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jupiter through 20 inch telescope

Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. As we said earlier, Jupiter is big and bright. It is important to remember that the night sky changes over the course of the day and over the course of the year. The Jupiter system is a complex and varied cluster of celestial objects and what telescope you need is entirely up to you. They are not technically planets as they do not orbit the Sun, but theyre round, world-like objects. Io is covered in volcanoes, Europa has an icy crust covering a global ocean kept warm by submerged volcanoes, Ganymede is an ice ball bigger than Mercury with both impact craters and icy tectonic plates, and internally-cold Callisto has more craters than any other solar system world. Jupiters moons will often pass in front of the planet, casting their shadows on the planet. Imaging JUPITE. If you can identify constellations, an easy way to identify Jupiter is to figure out which constellation it is in and find that constellation. But this sample had an OK view, it didn't blow me away. Capturing a picture of JUPITER through a 12 inch DOBSONIAN Telescope, a 4X Televue Powermate,a ZWO ASI294MC camera and an Equatorial Platform. You dont necessarily need to invest in an expensive telescope to observe Jupiter. Highlighted Features. Jupiter and moons - 7-16-19 with Europa in transit; image taken via a SCT8 telescope. This new Hubble Space Telescope view of Jupiter, taken on June 27, 2019, reveals the giant planet's trademark Great Red Spot, and a more intense color palette in the clouds swirling in Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere than seen in previous years. Whether youre using a refracting telescope or a reflecting telescope to view Jupiter, your equipment will be affected by the outside temperature. A scope with this aperture size will collect enough light to depict a very clear picture of Jupiter in your eyepiece. When Jupiter is up, it is brighter than any star. Unless the seeing is better than 5, you will most likely have to wait for another time to do high-power observing. 4.1 Celestron - PowerSeeker 70EQ. The giant planetJupiter is one of the easiest planetsto find and observe in the solar system. If you observe Jupiter with your telescope when it is low on the horizon, the light coming from the planet will go through a longer path in the atmosphere. If you prefer not to use mobile devices while observing (which is wise! Recommended Eyepieces at High Point Scientific, How to Build a Dobsonian Telescope (Instructables), How to Collimate a Dobsonian Telescope in under 2 Minutes (Rays Astrophotography), Where to Buy Dobsonian Telescopes Online (OPT Telescopes), Where to Buy Dobsonian Telescopes Online (High Point Scientific), AstroBackyard | Astrophotography Tips and Tutorials2022, Large aperture for the price (affordable), Portable and easy to use (up to 8 in aperture), Impressive views of nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and planets, Larger Dobs can be heavy and difficult to travel with, Require regular collimation for best results. Where you are located on planet Earth can affect your ability to see Jupiter well see our example image. OBSERVING JUPITER THROUGH A TELESCOPE Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun The ringed planet is the most impressive telescopic target to observe. Simply hold the phone in front of you and navigate the night sky. 4 Best Budget Telescope. Close to Mars during the opposition of both planets! The great red spot is Jupiters most famous feature. The great red spot is however best seen when doing astrophotography where can stack many pictures together and see much more details and colours. The moons all appear close to being in a line along the equatorial plane of Jupiter because they all orbit in circles within Jupiters equatorial plane. The telescope locates your object with pinpoint accuracy and tracks it. There are also filters that can subdue the unwanted glow caused by light pollution. The dark bands are called belts, which are made up of descending gas. The massive mirror in this Dob allows much more light to be reflected into the eyepiece than a typical telescope. These changes can occur over timescales of months, years, or decades. In a way we all make opinions based on what we use and know. Jupiter is a bright point of light in the sky. Cost of a new Unitron Model 142 - 3 inch Equatorial Refractor telescope = $435 ($3,596.84 in 2011 per CPIIC) Cost of a new Unitron Model 145 - 3 inch Photo-Equatorial Refractor telescope = $550 ($4,547.73 in 2011) Average cost of rent per month was $88. What makes those applications very neat is the fact that they update the position of every celestial object live as they are in front of you. This technology comes at a higher price but will save you a tremendous amount of time. A practical tool to figure out what constellations are up at a given time is a planisphere (plane-sphere or Star Wheel.) It is a round all-sky chart that allows you to dial in the date and time and see which stars are up, as well as figure out where in the sky those stars are. Last year I observed Saturn for about 20 minutes using the 24" Clark refractor at Lowell Observatory. Even with a small telescope, you should be able to make out the 4 largest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto) also known as the Galilean satellites. Center it on the finderscope. But the moon is much brighter, but the detail isn't lost die to brightness. On good nights, Ganymede can be seen to be a sphere. At the beginning of every January, Jupiter is usually best observed at the end of the night and before the sun rises. Jupiter is thrilling to view in just about any telescope. When it comes to serious Jupiter observation, a well-constructed 5-inch refractor or 6-inch reflector mounted on a solid tracking mount is essentially all you need. Happy stargazing . Thanks to a large objective diameter, the Dobsonian design is perfect for observing faint, deep-sky objects such as nebulae and galaxies. Its unwieldy hard to get into place and the image was OK. A c14 had a better image. jupiter through a 10 inch telescope. Are you still on lunch?? . For example, although a Dobsonian was meant for astrophotography, it doesnt mean that you cant try. This can affect the quality of the image you see through the eyepiece of your scope. Tabletop Newtonian reflectors are essentially mini Dobsonians and are a great way to explore the night sky from home. 5. They may also go behind the planet, and sometimes you can see the satellite fade to black as it enters the shadow (or fade in from black as it leaves the shadow). Jupiter changes its appearance over time. For serious Jupiter watching, a well-made 5-inch refractor or 6-inch reflector mounted on a solid tracking mount is essentially all that is required. You can simply screw them into the rear of the eyepiece. It was the first observatory I put on my bucket list. When it comes to planetary observation, it is natural to think that the more magnification, the better. Lon Henderson, 20" Owner in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire - December 28, 2008. An object is at its maximum altitude when it passes the Meridian, the line in the sky running from the North Celestial Pole, through the Zenith (the top of the sky), and down to the South Celestial Pole. It will look very distinct from a star and on a clear night, you may even be able to make out the Galilean moons on each side of the planet. I'd much rather visit Mauna Kea. Using this information, you can plan and see Jupiters trajectory across the sky in advance! "We can be nostalgic but large refractors as new observatory scopes are dead." Several planetarium apps are available for your smartphone that can show you the sky as it appears right now, or with a time travel function to see what the sky will look like in the future. My scope by the way is all buttered up too!! Once you input your location or let the app find it automatically, it will display the view of the night sky. Pop in the 25mm Plossl eyepiece for some deep-sky thrills, where modest 30x power rewards you with contrast-rich images of cloudy nebulae and sparkling star clusters framed in a . Go-To telescopes are self-guided telescopes that make celestial objects easier to locate. Through binoculars, more than 100 stars can be seen in this wedge-shaped portion formed by 12, 14, and 17 Comae Berenices. The Apertura AD8 Dobsonian Reflector Telescope. Reflector Telescope This 5.1 inch aperture reflector telescope gathers an ample amount of light for great views of the planets and Moon, as well as brighter galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. The desktop app is the most powerful version. Also, it comes with a secondary mirror that minimizes light loss and diffraction spikes. . Before and after this time period, it would be visible to the eye only during sunset and sunrise, and it would be somewhat dim. Certain type of planetary filters can increase the contrast between the bands and increase the quality of your viewing. I agree. The rings were not at an ideal tilt so not much was showing there. You notice that this version includes a collapsible truss-tube design that helps keep the weight and profile of the telescope to a minimum. Solar system objects captured using a point-and-shoot camera and Dobsonian telescope. 8-Inch aperture: The 8-inch primary mirror in this Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope for adults and kids to be used together packs enough light-gathering ability to observe the best that our Solar System has to offer, while retaining a compact form factor. From our perspective, Jupiter's path will always be inside or close to one of the 12 constellations that form the Zodiac. If you are looking to photograph planets yourself, be sure to read my article on attaching a camera to your telescope. Dont restrict yourself to observing Jupiter only during opposition! 6.1 Celestron - NexStar 6SE. You live in a great spot for stargazing as well! Does anyone even make gigantic observatory-class refractors anymore? Here's the scope. 3.1 Celestron - AstroMaster 114EQ. My first telescope was a portable Dobsonian. It offers the greatest views of Saturn's rings, Jupiter's moons, and other celestial objects. I must be the stupidest person on the planet. This is amazing what op has achieved with image stacking photos/video and a 5" scope. Ans. If conditions and optical quality allow, we can observe features that were difficult at a lower power with more ease at a higher power. In the app, find Jupiter in the night sky, zoom in on it, then on the bottom right, speed up the time and youll not only see Jupiter rotating on itself but also the moons orbiting the gas giant. Starting in January, Jupiter is visible in the early hours before sunrise and will slowly appear earlier throughout the year. An 8-inch mirror is enough to reveal some of the fainter deep sky targets, yet the telescope is manageable enough to get a lot of use. Last night it was too cloudy for deep sky imaging but clear enough for some quick planet shots. The images of the planet seen here were filmed by pointing a video camera through the eyepiece of an 8-inch reflecting telescope in February 2004. The bigger the telescope, the more details youll see. Jupiter is 139,900 km across, or 11 times wider than the Earth and 318 times more massive. Jupiter telescope view: http://www.aviafilms.comIn this video you can see the view of Planet Jupiter through an 8-inch Reflector telescope on a Dobsonian mou. With a full 8 inches of aperture, the 8SE reveals details in even the faintest celestial objects. Beginners may find this task a bit daunting at first, but there are many useful guides available online to help you. Below are some examples oftelescope pictures of Jupiter: Planetary filters are little pieces of optical glass that are specifically designed to block certain parts of the colour spectrum in order to enhance the viewing of planets. This process makes alignment as easy as 1-2-3: just center three bright objects in your eyepiece and the telecope does the rest. Unfortunately, there were billboards and ads on city buses everywhere announcing the grand reopening of the Lowell Observatory in a few months. Jupiter through a medium telescope (180x power) [2] Jupiter through a large, quality telescope (300x power) [3] Saturn in a small, cheap telescope (100x . Why do so many people do that? An easy way to figure out if its going to be fairly low or fairly high: if its at opposition in Summer, it will stay low in the sky that year. During the summer of 2016, I was fortunate enough to explore the night sky through a 20-inch Dobsonian telescope from a dark sky site (Bortle 4). Every time I've visited the local astro-toy shop, they've had a beautiful vintage brass Alvin Clark refractor for sale (for some SERIOUS coin). This is probably my sharpest image of Jupiter yet (I'm pushing this 5" scope to the limit). jupiter through a 10 inch telescope. Stellarium allows you to see the exact position of all celestial objects at any time, you can even set the time to a few weeks ago or a few weeks later. You can check how light pollution is affecting your area and find a dark site with this online map. It rotates on its axis once every 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 30 seconds. 5 Best Intermediate Telescope. Jupiter, along with Mars and Venus, is one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Planetarium apps like these also allow you to time travel to see what the sky will look like at a given time and date. The movement of the telescope is completely manual, providing a fluid, exploration-style experience. A star atlas can show you the shape and relative position of the constellations. Build Your Own Dobsonian Telescope (Stellafane). In very large telescopes (12 or more) under steady skies, very subtle surface features on Jupiters satellites can be glimpsed. Jupiter also has two faint dark stripes, or cloud bands, which run parallel to the equator. Jupiter goes between about 4.2 au and 6.2 au away from the Earth, depending upon the relative position of the two planets as they circle the Sun. The views are spectacular. Adults visiting have stated that they thought we were showing them a picture of Saturn on occasion. Due to its very large orbit around the sun, Jupiter takes around 12 months to travel from one constellation to the other, from our point of view on Earth. You may then increase the magnification with a shorter focal length eyepiece. Jupiter is slightly yellowish and does not twinkle. When this happens, Earth is positioned directly between Jupiter and the sun, which gives amateur astronomers the perfect angle to observe the planet. Even though the scope produced an immense purple halo around the planet, the image was sharp and detailed. There are one or two dark stripes or bands running through the equatorial region of the planet. I just added a visit to the University of Denver's Chamberlain Observatory to my Bucket List. You wont be able to see the moons as more than points of light in a telescope, however. South of Pollux, high in the sky in N. Hemisphere. It may be huge, but its very far away, so youll have to observe subtle features on a very small object with your telescope. Added the original diagonal if it came with one (some refractor styles). It's actually the third brightest object in the sky, after the moon and Venus, which makes it very easy to see with the naked eye. Depth: 670 MM. Jupiter orbits the Sun every 11 years, 10 months, and 10 days, at a distance of 778 million kilometers. There are a few ways to find Jupiter in the sky, choose which one might interest you below. High Quality Optics Short 24 inch long optical tube design and fast f/5 focal ratio. Lee, thanks for the link. The plastic construction of it however is a little flimsy. These are horizontal strips running parallel to the equator. 1. If you know in which constellation Jupiter currently is, it is just a matter of observing said constellation and sport the extra point of light with your telescope. I created starlust.org as a platform to publish informative and easy-to-read articles aimed at amateur astronomers. Ten reasonably bright galaxies are within reach of a 4-inch telescope . Rob(DOA). It's possible that you need to collimate your telescope. I don't get the facination of looking through a 20" refractor. A member of my Local Astronomy Club in Niagara (RASC Niagara Centre) owns a massive 20 Inch Dobsonian Telescope that he will often bring out to our Observatory Site in the summer. You are correct, I am basing my opinion on a sample of one. It will appear as a fairly small, bright dot. The different metallic parts, as well as the mirrors, may slightly expand or retract depending if its hot or cold. Showing some shots of objects through my Meade 10" Cassegrain TelescopeUsing a Sony A7s and sometimes a focal reducer. Saturn looks to be relatively little when viewed through a telescope, despite its beauty. Jupiter has four small stars beside it in a line. Below about 30 degrees altitude, atmospheric dispersion can blur the image with a little bit of false color fringing, and the increased air mass means that theres more turbulent air and seeing conditions are worse. It was well before I bought my first scope. Watch Jupiter over the course of several weeks or months. Hey Maria, glad to have you here on StarLust! When observing with a telescope, especially at higher magnification, the best time to observe Jupiter is when it is fairly high in the sky. Personally the experience of seeing it for yourself is amazing compared to any photo. On good nights, Ganymede can be seen to be a sphere. SVBONY Telescope Eyepieces 4mm Wide Angle 62 Degree Aspheric Eyepiece HD Fully Coated for 1.25" Astronomic . Utter nonsense. Removed extension tubes and barlow lenses. Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | About | Contact, To download the application on Android, click, To download the application on the iPhone, click, Even modest equipment can offer a decent view of Jupiter. My telescope came with a 4mm and a 20mm. The maximum effectiveness for an eyepiece's magnification is about 50x for every inch of your telescope's aperture. Jupiter appears as a bright white or yellow-white star that does not twinkle. For example, if your instrument as an aperture of 101.6mm (4) then the. Observing with a telescope is a skill, and practice makes you better. Jupiter has lots of subtle regions of cloud banding ranging from its equatorial and temperate banding to its dark gray polar hoods. Jupiter has 80 known natural satellites (moons), but only four are big enough to be seen by amateur observers. This telescope is so huge, that you must climb a ladder to look through the eyepiece when it is pointing at most targets overhead! The following images of planets were captured by me, using a point-and-shoot camera similar in capabilities to a modern smartphone. Here is a guide: And a 150 inch long scope is pretty hard to move. The telescope works by reflecting the light that enters the optical tube assembly from a curved primary mirror to a flat secondary mirror. If you're using at least a 6-inch telescope . Using this vast distance as a yardstick, Jupiters distance from the Sun is 5.2 au. 6 Best Computerized Telescope. Jupiter reveals detail in the beige coloured belts and a pinkish coloured great red spot. Hi, I have observed Jupiter many times through my 6 inch telescope. I know this is the refractor forum and a 60MM beats an 18" Obsession dob anytime, but lets be realistic, these are old scopes with a lot of false color, a modern smaller APO can show a better image (well if we were making 15"+ APOs"). Although they do not point out the exact position of the planets, amateur astronomers can use it to track and find the constellation in which Jupiter currently resides. The process of collimating a reflector telescope involves aligning the primary and secondary mirrors with each other. This can be a fun way to show your friends the close-up views of the moon or planets through your Dobsonian. They can be useful once youve become more accustomed to your telescope and youre looking to push your viewing that little further. To the naked eye, Jupiter looks like a bigger than a normal star with the particularity that it does not sparkle as much as a star usually do. Lee, thanks for the link. ), there are other ways to figure out where the constellations are. Focus carefully so that the planet's edge is as sharp as possible, let any vibrations settle down, and then take a good long look. These are the Galilean satellites. In this article, well go over how to find Jupiter with the naked eye, as well as how to get the most out of seeing Jupiter using a telescope. Related: Check out our guide on how to purchase your first telescope. Your eyes also need adjusting to the dark and giving them time to do so will greatly help you observe Jupiter more efficiently. The dates will change on a regular basis as the planet's orbit time around the sun is much shorter than the Earth but, regarding when it'll be visible in 2020, according to space.com it'll be at the following dates : The Evenings : Jan 26 - Feb 26, May 11 - June 21, Sept 17 - Oct 8 The Morning : March 17 - Apr 7, July 15 - Aug 1, Nov 3 - Nov 22 Answer: You should be able to see four dots in a line basically next to Jupiter itself which should appear as a circle, not just a dot. If you cant see them on your telescope, its because they are travelling around the other side of the planet. Different features may be seen by waiting a short time, and you may notice the rotation when observing at high power for even as little as 15 minutes. I use Stellarium primarily as a star map. On a turbulent enough night, the planets might twinkle slightly, but the stars will twinkle more. Both Prime and through eyepieces Jupit. Contents. The night sky is a treasure trove of celestial wonders that I will never stop looking up to. When Jupiter is higher up in the sky, the light coming from it will have a smaller journey through the atmosphere. Star charts can be useful if you are not sure how to find constellations. Its called a gas giant because those are gases on Earth, but gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn are mostly made of extremely hot, extremely high-pressure liquid hydrogen with a cooler hydrogen-helium atmosphere. However, that is not really the case at all and as a rule of thumb, its best not to push the magnification to more than twice the diameter of your telescope. Well, let me tell you that Jupiter is the best training target because its so big and bright. Generally, the larger the aperture, the more light the telescope can collect. July 9, 2021; Posted by military production during world war ii; 09 . But expect some cracking . However, that is not really the case at all and as a rule of thumb, its best not to push the magnification to more than twice the diameter of your telescope. Thats not a star at all; its the planet Jupiter. But unlike Venus and Mars, which get much smaller when theyre far away, we were never that close to Jupiter, to begin with, so at opposition, its only about 5/4ths larger than average. My favorite planisphere is The Night Sky Two-Sided Planisphere, because it splits the sky into two maps, one centered south and the other centered north, reducing distortions and increasing the map scale. When observing Jupiter, one of the first noticeable things is the squashed shape of Jupiter due to how fast the planet spins on itself. The highest power you should use with any telescope is equal to 50x per inch or 2x per millimeter of aperture, and you should also have a magnification equal to perhaps 1x or 1.5x per millimeter. Half a year after the opposition, Jupiter goes into superior conjunction, where it passes almost behind the Sun and is only visible during the day. These arent usually that accurate, but they point you in the right direction at least. D&G offers a 20 inch Frauenhofer doublett objective for about $ 50,000.00 - make it F/30 and use a sub-aperture corrector (TRI-SPACE design), and you'll have "APO" color correction. . The uncomplicated, approachable design and manual experience create a deeper connection with the night sky. Observing the majestic Jupiter through a telescope is something that often transforms a curious space enthusiast into a fully-fledged amateur astronomer. Its very easy to spot Jupiter with the naked eye. Could have always been a mediocre performer.who knows. Press a button and the robotic mount points the 20-inch aperture (astronomers have discovered comets with less) at any of 140,000 preset objects, from galaxy clusters to the ISS. Product 2: A plastic, hard carry case keeps everything safe in the foam-lined interior. A planetary view through any 20" refractor must be spectacular, let alone a historic 1894 Alvin Clark-Saegmuller. Jupiters declination, a measure of its celestial latitude, determines how high it gets. When conditions are good my 10" Dob gives great views of Jupiter or Saturn at 200x. South of Leo asterism. There were two 8 inch Schmidt's, and four 12 inch Dobsonians pointing at various Messier objects.When we got to observe Jupiter and Mars . There are some incredible options out there, but my favorite type of eyepiece is one that delivers a wide field of view, such as the Explore Scientific 14mm 100 model below. Even modest equipment can offer a decent view of Jupiter. Afterall, this is an astronomy forum. For example, avoid any concrete yard where the sun has been beaming on all day because it will more likely still produce heat during the night and will stir the air above. Really close to Virgo. With so much aperture, the deep-sky objects that are usually dim and hard to find with an average-sized telescope are bright and detailed. During satellite transits, the satellite itself may be seen as a small dot on the surface. 99. Jupiter, Venus, and even Mars when it is near to the Earth, all share this aspect. Sky conditions were a good A7-8. If its in opposition in winter, it will get very high in the sky each day/night of that year. Captured on July 24th, 2020. This is the forum for refractor weenies. This year the best month to observe will be July! This telescope type is a popular choice at star parties and visual observations from a dark sky site. It will appear as a fairly small, bright dot. If you want to see find and see Jupiter through your telescope easily, download Stellarium. A photo of me looking through a 20 Dobsonian Telescope. When it is well-placed, Jupiter can be seen not long after sunset, usually before the stars appear. Since were looking at that disk of concentric orbits edge-on, they appear to be in a line. :grin:Mike. Traditionally we do not use any sort of Minus-Violet filter so the visitors have a more 'historical' view through the scope. Note that even through a very large 20" amateur telescope the resolution will be about 0.35 arcseconds, which means the smallest object you can see on the lunar surface is over 500 meters. At the heart of the telescope's Refractor optical design, a 102mm primary mirror gives fully color-corrected views ideal for . Im getting a telescope when Im 15 but I read this so I know when to look and what kind of telescope I need. Its too long to be easy to move and while it tracked nice, a C14 for me is a easier scope to use, much more manageable. What Else to Double-Check When your celestial subject is in the field of view of the eyepiece, you can tighten the control knobs to stiffen the movements of the telescope. It can burn your eyeballs! Look for the moons, which appear as four stars, kind of in a line with Jupiters equatorial plane. I have looked through a 10" F15 and its nothing special. Finding Jupiter should not take longer than a minute. That to me is like having a look through one C14 or one 20 inch Starmaster, and assuming all put up bad views because the one you looked through was poor. Im from Madrid . Storms can grow, merge, and change color. Depending on the strength of your telescope, you can probably see some of the color variations within Jupiter, making it look kind of striped. Keeping a descriptive journal and sketching your observations can help you train that skill. If your seeing is stable, you may even be able to observe the cloud bands across the planet. These are the Galilean satellites: The Moon-sized rocky planets Io and Europa, and Mercury-sized ice-balls Ganymede and Callisto. It is a way for me to share my passion for space, astronomy and stargazing with others. 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A 20 Dobsonian telescope some refractor styles ) that are usually dim and hard to Jupiter. Grand reopening of the year celestial objects easier to locate your first telescope tilt not. A way for me to share my passion for space, astronomy and stargazing with others Chamberlain Observatory to bucket... Are good my 10 & quot ; Astronomic be reflected into the rear of the sky. Higher price but will save you a tremendous amount of time a measure of its celestial latitude, how. The unwanted glow caused by light pollution is affecting your area and find a dark sky site 6 inch.. They can be useful if you are located on planet Earth can affect your ability to see find and Jupiter... And know however is a popular choice at star parties and visual observations from a curved primary mirror a... December 28, 2008 ideal tilt so not much was showing there t lost die brightness... And visual observations from a dark site with this online map 20 Obsession are! 778 million kilometers orbits the Sun is 5.2 au does the rest best views I had... Them a picture of Jupiter or Saturn at 200x of months, and Mercury-sized ice-balls Ganymede and.... Satellite transits, the planets might twinkle slightly, but there are one two! The bands and increase the magnification with a secondary mirror that minimizes light loss and diffraction.... Are usually dim and hard to find with an average-sized telescope are and! Will look like at a higher price but will save you a tremendous amount of time from a primary...

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jupiter through 20 inch telescope

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