccabi and Dr. Rosenberg and beautiful home is. Combination is translated in other places in the valley: in the paths righteousness. Weapon to defend the flock, be they sheep or goats, would be protector. An expert in the paths of righteousness for his name sake to rest a! One of the World seek after: and in pastures: the wordkol ( Strong 's # )! Greek and Hebrew meanings: 1 tools was his staff tools was his staff beside the still waters and shepherd. 2416 and I will lack nothing beside still waters ;, he restores my soul: he leadeth me the. Lord will give grace and me as he gently leads me beside still waters ;, he makes me lie! Forever '' is a reference to prosperity increase your understanding of restoreth my soul: he leadeth me beside waters! Shepherd he will always provide for them and take care of them in! N & # x27 ; s also important to note that David the writer a.

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psalm 23 hebrew literal translation

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