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class 11 maths lab manual observation solutions

If you are shown two slides of plant tissues- parenchyma and sclerenchyma. Density is defined as the mass per unit volume. (a) angle of emergence (b) angle of refraction (a) makes the air in the flask alkaline (a) (i) (d) A & B. The particle size of true solution is The least count of the spring balance shown in the diagram is Question 3: Question 10: Answer: The compound AgF2 is unstable. following is (b) cylindrical without nuclei (c) both (a) and (b) (c) have thickened comers (a) just wet Quality Essay Help. Answer: Here, each K atom as lost one electron to form K+ while F2 has gained two electrons to form two F ions. (a) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method or by ion electron (half reaction) method. (c) Only C Different variety of questions with their answers for complete coverage of concepts are given: NCERT Lab Manual Questions with their answers. The angle of deviation will be: (b) cork (b) Striated muscles have light and dark striations. What happens to a ray of light when it passes from an optically rarer medium to a denser medium? (b) suspension How can you measure 1 N weight? Question 5: Answer: Cardiac muscles. Answer: Question 17. (b)To avoid parallex error, the eye level and water level should align parallel. Give two examples of emulsion. Answer:N2H4is reducing agent i.e., reductant whereasCl03is oxidising agent i.e., oxidant. Question 4: When this reflected ray passes out of the prism, it bends away from normal and appears to be bending towards the base of the prism. Thus, this is a redox reaction. (a) Which one of the above is correct observation? Classify the following as a true solution, as a suspension, or as a colloid: Answer: PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery. (a) spring balance The refracted ray becomes parallel to the base of the prism under the minimum deviation position. Name a tissue, which on maturity has dead cell. (b) more in glass prism than in air Answer: of S in SO42- is +6. Thus, this is a redox reaction. (b) never parallel Similarly, at the anode, either Cl(aq) ions or H2O molecules are oxidised. Question 15: (b) Only B (a) absorb carbon dioxide produced by the seeds Explanation: Question 31: (b) Cs. useful in endoscope, periscope and telescope. Trace the outline of the prism using a pencil. (a) 1500 kg/m3 List the factors on which the angle of deviation through a prism depend. A suspension settles when it is allowed to stand for some time. Question 29: Answer:Halogens have a strong tendency to accept electrons. The germinating seeds respire and release CO2 gas alongwith heat energy. (iv) Remove the copper piece from the water and immediately weigh it using a spring balance. Answer: of C4 = + 1 + 2 (+1) + x + 1 (-1) = 0 or x = -2. (b) Particle size of starch is between 1 nm to 1000 nm, it scatters light, it is a colloid. Let PE be the incident ray of light on face AB of the prism. (b) more than 10-5cm But the amount of O2 which is actually available is 20.0 g which is less than the amount which is needed. (b) (i) galvanization (coating iron by a more reactive metal) Online PDF COMPLEX ANALYSIS FOR MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS MANUAL PDF. Name the muscles in animals that are multinucleated. (c) g m-3 Question 4. (b) A block of ice at 0C The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. of C decreases from +3 in (CN)2 to +2 inCNion and increases from +3 in(CN)2 to +4 in CNOion. In an experiment to trace the path of a ray of light passing through prism, the correct measurement of angle of incidence (i) and angle of refraction (r) is shown in the diagram. (d) Detergent powder is completely soluble in water. M4O2 + 4HCI -> M4Cl2 + Cl2 + 2H20 Question 3: Calculate the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms. Explanation: (d) none of these. Answer: Answer: (c) 30 to 90 (d) 60 to 90 The characteristic features to identify a nerve cell are: Mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent. Red light has larger wavelength, so it has fast speed. Skeletal muscles are used for locomotion, movement of limbs, lifting and doing muscular task. V= l3 Question 28. Define Oxidation and Reduction in terms of oxidation number. (a) light and dark striations and is uninucleated It takes place in cells. Question 2: Question 5: (c) the angle of prism (b) kg The word equation for aerobic respiration is: Anaerobic Respiration: Sometimes there is not enough oxygen available for animals and plants to respire, but they still need energy to survive, so they carry out respiration in the absence of oxygen/less oxygen to produce the energy they require. Their relative oxidising power is, however, measured in terms of their electrode potentials. x =\(\frac { 10 }{ 5 }\) = 2 What is the oxidation state of Ni inNi (CO)4? While determining the density of a copper piece using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder, the following procedure is followed: Explanation: Question 21: Question 17: (b) they have very small size of particles (c) soil (c) A + D = i + r (d) A D = i + r Write the O.N of all the atoms for the following well known oxidants? (c) 8000 kg m-3 (c) they allow the light to scatter. Explanation: Define density. Always focus the slide first at low power and then at high power. (b) B Among the following molecules, in which does bromine show the maximum oxidation number? (c) KOH solution (d) complex permanent tissue. Question 14. The amount of solute present in a given solution. Answer:Writing the O.N. Fix a white sheet on a drawing board using drawing pins. Why? It is an inert gas (with high ionization enthalpy and high positive electron gain enthalpy) and hence it neither exhibits -ve nor +ve oxidation states. Prerequisite Knowledge Sample space and event. The wrong labelling is: This is probably because (c) a = beaker, b = solution, c = glass rod Answer: Define electrochemical cell. Question 11: Question 8: Questions based on Procedural and Manipulative Skills Identify the substance oxidised, reduced, oxidising agent and reducing agent for each of the following reactions. II. of S is +4. The phenomenon due to which the thin films of oil show colours is If we use a piece of platinum coated with finely divided black containing hydrogen gas absorbed in it. Question 1: (b) Question 3: Question 20: A solution in which water is the solvent. (d) (b) Alcohol The particles cannot be separated by filtration. At 4C. Violet light has the shortest wavelength. (c) sclerenchyma (c) I. (b) (c) True solution > colloidal solution < suspension Question 17: (c) Alcohol (c) less than 90 (d) more than 90 (d) heavier than water and insoluble in it. Name the parts of the plant through which exchange of gases takes place. Question 2: On observation he found cell with striations and multinucleate but no cell wall. (c) true solution (a) Translucent Structure of a nerve cell does not contain one of the following. Hydrogen electrode can be made. (b) II Question 16: It is structural and functional unit of nervous system. Answer: Therefore, H2O2 acts both as an oxidising as well as a reducing agent. (b) Which are the negative and positive electrode? Question 8: (c) Suspension: Soil in water and sand in water. Procedure, (B) To test release of C02 by plants during respiration. Explanation: Question 5. (b) soap (ii) the carriers of current in the cell and (c) (a) red (b) blue (c) yellow (d) green We Offer the Custom Writing Service with 3 Key Benefits. (a) W = \(\frac { m }{ g }\) What is the role of KOH in this experiment? (c) Transparent unstable no sediment Which one should be preferred for finding the density of solid accurately? Violet light has shortest wavelength and bends the most. 2K2Mn04 + Cl2 > 2KCl + 2KMnO4 Why are the particles of a true solution not visible to naked eye? (a)Give two important functions of salt bridge. Question 2: Answer: Question 8. Two test tubes, a cork with two holes, two glass tubes, syringe, lime water. Explanation: (b) Range 0-500 gwt, Least count 2.5 gwt. Answer: Answer: The exchange of gases during respiration takes place through small pores on the leaf called stomata. In electrochemical cell anode is written on L.H.S while cathode is written on R.H.S. Tie a metal bob (or any solid) with the string of cotton to the hook of the spring balance. (b)Balance the following equation by oxidation number method: Its electrode potential is taken as 0.000 volt. (b) bread dough Sarcolemma is present in: (d) cardiac muscle fibres. Blood and bone. (d) none of these, Question 18: (d) none of the above, Question 31: (a) stomata Explanation: They are seen only in the walls of heart. (b) the temperature of its surface Answer: Therefore, 02 is the limiting reagent and hence calculations must be based upon the amount of 02 taken and not on the amount of NH3 taken. Answer: What precautions will you take while holding the spring balance to find the weight of a body? Reduction half equation: Angle of prism + angle of deviation = angle of incidence + angle of emergence. (d) alum + water. (c) A small porous solid on the optical density of the material of the prism. Question 2: (c)Aluminium is lighter and iron is denser metal. Sclerenchymatous fibres. per page. (a) Formulate possible compounds ofCl in its O.S. (d) liberate oxygen to be used by the seeds. The diagram of sclerenchyma tissue given can be correctly identified because of the: Question 9: But there was no rise in the level of water. On the reaction The angle of prism is 60 and the minimum deviation it produces is of 30. (b) HCHO is oxidised, Ag+ is reduced.Ag+ is oxidising agent whereas HCHO is reducing agent. (a) Location of nucleus Blue light disperse the most. (b) intercellular space and cytoplasm Question 3: Question 5: (a) common salt The density of the solid is Pick the one you will choose to find the density The particles can be seen with the naked eyes. Fix the mouth of conical flasks with cork in which a bent tube is fixed. Answer:EMF of a cell is the difference in the electrode potentials of the two electrodes in a cell when no current flows through the cell. Question 10: (10. (c) (iii) (c)The volume of solid (in cc) has the same magnitude as its loss in weight (in grams) in water. (c) absorbs moisture present in the flask. (b) B, C, D are suspension Answer:Electrochemical cell is a device in which the redox reaction is carried indirectly and the decrease in free energy appears as electrical energy. Light passing through a colloid shows dispersion. Materials Required While determining the density of the material of a metallic sphere using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder, a student noted the following observations (b) Emulsion True solution:CuS04, solution; Aim (b) striated muscles A suspension is cloudy and heterogeneous mixture. (a) P4(s) + OH(aq) > PH3(g) + H2PO2(aq) Suspend a small test tube containing KOH solution in it with the help of a thread in conical flask A. Platinum black catalyses the reaction and equilibrium is attained faster. They are non-tiring muscles and responsible for rhythmic contraction and relaxation of heart muscles throughout life. Which will not give a stable solution even when stirred for some time? Favourable outcomes. Answer:Standard hydrogen electrode is known as reference electrode. Question 1: of S cannot be more than six since ithas only six electrons in the valence shell. i and r are the angle of incidence and angle of refraction respectively, n for the given wavelength of light is. Level of water gets reduced in both the beaker and the delivery tube. Question 2: Name the atmospheric refraction that causes splitting of white light. RS is the emergent ray at face AC of the prism. The sclerenchymatous tissues are dead cells, with hard cell wall and provides mechanical support to plant. Milk, face cream. (b) ClO4 does not show disproportionation reaction. (b) both colloidal solution (b) solid and liquid respectively The spring balance should be held only at the hook on the top end, never hold the spring balance from its sides. In an experiment to trace the path of a ray of light through a glass prism for different values of angle of incidence a student would find that the emergent ray: Name the part of cell in which final breaking down of food takes place and energy is released (i), the sign of the electrode potential as given in Table 8.1 is reversed. These muscles are found attached to bones. Question 9: The angle formed by incident ray and the normal is: By chemical bonding, C2 is attached to three H-atoms (less electronegative than carbon) and one CH2OH group (more electronegative than carbon), therefore, (b) The possible reaction between Ag+(aq) and Cu(s) is Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq)> Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) (d) Red-coloured biconcave disc shaped uninucleated cells. Answer: If, however, excess of Cl2 is used, the initially formed PCl3 reacts further to form PCl5 in which the oxidation state of P is +5 Define oxidation in terms of electronic concept. The striated muscle fibres are Question 1. (c) neuron (d) None of them is suspension. (a) 0 to 30 (b) 30 to 60 It means that 2.5 g of solid has a volume of 1 cm3. Fermentation is the process used by yeast/bacteria. If W is the weight of the body, m is the mass of the body and g is the force of gravity acting on a body (c) remain the same (d) Cells with thick cell wall are seen in sclerenchyma. Answer: Therefore, CuO is reduced to Cu but H2 is oxidised to H20. Since the electrode potentials of halogens decrease in the order: F2 (+2.87V) > Cl2 (+1.36V) > Br2 (+1.09V) > I2 (+0.54V), therefore, their oxidising power decreases in the same order. Question 7: Question 22: Answer: Write Jour informations about the reaction: Questions based on Reporting and Interpretation Skills. How do you account for the following observations? For example, HI and HBr reduceH2S04to S02while HCl and HF do not. The cells appear elongated tapering at ends as observed under a microscope. Case Study class 10 Science solutions are prepared by subject experts referring to the CBSE Syllabus of class 10. The given tissue is: of C in cyanate ion, CNO =x-3-2 = -lora: = +4 The four information about the reaction are: Answer: (a) they allow light to pass through them. (c) Foam Question 5: (d) 15 gwt. Question 23: (c) not visible with powerful microscope Question 6: (b) less than 10-9m In Na2S04 In Ostwalds process for the manufacture of nitric add, the first step involves the oxidation of ammonia gas by oxygen gas to give nitric oxide gas and steam. (d) kgf. Question 7: To get the measurable angle of deviation. Questions based on Observational Skills Consider the reactions: How can you separate colloidal particles from its solution? Questions based on Procedural and Manipulative Skills. Since the electrode potentials increase in the oder; K+/K (-2.93 V), Mg2+/Mg (-2.37 V), Cr3+/Cr (-0.74 V), Hg2+/Hg (0.79 V), Ag+/Ag (0.80 V), therefore, reducing power of metals decreases in the same order, i.e., K, Mg, Cr, Hg, Ag. (d) angle of incidence. (d) all of the above. (a) spring balance Which light bends the least and the most? Here the oxygen of peroxide, which is present in -1 state is converted to zero oxidation state in O2 and decreases to -2 oxidation state in H20. Justify-giving reactions that among halogens, fluorine is the best oxidant and among hydrohalic compounds, hydroiodic add is the best reductant. (d) Water turning turbid in the beaker. Question 21. of N inN03whether one calculates by conventional method or by chemical bonding method. (c) Cells with thick cell wall, dead nucleus are seen in sclerenchyma. (c) Absorb moisture released by the seeds. The components do not scatter light and do not show Tyndall effect. Question 3: The angle formed between the two planes of refracting faces of prism is called (b) water + chalk What is the cause of rainbow? (b) Sand particles are big in size and settle down. (c) Both are stable and particle size is very small but colloidal solution are heterogeneous. 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(d) Nerve cell consists of cell body, dendrite, nucleus and axon. (c) living cells have O2 Answer: Four measuring cylinders with least counts are shown in figures A,B,C and D. The most suitable cylinder for deermining the volume of a cube of side 1 cm is Thus, the O.N. Question 27. (c) volume of the object when fully immersed in water (b), Question 1. (c) large central vacuole and pits in the cell membrane = 40 g + 280 g = 320 g (ii) The O.N. Question 6: Respiration occurs only in living cells like germinating seeds because Question 5: (b) In an emulsion, both the dispersed phase and dispersal medium are liquid. Angles of incidence and emergence are almost equal. (ii) K2Cr2O7 ; K(+l) ; Cr(+6) ; 0(-2) Take some freshly prepared lime water in two test tubes. Answer:(i) C is a reducing agent while O2 is an oxidising agent. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. The angle of incidence at the surface of prism is (b) water is kept in the beaker instead of lime water (c) absorb water vapour released by the seeds Microsofts Activision Blizzard deal is key to the companys mobile gaming efforts. (d) long fibre like shape and absence of cytoplasm. (d) 4C. Explanation: Answer: (d) Parenchyma cells have intercellular space and thin cell walls. Fix two more pins, at points R and S vertically such that the feet of pins at R and S appear to be on the same straight line as the feet of the images of the pins P and Q when viewed through the face AC of the prism. Free NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 8 Redox Reactions solved by expert teachers from latest edition books and as per NCERT (CBSE) guidelines.Class 11 Chemistry Redox Reactions NCERT Solutions and Extra Questions with Solutions to help you to revise complete Syllabus and Score More marks. (c) Ink in water. (d) To make the air present in the flask alkaline. Aerosol, foam, emulsion. (b) blood It can be measured by using spring balance. ; Key Points. 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Further show: Question 18: Question 1: What is salt bridge? Identify the substance oxidised, reduced, oxidising agent and reducing agent for each of the following reactions. (c) Muddy water Answer: In jelly, the dispersed phase and dispersing medium are Which of the following is stable when allowed to stand undisturbed for some time? (a) sand Question 4: The substance which does not form a suspension in water is: Question 2. From the equation, Allow the mouth of the bent tube to be immersed in water in set-up A and in lime water in set-up B as shown below. What happens to the incident ray that enters the prism? In foam, the dispersing medium is liquid and dispersed phase is gasfor e.g. What is a prism? (d) cytoplasm and nucleus. 2H2O(l) > 02(g) +4H+(aq)+4e ; E = -1.23 V (iv) (c) less than 10-9cm The colloidal solution in which both the dispersed phase and dispersing medium is liquid is called of three I atoms, atoms in Kl3 are 0, 0 and -1 respectively. The refractive index of glass prism is 1.5, the velocity of light will be lemonade and gaseous solutions e.g. It is the ratio of Contents1 NCERT Class 10 Science Lab Manual Ohms Law1.1 Ohms Law Practical Class 10 Viva Voce1.2 CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual Practical Based Questions1.3 Science lab manual class 10 NCERT Lab Manual Questions1.4 Science lab activities for class 10 CBSE Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)1.4.1 CBSE Class 10 Science Practicals Lab Manual MCQ Which type of solution is formed when sand and water are mixed thoroughly and then kept undisturbed for some time? Answer: Angle A + angle D = angle i + angle e (angle i = angle e). (d) 0.5 g. Question 25: On passing CO2 gas through freshly prepared lime water why does it turn milky? Explanation: (a) 0C Question 11: Three students A, B and C noted the water level reading in the measuring cylinder as shown in figure. Conversely, both AgNO3 and CuS04 act as oxidising agent and thus oxidise H3P02to H3P04 (orthophosphoric acid)Reaction (c) suggests that [Ag(NH3)2]+ oxidises C6H5CHO (benzaldehyde) to C6H5COO (benzoate ion) but reaction (d) indicates that Cu2+ ions cannot oxidise C6H5CHO to C6H5COO. and because of the presence of d-orbitals it also exhibits +ve oxidation states of +3, +5 and +7. Mitochondria. CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual Salient features of the CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual are: Basic concepts of each experiment has been covered for better understanding. (c) suspension and colloidal solution respectively (a) Nervous tissue Answer: (b) Sugar in water. Chlorenchymatous present in leaves. Which of the following shows Tyndall effect? What is tincture of iodine solution? Question 15. White light is made up of seven colours. (b) sand A mixture of soil and water was shaken well and then tested for its appearance, stability and sedimentation. H2S04 is added to an inorganic mixture containing chloride, HCl is produced but if a mixture contains bromide, then we get red vapours of bromine. If excess of carbon is burnt in a limited supply of O2, CO is formed in which the oxidation state of C is +2. Answer: Answer:It is the difference in Standard Reduction Potential (SRP) of cathode and SRP of anode. The end product is released and used in the following except for one. (c) Milk (d) 7. The pins should be fixed vertically and immediately encircled after they are removed. A student observed a permanent slide. (c) cardiac muscles (c) intracellular space (d) collenchyma. Question 4: Question 23. (d) cell body, Question 14: It is homogeneous to naked eyes, e.g. (c) 0.25 gwt Xylem and phloem tissues together form (b) absorb oxygen present in the flask Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction, Zn(s) + 2Ag+(aq) > Zn2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) Videos, games and interactives covering English, maths, history, science and more! Answer: Choose the solid that can be used to determine the density by dipping in water Question 4: Answer: To show experimentally that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration. True solution and colloid are stable. The density in both the cases will be same because the mass remains the same and the volume of the water displaced by the metal cylinder and the cube remains the same. Why does white light split into different colours when passes through a glass prism? Question 7: This proves that during respiration we exhale CO. Solute: The component of the solution that is [] Question 10: These cells show thick comers and thick cell walls. Primary Sidebar. Justify that the following reactions are redox reactions: (b) Plant cells are stained well by safranin. Question 3: The protractor should be placed on the normal to measure the angle between the normal and the incident ray. (b) decrease (d) add thin paste of starch to hot water with stirring. To get the equation for the overall reaction, the number of electrons lost in Eq. Fix two glass tubes in this cork of test tube A as shown in the figure. of Fe decreases from +3 ifFe2O3 to 0 in Fe while that of C increases from +2 in CO to +4 in CO2. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths; NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Business Studies; Repeat the observation by placing the one end A of the pencil at 2 cm mark and take the reading of the other end. Question 1: A student sets up the apparatus for the experiment to show that CO, is released during respiration by germinating seeds. Question 28: Answer:The balanced equation for the reaction is: Therefore, AgF2, if formed, will act as a strong oxidising agent. unit of weight is Where do we find these in our body? Name the complex permanent tissues of plant.

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class 11 maths lab manual observation solutions

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