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i will not be lectured by this man

I remind them that the National Party preselected the Member for Fisher for the 1984 election, that the National Party preselected the Member for Fisher for the 1987 election, that the Liberals preselected Mr Slipper for the 1993 election, then the 1996 election, then the 1998 election, then for the 2001 election, then for the 2004 election, then for the 2007 election and then for the 2010 election. So, in your opinion, the only way to manage a hung parliament is to force single mothers on to Newstart? 13. jaydesterr 4 hr. If it were not for that, the Labor movement would not be worth fighting for. The Labor party has referenced this speech regularly in the ensuing decades. Weve seen Tony Abbott time and time again not just ignoring womens rights but abusing women. This country has got a horrible reputation for sexism and Abbott has finally shown it for what it is and its leaking through all the decisions. The Leader of the Opposition says If its true, Stavros, that men have more power generally speaking than women, is that a bad thing?, And then a discussion ensues, and another person says I want my daughter to have as much opportunity as my son. To which the Leader of the Opposition says Yeah, I completely agree, but what if men are by physiology or temperament, more adapted to exercise authority or to issue command?, Then ensues another discussion about womens role in modern society, and the other person participating in the discussion says I think its very hard to deny that there is an underrepresentation of women, to which the Leader of the Opposition says, But now, theres an assumption that this is a bad thing.. Scott is a former campaign and public affairs consultant with a flair for the sarcastic. More recently, not-for-profit organisations like GetUp and Avaaz, as well as for-profit websites like Change.org, have been hosting free online tools for internet users to easily create their own petitions and spread causes through viral marketing strategies. It was before my time, but Chifleys light on the hill speech at a 1949 Labor Conference in Sydney, is often cited. Respect the manner in which she responded to the backhanded sexism she was dealt as our PM, but not, in hindsight, bestow upon her feminist accolades that her Govt did not earn. or contributing to the common good? On the conduct of Mr Slipper, and on the text messages that are in the public domain, I have seen the press reports of those text messages. This is clearly unacceptable as his views on womens rights and equality will take us back 70-100 years. Peter went on to develop the theory that oncogenes might be introduced by viruses into humans and cause cancer. The aim is always the same, to uphold the illusion of the power of the ruling class, their hold on the reins (Isa 7:14 in Matt 1:23; Advent 4A), More on Mary (from the Protoevangelium of James), Tales from the Magi (the Revelation of the Magi), Herod waiting, Herod watching, Herod grasping, holding power (Matt 2; Christmas 1A), Herod was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children (Matt 2; Christmas 1A), Repentance for the kingdom (Matt 4; Epiphany 3A), Blessed are you: the Beatitudes of Matthew 5 (Epiphany 4A), An excess of righteous-justice (Matt 5; Epiphany 5A), You have heard it said but I say to you (Matt 5; Epiphany 6A), The missing parts of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 6 and 7; Epiphany Year A), Towards Palm Sunday (Matt 21): Passover and politics, Towards Palm Sunday (Matt 21): Riding on a donkey (or two) as the crowd shouts Hosanna, Towards Palm Sunday (Matt 21): Waving branches, spreading cloaks, Towards Palm Sunday (Matt 21): Acclaiming the king, anticipating the kingdom, Go nowhere among the Gentiles (Matt 10:5): the mission of Jesus in the book of origins (Pentecost 3A), Even the hairs of your head are all counted. (Matt 10:30; Pentecost 4A), Come to me, take my yoke, I will give you rest (Matt 11; Pentecost 6A), Parables: the craft of storytelling in the book of origins (Matt 13; Pentecost 7A), Let anyone with ears, hear! (Acts 8; Easter 5B), The calling of Saul and the turn to the Gentiles: modelling the missional imperative (Acts 812; Easter 3C), You will be told what you are to do (Acts 9; Easter 3C), Resurrection life, economic responsibility, and inclusive hospitality: markers of the Gospel (Acts 9), Another resurrection! It strikes me that in liberal Australia a woman at her very best can only ever be half as good as a man at his very worst ! (3). Because if he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia, he doesnt need a motion in the House of Representatives, he needs a mirror. Three canoes lay upon the beachthe worst I think I ever saw. James Cook at Botany Bay, 29 April 1770, We weighd and run into the Harbour. Sexism should always be unacceptable. would love to have had the opertunity of being in the audience at the Opera House, Julia was an inspiration to me and I was very proud when she became Prime Minister.Unlike Abbot who looks like a duck out of water I am no longer proud to be an Australian.This is not an Abott government it is a Murdock/Abott government. Its aim: to take note of the policies passed by the majority government and hold it accountable for the power that it wielded. Gracious openness and active discipleship as key characteristics of church membership, Stones singing and rivers vibrating a liturgy for Holy Communion, Faith in Action: a religious response to the Climate Emergency (Part One), Faith in Action: a religious response to the Climate Emergency (Part Two), Faith in Action: a religious response to the Climate Emergency (Part Three), Celebrating Transitions: into a strange and graceful ease (part one), Celebrating Transitions: into a strange and graceful ease (part two), We wait, and hope, and grieve, anticipating , Reflecting on faith amidst the firestorms, This is the world we live in, this is the Gospel we believe in, Giving up? Transcript of Julia Gillard's speech - The Sydney Morning Herald I think we have to be careful in respecting her fortitude in that regard, but without falling into the seductive trap of casting her as a sort of feminist superhero. So much has happened in that short period of time. Holy Saturday Reflections, Liberating Life: a new way of being. When we come together (2) values and principles in the midst of a pandemic, Its been two months under restrictionswhat will our future look like? You crowned us', by Toni Morrison - 1988, for Michael Gordon: '13 days ago my Dads big, beautiful, generous heart suddenly stopped beating', by Scott and Sarah Gordon - 2018, Tara Westover: 'Your avatar isn't real, it isn't terribly far from a lie', The Un-Instagrammable Self, Northeastern University - 2019, Tim Minchin: 'Being an artist requires massive reserves of self-belief', WAAPA - 2019, Atul Gawande: 'Curiosity and What Equality Really Means', UCLA Medical School - 2018, Abby Wambach: 'We are the wolves', Barnard College - 2018, Eric Idle: 'America is 300 million people all walking in the same direction, singing 'I Did It My Way'', Whitman College - 2013, Shirley Chisholm: ;America has gone to sleep', Greenfield High School - 1983, Joe Marler: 'Get back on the horse', Harlequins v Bath pre game interview - 2019, Ray Lewis : 'The greatest pain of my life is the reason I'm standing here today', 52 Cards -, Mel Jones: 'If she was Bradman on the field, she was definitely Keith Miller off the field', Betty Wilson's induction into Australian Cricket Hall of Fame - 2017, Jeff Thomson: 'Its all those people that help you as kids', Hall of Fame - 2016, Dan Angelucci: 'The Best (Best Man) Speech of all time', for Don and Katherine - 2019, Hallerman Sisters: 'Oh sister now we have to let you gooooo!' I congratulate the Member for Fisher, who has been a friend of mine for a very long time, who has served this Parliament in many capacities with distinction.. Enter your email address to receive the free e-book copy of Negativeland, and receive weekly updates from New Politics. Now whos one of them? Julia Gillard Mug - Misogyny Speech - I Will Not Be Lectured Quote - Etsy Lynnette. Thine or yours? During a vitriolic day of parliamentary debate yesterday, Ms Gillard unleashed on Mr Abbott's character. Doesn't turn a hair about any of his past statements, doesn't walk into this Parliament and apologise to the women of Australia. (Mark 1; Year B). Peddling a standard for Mr Slipper he would not set for himself. A Searing Kamala Harris Trounces Mike Pence in Only Vice - Showbiz411 | "I will NOT be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. After seeing all the negative news, pictures in the press and then meeting such an upstanding uncompromising woman who is completely dedicated to positive changes in our country how can you not be inspired. Lets take that with a grain of salt, Lets get down to business: beginning the story of Jesus (Mark 1; Epiphany 3B), Textual interplay: stories of Jesus in Mark 1 and the prophets of Israel (Year B), 2 Mark: collector of stories, author of the passion narrative, 3 Mark: placing suffering and death at the heart of the Gospel, 4 The structure of the passion narrative in Mark, Reading the crucifixion as a scene of public shaming, In his house, out of his mind (Mark 3; Pentecost 2B), The kingdom, Gods justice, an invitation to all (Mark 4; Pentecost 3B), Mark: a Gospel full of questions (Mark 4; Pentecost 4B), On twelve in the stories of the bleeding woman and the dying child (Mark 5; Pentecost 5B), On not stereotyping Judaism when reading the Gospels (Mark 5; Pentecost 5B), Just sandals and a staffand only one tunic (Mark 6; Pentecost 6B), Shake off the dust that is on your feet (Mark 6; Pentecost 6B), Whats in, and whats out (Mark 6; Pentecost 8B), Stretching the boundaries of the people of God (Mark 7; Pentecost 14B, 15B), On Jesus and Justa, Tyre and Decapolis (Mark 7; Pentecost 15B), Disturbance, disruption, and destabilising words (Mark 8; Lent 2B), Transfigured livesin the here and now (Mark 9 and 1 Kings 2; Epiphany 6B), The paradoxes of discipleship (Mark 8; Pentecost 16B), Giving priority to one of these little ones (Mark 9; Pentecost 18B), Boundary lines and the kingdom of God (Mark 910; Pentecost 18B to 20B), Not to be served, but to serve: the model provided by Jesus (Mark 10; Pentecost 21B), A ransom for many: a hint of atonement theology? I won't be lectured by you, or anyone else, who has spent the last four years ignoring the sacred traditions of our nation, especially while votes are still being counted, about accepting the outcome of the election. With one eye looking back, the other looking forward: turning to Lukes Gospel I (Year C), Leaving out key moments, so they can appear later in the story: turning to Lukes Gospel III (Year C), A light for the Gentiles, salvation to the ends of the earth: turning to Lukes Gospel II (Year C), The scriptural resonances in the Annunciation (Luke 1; Advent 4B), Magnificat: the God of Mary (Luke 1) is the God of Hannah (1 Sam 2) (Advent 4C), To give knowledge of salvation: Lukes portrayal of John the baptiser (Luke 3; Advent 2C), On angels and virgins at Christmastime (Luke 2; Christmas Day B), A light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel (Luke 2; Christmas 1B), John the baptisers call for ethical, faithful living (Luke 3; Advent 2C), A Testing Time: forty days in the wilderness (Luke 4), Sacred place and sacred scripture: forty days in the wilderness (2), Scripture fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:16-30; Epiphany 3C, 4C), Jesus and conventional Jewish piety (Luke 4:16; Epiphany 3C), Jesus, scripture and experience (Luke 4:17, 21; Epiphany 3C), The holistic spirit-inspired mission of Jesus (Luke 4:1819; Epiphany 3C), Jesus, the widow of Sidon and the soldier of Syria: representatives of the community of faith (Luke 4:2527; Epiphany 4C), Two prophets of Israel, the widow of Sidon and the soldier of Syria: an inclusive community of Jews and Gentiles (Luke 4:2527; Epiphany 4C), Leave everything, follow Jesus (Luke 5:1-11; Epiphany 5C), On a level place, with a great crowd (Luke 6; Epiphany 6C), Blessed are you poor, hungry, weeping (Luke 6; Epiphany, The plain, the synagogue, and the village (Luke 6, 4 and 1; Epiphany 6C), BlessLoveForgiveand more. No walking away from those words, they were the statement of the Leader of the Opposition then. But no holy kissing. Purchase through the Red Bubble website. The statement goes on to list the numerous sexist and homophobic comments that Abbott has made over the years.There has been a huge response for the privately started petition, which achieved its 10,000 signature goal in only 8 days. And, sure, the opposition are hypocritical and ferocious, but can you find me a quote from any of them (or anyone in News Ltd) pressuring Gillard to do this in the lead-up? And as Prime Minister Tony Abbott has, over the years, made his ideological interest in the affairs of women across Australia very clear, we cant help but shudder over the implications of absolute power. (John 11; Lent 5A), Holding out for hope in the midst of turmoil (John 11; Lent 5A), Love one another: by this everyone will know (John 13; Easter 5C), I am the way (John 14): from elitist exclusivism to gracious friendship? I am offended by those text messages. (2 Thessalonians; Pentecost 21C to 23C), To the saints [not just in Ephesus] who are faithful (Ephesians 1; Pentecost 7B), Declare boldly the gospel of peace, put on the armour of God (Ephesians 6; Pentecost 13B), Making (some) sense of the death of Jesus (Colossians 2; Pentecost 7C), No longer as a slave: Paul, to Philemon, about Onesimus (Pentecost 13C), An example to those who come to believe (1 Timothy 1; Pentecost 14C), A ransom for all: a formulaic claim (1 Tim 2; Pentecost 15C), On godliness, dignity, and purity: the life of faith in 1 Timothy (Epiphany 16C), In the name of the apostle (2 Timothy, Pentecost 17B to 21B), Rightly explaining the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15; Pentecost 18C), Guard the good treasure entrusted to you (2 Tim 1; Pentecost 17C), What does it mean to say that the Bible is inspired? Invader? Its his crass disregard for evolving womens issues, precisely, being a healthy future as citizens. rallies on 15 March 2020, a significant shift has taken place. Women arent a high priority for the Liberal Party either, despite Abbotts emphatic statements about a whole of government approach. I will NOT be lectured on women's safety by this Prime Minister I was very offended personally when the Leader of the Opposition, as Minister of Health, said, and I quote, Abortion is the easy way out. I was very personally offended by those comments. (4), Revelation: a complex and intricate world of heavenly beings and exotic creatures, Why the Christmas story is not history (1), Why the Christmas story is not history (2): Luke 1-2 and Matthew 1-2, Advent Greetings from Canberra Region Presbytery, Celebrations in Canberra (in the Uniting Church Presbytery), From BC (Before COVID) to AD (After the Disruption), #IBelieveHer: hearing the voice of women (Easter Day; John 20), The missional opportunity of Trinity Sunday, World Refugee Day 2021: when I was a stranger, you welcomed me. Watching Julie at the Oprah house made me proud to be a woman. Reconciliation ruminations, Heal Country: the heart of the Gospel (for NAIDOC WEEK 2021). White ceramic mug with black sublimation print of former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, accompanied by the quote: "I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Good sense, common sense, proper process is what should rule this Parliament. Not ever!" reposting #JuliaGillard's #misogynyspeech because "I will NOT be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Women know women and women know what we want and why or why would Mr Abbott think he knows whats best for Us? 10 brian jonestown massacre songs you need to hear, the 2021 rachel funari prize for fiction: the winners, Wom*ns Department of the University of Melbourne Student Union. Guardian Australia (@guardianaustralia) has created a short video on TikTok with music Julia Gillard misogyny speech. I was also very offended on behalf of the women of Australia when in the course of this carbon pricing campaign, the Leader of the Opposition said What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing Thank you for that painting of women's roles in modern Australia. I DO NOT WANT this man with his archaeic view on women and womens rights in charge of me or any women for that matter. ..I was offended too by the sexism, by the misogyny of the Leader of the Opposition catcalling across this table at me as I sit here as Prime Minister, 'If the Prime Minister wants to, politically speaking, make an honest woman of herself ' -- something that would never have been said to any man sitting in this chair." (Luke 19; Palm Sunday C), Sacrificial death and liberating life: at the heart of Easter, Ministry and Mission in the midst of change and transition (Luke 21:13; Pentecost 23C), Easter in Christian tradition and its relation to Jewish tradition. Sometimes I wish white people could be Black. Not now, not ever. I Won't Be Lectured On Gun Control By An Administration T-Shirt 31 March 2020, Pastoral Letter to Canberra Region Presbytery: June 2020, Greet one another (2 Cor 13). by Diane Fieldes. His double standards should not rule this Parliament. I am offended by those things in the same way that I have been offended by things that the Leader of the Opposition has said, and no doubt will continue to say in the future. At the end of the day they are human beings, whereas Im not too sure about Abbott et al. By Jenna Price. Nobody walked out of the room; no-one walked up to Mr Jones and said that this was not acceptable. (1), Its been two months under restrictionswhat will our future look like? Pingback: Sign the petition against Tony Abbott as Minister for Women | existencia de raquel, Your email address will not be published. This speech was delivered on 9 October 2012, with the penetrating declaration, I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man; I will notnot now, not ever , searing the air in the House of Representatives chamber, as Prime Minister Gillard spoke directly and forcefully to the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott. (Hebrews 13; Pentecost 12C), Forty days, led by the Spirit: Jesus in the wilderness (Mark 1; Lent 1B), The kingdom is at hand; so follow me. The Leader of the Opposition and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition have come into this place and have talked about the Member for Fisher. I fear I will not live long enough to see it. Today is the tenth anniversary of the most recent memorable, and utterly praiseworthy, speech by a federal political leader: a speech by Julia Gillard that has come to be known as the Misogyny Speech. Tony Abbott is a completely cold blooded ruthless political survivor. ', Defense of 2nd Spanish Republic - 1936, Jimmy Reid: 'A rat race is for rats. And I rise to oppose the motion moved by the Leader of the Opposition, and in so doing I say to the Leader of the Opposition: I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Reconciliation on the land of Australia: living together with respect, Dark deeds in a sunny land: the expos offered by John B. Gribble. But I also believe, in terms of this Parliament making a decision about the speakership, that this Parliament should recognise that there is a court case in progress. Easter Sunday Reflections. There is momentum for deep-seated cultural change, despite the troglodyte resistance of the pathetic remnant of conservative members currently in the post-Morrison federal parliament. (2 Tim 3:16; Pentecost 19C), On care for orphans and widows (James 1; Pentecost 14B), Fulfilling the Law (James 2; Pentecost 15B), Wisdom from ages past for the present times (Leviticus, Jesus, James, and Paul) (Pentecost 15B, 23B), The wisdom from above (James 3; Pentecost 17B), The word of exhortation that exults Jesus as superior (Hebrews 1; Pentecost 19B), A great high priest who has passed through the heavens (Hebrews 4; Pentecost 20B), A priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 5; Pentecost 21B), The perfect high priest who mediates a better covenant (Hebrews 9; Pentecost 23B), The superior high priest who provides the better sacrifices (Hebrews 9; Pentecost 24B), The assurance of hope in the word of exhortation (Hebrews 10: Pentecost 25B), Strangers and foreigners on the earth (Hebrews 11; Pentecost 9C), Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 1112; Pentecost 10C), Jesus, justice, and joy (Hebrews 12; Pentecost 11C), I will not be afraid; what can anyone do to me? Instead of course, it was all viewed as good fun until it was run in a Sunday newspaper and then the Leader of the Opposition and others started ducking for cover. I remind the Leader of the Opposition that on 28 September 2010, following the last election campaign, when Mr Slipper was elected as Deputy Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition at that stage said this, and I quote. Nor was she known for, or a strong proponent of, any gender-specific (let alone feminist) ideals during her time in parliament prior to becoming PM. This election we are faced with the same monopoly, but despite the outcry over our new Minister for Women and the possible repercussions on important womens issues like abortion, contraception, health and equality in the workplace, as yet none of the major NGOs have attempted to fight this decision. Discover Julian Gillard 's popular videos | TikTok Providing for the exercise by men and women of the gifts God bestows upon them: lay people presiding at the sacraments in the Uniting Church, Australian Religious Leaders support renewable energy, Dividing the unity, splintering the connections: more ACC agitation, Giving Voice, Telling Truth, Talking Treaty: NAIDOC 2019, Advocacy and Climate Change, Growth and Formation, Treaty with First Peoples: Synod 2019, Climate Change: a central concern in contemporary ministry, Ramping up the rhetoric, generating guilt and provoking panic: the failed strategy of conservatives in the UCA (part I), Ramping up the rhetoric, generating guilt and provoking panic: the failed strategy of conservatives in the UCA (part II), Ramping up the rhetoric, generating guilt and provoking panic: the failed strategy of conservatives in the UCA (part III), International Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples, In the wake of the verdict (and appeal decision) relating to Pell . Good sense, common sense, proper process is what should rule this Parliament. Harris does not suffer fools gladly. Now about the text messages that are on the public record or reported in the thats a direct quote from the Leader of the Opposition so I suggest those groaning have a word with him. As "this man" was opposition leader and soon-to-be Prime Minister Tony Abbott, well known for . dishonest? Julia Gillard: 'I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by But whenever people make up their minds about those questions, what I won't stand for, what I will never stand for is the Leader of the Opposition coming into this place and peddling a double standard. 9 October, 2012, Parliament House, Canberra. And now, the Leader of the Opposition wants to be taken seriously, apparently hes woken up after this track record and all of these statements, and hes woken up and hes gone Oh dear, theres this thing called sexism, oh my lords, theres this thing called misogyny. I believe that is the appropriate path forward, and that people will then have an opportunity to make up their minds with the fullest information available to them. I think its important to make a distinction between the merits of Julia Gillard as PM, on the one hand, and the way in which she was treated as our first female PM, on the other. Opinion: The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people' I am offended by those things in the same way that I have been offended by things that the Leader of the Opposition has said, and no doubt will continue to say in the future. From that speech to the Enough is Enough! Look down to your feet! Well can anybody remind me if the Leader of the Opposition has taken any responsibility for the conduct of the Sydney Young Liberals and the attendance at this event of members of his frontbench? We should not be lectured about sexism by Gillard | Red Flag I believe that the Parliament will be well-served by the team which will occupy the chair in this chamber. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. Nov 16 - Nov 18. For two decades I taught Biblical Studies at a theological college and most recently I was Director of Education and Formation and Principal of the Perth Theological Hall. The climate is changing; the planet is suffering; humanity is challenged. You said that in March 2004, I suggest you check the records. And no joyful singing. The move has been condemned by ministers of both main parties and has produced scathing responses in The Guardian, The Independent, The Age, and the The Sydney Morning Herald, amongst others. Julia Gillard Misogyny Speech to Australian Parliament (text-video) Right or wrong and it hasnt been that wrong, she still did it, she changed politics forever in this country. not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand. Misogyny, sexism, every day from this Leader of the Opposition. I am offended by those text messages. Good points but I think its amazing that Raphaelle Race has the insight to put Tony Abbott and his gang under the scrutiny of young women. Harness the passion, but restrain the rhetoric. Third, Deputy Speaker, why the Leader of the Opposition should not be taken seriously on this motion. That's what I believe is the path forward for this Parliament, not the kind of double standards and political game-playing imposed by the Leader of the Opposition now looking at his watch because apparently a woman's spoken too long. We should conduct ourselves as it should always be unacceptable. However the treatment she received was so horrible it broke my heart and proved the male dominance of this country is as strong as ever. Well I hope the Leader of the Opposition has got a piece of paper and he is writing out his resignation. A virgin? Its amazing to think that it was only a week ago I started the petition. No, I Will Not Be Lectured - RedState Trial or temptation? is celibacy in marriage a form of emotional abuse? So too, also before my time, but also regularly referenced in the decades that followed, was a 1941 speech by Prime Minister Menzies, identifying the forgotten class the middle class those people who are constantly in danger of being ground between the upper and the nether millstones of the false war; the middle class who, properly regarded represent the backbone of this country., Alongside them, who could forget other Prime Ministerial offerings? Well I hope the Leader of the Opposition has got a piece of paper and he is writing out his resignation. I want Abbott to step down. The final petition will be emailed to Tony Abbotts office as well as distributed in hardcopy to each member of cabinet.The petition will continue toward a 15,000 signature goal, with Joyce also seeking a team to create a commercial and use responses from the petition to gather celebrities, activists and politicians to pressure Tony Abbott into appointing a new Minister for Women. Sorry but I will not write to Abbott or anyone in that ugly government, because I do not recognise him as PM, it is an illegitimate government in a farce of an election, not a free, fair and unbiased one, he needs to be got out, not appealed to he will only do what serves his own purposes which are selfish, despotic and completely lacking in human compassion. I was offended by those things. Oh, the Speaker must be because that suits my political purpose.. I believe this stems from an actual belief that men are better than women..

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i will not be lectured by this man

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