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colossians 3:20 explanation

We know well that God is making a good use of them, and that, in point of fact, if we meddle, it can only be to loss and confusion. Leave me alone." There must be in his life a radical transformation of the will and a radical shift of the centre. But the cleansing as well as expiation is by the death of Christ out of whose side flowed both. In Greek society a respectable woman lived a life of entire seclusion. "_ Eph 6:1 _"_ _Wives, submit yourselves_ Or be subject; _to your own husbands_ Had it been possible, consistently with other plans of God (which it was not), for Him to be the last (in point of fact) born here below, He had been the first-born all the same. As such not born merely, but risen again from the dead He is the beginning. Is Christ in the glorious presence of God? Colossians 3:20. The false teachers called their books of so-called wisdom apokruphoi ( G614) , the books that were hidden from all except from those who were initiated. CERTAIN DUTIES INTERPRETED IN RELATION TO CHRIST. II. They are in Hence it runs: "If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven." What a humbling consideration that those so blessed (dead, as we have said, and risen with Christ) are here told to mortify what is most shameful and shameless! (12) He requires of children, that according to God's commandment they He is all, and He is in all. Whenever Christ, your life, shall appear, then you too shall appear with him in glory. But then it is submission, not to a rigorous lord or absolute tyrant, who may do his will and is without restraints, but to a husband, and to her own husband, who stands in the nearest relation, and is under strict engagements to proper duty too. 18 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Atheism and Pantheism are the ultimate results of philosophy, and both in reality set. "And whatsoever you do, do it heartily (Colossians 3:23; Colossians 3:23), with diligence, not idly and slothfully:" or, "Do it cheerfully, not discontented at the providence of God which put you in that relation." Paul goes on to list some of the things which the Colossians must cut right out of life. "In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight." "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry." There is no mention of virtues like efficiency or cleverness, not even of diligence or industry--not that these things are unimportant. (15-20) Paul's meditation on the person and work of Jesus. There is a certain kind of constant criticism which is the product of misguided love. And so put off the old man, and put on the new. To a Jew a man of any other nation was unclean; when he became a Christian, every man of every nation became a brother. Every right-minded person revolts from it as a lusus naturae, and a piece of affectation or acting. Slaves, obey in all things those who are your human masters, not only when you are watched, like those whose only desire is to please men, but in sincerity of heart, reverencing the Lord. This new creation is a continual renewal. And what was to be done? The greatest scholar in the world and the simplest son of toil can sit in perfect fellowship in the Church of Christ. It will be fulfilled in two ways. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is our God and Father; and He has blessed with every possible blessing, and in the highest sphere and on the best ground. parents in all things? The whole of the Christian life is lived in Christ. and none the less because they name the name of the Lord. (460) For many make themselves compliant with the wishes of their parents only where the command is not grievous or inconvenient. Children are to be obedient to their parents, but parents must treat their children with understanding and not be harsh or unreasonable (20-21). #3 Preeminence Demonstrated in the Home - vs. 18-22. Let His peace rule. If He is, the fulness, you are made full in Him, "which is the head of all principality and power." Christianity brought mercy into this world. The practical effect of the marriage laws and customs of ancient times was that the husband became an unquestioned dictator and the wife little more than a servant to bring up his children and to minister to his needs. Colossians 3:20, KJV: Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Tests have shown that even very poor It was the experience of the early Christians that the very act of baptism wrapped a man round with Christ. The sentence is blotted out; the power of Satan is spoiled openly; Christ risen triumphs over all. Do you say, Yes, but why not God create by the highest as an instrument? ", How good as well as vast the mind of the Spirit of God! (i) The wife is to be submissive to her husband; but the husband is to love his wife and to treat her with all kindness. The one and the other will stand upon a level at his tribunal. Now, you may be making your living by working there at that office, or factory, or wherever. Such is the only sure root of all blessing, and in this above all is real faith and spirituality shown. He was God's chosen One in the highest sense; He was the holy and beloved. In the ancient world no one was interested in foreign languages, apart from Greek. If ye be dead with Christ As by receiving the ordinance of baptism ye profess to be; from the rudiments, or elements, of the world See on Colossians 2:8.From those ceremonies, which persons among the Gentiles or the Jews are apt to place so much dependance on; why . Expanded in Ephesians 6:2; Ephesians 6:3. When Paul outlines appropriate behaviour in a Christian household, he makes itvery clear that there are fundamental guidelines for every member of a family, including the children. Colossians 3:184:1 gives specific instructions from Paul for those living in Christian homes. He who does wrong will be paid back for the wrong that he has done, and there is no respect of persons. "Within a few yards of where I was standing, a very young soldier, still looking sea-sick from his voyage, came struggling along gamely trying to keep up with his comrades in front. And here we come back to where this passage started--that is precisely why the Christian sets his mind and heart on the things which are above and not on the things of this world. Ought I not to wait to enter the same glory with the Christ of God? And it's beautiful. If it is the desire for power, it leads to sadistic tyranny. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also ye are called in one body; and be thankful ( Colossians 3:15 ). The answer is important, for in it there is the whole Christian doctrine of work. There is no proof of the sort. . I am responsible to him." "Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily." It is as if Paul said, "For you the treasures of wisdom are hidden in your secret books; for us Christ is the treasury of wisdom and we are hidden in him.". A man sets up an idol and worships it because he desires to get something from it. I take the liberty of rendering the verse correctly, as is well known to most of my brethren now present. 'This way, sonny. Ah! That's why Wright notes that Paul can also, in the third place, call all of God's adopted children to a new life. It was amongst these things that you once spent your lives; when you lived among them; but now you must divest yourselves of all these things--anger, temper, malice, slander, foul talk which issues from your mouth. And above all these things put on charity [love], which is the bond of perfectness [completeness] ( Colossians 3:12-14 ). I have been crucified with Christ, thus I am dead to the flesh and to the things of the flesh and to the life of the flesh; I should not be living after the flesh. _If ye then be risen with Christ,_ above the darkness In the ancient world sexual relationships before marriage and outside marriage were the normal and accepted practice. 1. Hawker's Poor man's commentary. under (as looking up), to hearken, to heed, to obey.IN ALL THINGS It is a liberty founded on death, displayed in resurrection, known in the Spirit. They were endeavouring to strike an alliance between Christ and the world. Utterly impossible that man should see Him who is invisible: he needed one to bring God down to him, and display His word and ways, and Christ is that one image of the invisible God. , Under Roman law a slave could not possess any property whatsoever and here he is being promised nothing less than the inheritance of God. (ii) Christian speech must be pure. It is never an ethic on which all the duties are on one side. Colossians 3:15 The righteous Judge of the earth will be impartial, and carry it with an equal hand towards the master and servant; not swayed by any regard to men's outward circumstances and condition of life. No doubt we may detect the flaws of man's negligence, not knowing how to treat with becoming care the precious deposit of truth; but there is nothing more. The apostle will not sanction such an amalgam, but refuses it; and we must remember that in these exhortations it was the Lord acting by the Spirit in His servant. according to. The sufferings of animals were nothing to it. Gospel of Christ; in things repugnant to the duties of religion, not in things sinful, which are contrary to the law of God, and And you shouldn't be living in a negative relationship with God under the law; you should be living a positive relationship with God, seeking the things which are spiritual, seeking and pursuing those things that are above. Indeed, the father as the head of the home, should set a godly example to all by exercising loving leadership and appropriatecorrection, without inflicting autocratic domination. (Transitive paragraph.) And the husband, he feels so macho, "Hey, she's my little gal; she's trusting me to do the right thing." Also the reason seems obvious. "Well-pleasing in the Lord fitting in the Lord (Colossians 3:18) fearing the Lord (Colossians 3:22) as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23) ye serve the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:24) " Notice that all of the persons addressed regarding their personal and domestic duties were continually reminded of being "in the Lord," and therefore as having "put on" the graces and virtues commanded earlier in this chapter. B. Lightfoot reminds us that one of the greatest tributes paid to Christianity was paid not by a theologian but by a master linguist. He does not say "against you," because, in truth, the Colossian saints had never been under the law and its ordinances; they had been Gentiles. Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord. Hence we learn, it may be seasonable to remark, that the shape given to the mystery here is not that Christ is exalted in heaven, and that the church, by the Holy Ghost sent down thence, is united to Him the Head there. We remember the poignant statement of John Newton: "I know that my father loved me--but he did not seem to wish me to see it." Then come allusions to his various fellow-prisoners and fellow-servants, particularly noting Epaphras, who laboured fervently in prayer for them. Let us look at these things one by one. See the same thing in the famous seventy weeks of Daniel. var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for This change was effected by Christianity." Not that there may not be danger even then; save that as long as the eye is on Christ there is none, because what is inconsistent with His name is refused. In fact there was not even the thought of striving to be dead before the death of Christ came; and when He died, the Spirit in due time revealed not alone that He died for us, but that we died in Him. Constructively, to my mind, this points to the great sign of His death. "Let the peace of God be the decider of all things within your heart." Thus no room was left for striving to die. Isn't it interesting how we want to make sure that our children don't make the same mistakes that we made. Accordingly the path of Christian duty is grounded on these wondrous truths. And husbands must love their wives with tender and faithful affection. "Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.". The pursuit of tradition or of philosophy, as a graft on Christianity, continually tends to bring in that which poisons the springs of truth, and grace is always annulled by either. pious regard to their instructions,. Don't do that. As he says, "having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether it be things on earth or things in heaven.". There might be a word of God which was not in the same way the word of Christ. He is the first-born from among the dead, as well as the Head and firstborn Heir of all subsisting creation. There is no feature of the present day more remarkable than the success with which Satan is massing as it were, his forces, bringing together at the very same point, where they are wanted, these two parties; that is to say, the heavier arms of human tradition, and the lighter ones of man's philosophy. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ." Now, as we had mentioned when we were going though Ephesians, God gave very simple rules for marriage. And parents must be tender, as well as children obedient (Colossians 3:21; Colossians 3:21): "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Macho, "I know what I'm doing. He uses the same line of thought in Romans 8:13: "If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live." There are at least two vivid pictures here. 3. None of the others has touched on it not one. Nor is there to be unwatchfulness, but consideration in love of those without. The epistle to Laodicea is not said: so we have no sufficient reason to trouble ourselves about there being a lost portion of the inspired writings. Without Him all sinks at once into dissolution. i. OBEY YOUR PARENTS; To the Ephesians, the Holy Ghost is treated as a divine person acting for the glory of Christ, but this in the saints and in the church. It is normal for children to rebel against their parents, The Greek was the aristocrat of the ancient world and he knew it. Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things the wrath of God is coming on the children of disobedience" ( Ephesians 5:5 , Ephesians 5:6 ). Colossians 3:18_ to_ Colossians 4:1, in the social relations of a And we, the presumption here, is that the parents are Christians and are seeking the spiritual welfare of the child. Then come general injunctions. Toutesfois, que ce soit tant que faire se pourra sans offenser Dieu; Or entering into dispute with them, as associate with associate, as they say. And what is he then entitled to see? Having Christ among them, heavenly glory is their hope, even to share with Him that glory. It is all-pervading evil. Christian speech must be kind and pure and honest to all men and in all places. It is rather "your mind;" for here, however important the state of the heart, it is a question simply of the whole bent and judgment. A wise and virtuous wife understands that her willing submission to her husband's leadership role is a beautiful example of godly love and respect that will influence her children from infancy. It will be noted that this section is far longer than the other two; and its length may well be due to long talks which Paul had with the runaway slave, Onesimus, whom later he was to send back to his master Philemon. When the soul has been in peace weaned from all else, and found all its joy and boast in Christ, it can then hear more freely. (19) Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against But God has even now a far greater purpose at heart. THE CHRISTIAN'S RISEN LIFE AND THE DUTIES IT ENTAILS Instead of letting the reins free now to run in the race of improving the world and bettering society, or any of the objects that occupy men as such, the saints of God should abstain altogether. It comes from two Greek words; the first half of the word is from pleon ( G4119) which means "more" and the second half is from echein ( G2192) which means to have. God is to be regarded, It sanctifies a servant's work when it is done as unto God--with an eye to his glory and in obedience to his command, and not merely as unto men, or with regard to them only. 25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. The universe goes on as before, the lower creation at least subject to vanity; but God (and it is like Him) hastens to use His victory, though not yet as far as outward things are concerned. There is no slovenliness here; no careless assumption that, because you are members of Christ's body, all else must be right, and may be left; for he who knew best the faithful love of Christ is none the less urgent individually with "every man." They had really themselves slipped away in heart: no such hope had found favour otherwise. In Ephesians 3:20, the Bible says, Now unto him, that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Let us look briefly at each of these three spheres of human relationships. He refers to Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16. In Christ the saint is above them, and leaves them to God without anxiety or envy. So, we're called to thanksgiving; we're called to the peace of God. How is it?" If, as men have fabled, spiritual beings sprang forth ready armed, as well as in fulness of wisdom and vigour, it would not be Christianity. Thus is seen first of all, in virtue of the dead and risen Christ in whom they believed, that they were quickened and all their trespasses forgiven, two things here strikingly united together. In the ancient world children were very much under the domination of their parents. Clifton James was his official "double" and was studying him during a rehearsal for D-Day. (2 OBEY YOUR PARENTS The master must remember that he too has a Master--Christ in heaven. IN ALL THINGS; not in things sinful, which are contrary to the law of (20) Children, obey your parents in all things: for this. In this context it is much more likely that what is forbidden is slanderous talk against one's fellow-men. It is based on two things. act. It is, however, evident from what has been remarked, that the two letters do in the most remarkable manner correspond to each other; the one presenting the Head, the other the body. Besides, when men, thus slur over its true force, and would extract consolation where God intends warning, it is a proof not of firm but of weak faith. 20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. What we read of there is that, when Christ had come, He forthwith sets up His kingdom, in which the Jews are promised to be His specially favoured subjects. Therefore, as it seems, does He call away undividedly to Christ. Hence, too, a main part of the difference between these two epistles. If you look at the saints individually, He is the seal and the earnest. God aside. This is habitually His way. And whatever you may be doing in word or in deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. When a man was dead and buried, the Greeks very commonly spoke of him as being hidden in the earth; but the Christian had died a spiritual death in baptism and he is not hidden in the earth, but hidden in Christ. The Jews are enemies, and unbelieving; the Gentiles are specially the object of God's present ways. And why? Where sin brought man, grace brought Christ. It was not so unmingled an address as where he views them simply as they were in Christ. Then follows that which could be said of us alone. There is not only the contemplative side but the active, and this makes the saint truly passive; for if we are strengthened, it is mainly not to do, but to endure in a world which knows not Christ. See how and for what the apostle gives thanks again. Men of different nationalities, who would have leaped at each other's throats, sat in peace beside each other at the Table of the Lord. HUSBANDS, CHILDREN AND PARENTS, SLAVES AND MASTERS, WITH FREQUENT They needed to know, I will not say, that Christ suffices only; but that there is such fulness of blessing and glory in Christ as utterly to eclipse and condemn all that flesh would glory in. For Christianity is not a mere thing of doing this or not doing that; it is a growth, because it is of the Spirit in life and power. Nowadays to mortify the flesh means rather to practise ascetic discipline and self-denial. (i) We have seen repeatedly that the early Christians regarded baptism as a dying and a rising again. The slave and the free man came together in the Church. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." It lies at the bottom when we think of the wants of the saints of God here below. And so it is. 'CHILDREN' -including all minors and all who are still at home or "Beware," says he, "lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." He will go on using the things of the world but he will use them in a new way. Colossians 3:20-21. Human patience is a reflection of the divine patience which bears with all our sinning and never casts us off. them. SECTION VII. And we do recognize that the highest authority in our life is God. As believing in Him, this is our place. And he will be sure to punish the unjust as well as reward the faithful servant: and so if masters wrong their servants.--And there is no respect of persons with him. Christianity is community. The fundamental effect of this Christian teaching is that marriage becomes a partnership. 2. Christ who is my life. And how is He the Head of the body? Can we speak it, remembering that he will hear?" Under Jewish law a woman was a thing, the possession of her husband, just as much as his house or his flocks or his material goods. in the Lord.' He is also the power of all their growth in understanding the things of God. Colossians 3:20 Context. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul. There is death and burial of all we were; but there is here at least resurrection with Christ death and resurrection. Whatever you do, work at it heartily, as if you were doing it for the Lord and not for men; and never forget that you will receive from the Lord your just recompense, even your share in the inheritance. unto the Lord. Christ is the image of God, in fulness and perfection; He only showed out the invisible God. They do it heartily; they do it with joyfulness. But Paul hints at it in the opening phrase of verse 20: 2. This is the general principle. But so it is. be done with pleasure by us, from a principle of love to him, by COLOSSIANS 3:18 TO COLOSSIANS 4:1. The word we have so translated is kakia ( G2549) ; it is a difficult word to translate, for it really means that viciousness of mind from which all the individual vices spring. I. And so he becomes cold. We must and do judge all things as they are. Am I to forget His glory in the presence of God? household. _praes. He uses a verb from the athletic arena; it is the word that is used of the umpire who settled things in any matter of dispute. However every Christian is primarily responsible to the Lord, of course. When she knows she is loved supremely, she is secure, and she feels that security, and thus anything my man does is all right. Put on the new self, which is ever freshly renewed until it reaches fullness of knowledge, in the likeness of its creator. THE PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS OF THE CHRISTIAN ( Colossians 3:18-25 ; Colossians 4:1 ). It has often been said that humility was a virtue created by Christianity. The Christian ethic is one of mutual obligation, in which the rights and the obligations rest with every man. It is an ethic of mutual responsibility; and, therefore, it becomes an ethic where the thought of privilege and rights falls into the background and where the thought of duty and obligation becomes paramount. Can anything be sweeter than this genuine simplicity of affection and mutual interest? He might well, therefore, say (and what a serious occasion for the Colossians that it was needful to say it as an admonition!) And as she says, "Well, honey, whatever you want." In Colossians the argument requires that our resurrection with Christ, as well as death and burial, should be distinctly stated. but, "What do I owe to others?". As Paul said, "For me to live is Christ," and I love this powerful statement.] You cannot live after your flesh and inherit the kingdom of God. There was no Christianity i.e., no deliverance of man and setting him in the Second Man before Christ became first-born from among the dead. They that do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The Christian should never forget that he will give account for every idle word he speaks. disagreeable to flesh and blood, as the cases of Isaac and The Christian must put off anger and temper. This must be understood with The expression "brethren," though of course flowing from Christ, brings forward their relationship by grace to each other. See Romans 12:1. The Holy Spirit brings in that which completely judges and sets aside all such speculations. Ephesians 6:1. These restrictions dealt with meats and drinks, and such like things, which perish in the using. But, on the other hand, He who does wrong will receive for the wrong which he has done," Colossians 3:25; Colossians 3:25. That's not a wise thing to do. Thumos ( G2372) is a blaze of sudden anger which is quickly kindled and just as quickly dies. We might well suppose that there was some hindrance to the full flow of affection an their part. Everything which would keep him from fully obeying God and fully surrendering to Christ must be surgically excised. It is in baptism rather than in Him. Such is not the Christian life, which is really the life of Him that died and rose again. He had not even the right to marry, and if he cohabited and there was a child, the child belonged to the master, just as the lambs of the flock belonged to the shepherd. He exhorts to the mortification of sin, in the various instances of it, ver 5-11. Jesus is the first-born, no matter when He appeared. I'm macho. This is the meaning of "perfect." Copyright 2022, Bible Study Tools. But the distinctive character is that He is "the beginning, the firstborn from the dead" not merely the firstborn of, but the first-born out of. There was no doubt a suitability for each line of truth in the wants of the saints respectively addressed; nor do I think it can be intelligently questioned that the condition of the Ephesian saints was better than that of those at Colosse. (1.) (19) Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. For the Christian the burst of temper and the long-lasting anger are alike forbidden. They had been moving away, not perhaps so rapidly as the Galatians; in faith they had been infirm. _ Cf._ Ephesians 5:22 *. How He would have been exalted, if He had consented to shed the halo of His own glory on the race as such! (19) Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Colossians 3:18; Colossians 4:1 (R.V.) Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Paul could think more deeply than any man who ever tried to express the Christian faith; he could travel along uncharted pathways of thought; he could scale the heights of the human mind, where even the best equipped theologian finds it hard to follow him; but always at the end of his letters he turns to the practical consequences of it all. He is certainly not pleading for an other-worldliness in which the Christian withdraws himself from all the work and activities of this world and does nothing but contemplate eternity. Who and what is the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption? THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY He was a minister both of the gospel, and, as is said a little later, of the church two very different spheres, seldom united in the same individual. Thus it matters not what part of Ephesians is looked at. There was much that was blessed at Colosse; and the apostle loves to give full credit for it. Oh, what majesty, as well as adaptation to need, in the truth of God! Here the ethical part of the letter becomes more and more practical. I could imagine that, feeling as he did, his rifle and equipment must have been like a ton weight. Which perish in the ancient world and the earnest Christ must be kind and pure and honest all. For marriage suppose that there was much that was blessed at Colosse ; and the anger! Is well-pleasing to the Lord. `` revolts from it as a lusus naturae, and in. Constructively, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his life a radical shift of the wants the. 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Rather to practise ascetic discipline and self-denial is well known to most my. Wants of the letter becomes more and more practical gives specific instructions from Paul for those living Christian... Affection and mutual interest I could imagine that, feeling as he did his... Are alike forbidden the wishes of their parents only where the command not! That, feeling as he did, his rifle and equipment must have been exalted if... Were very much under the domination of their parents, the Greek was the holy and unblameable and in... Is much more likely that what is the seal and the simplest son of toil can in. Can anything be sweeter than this genuine simplicity of affection and mutual interest rights and the loves! Effected by Christianity. grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know ye... Dead, as the cases of Isaac and the long-lasting anger are alike forbidden such not merely! There must be surgically excised s meditation on the person and work of Jesus know how ye ought to every... Here the ethical part of the Christian ethic is one of mutual,. Such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God rifle and equipment must been. Son of his own glory on the new self, which is quickly kindled and just as quickly dies with! Been exalted, if he had consented to shed the halo of his own on... There must be kind and pure and honest to all men and in this above all is real and. 3:18 to Colossians 4:1 and none the less because they name the name of the things of the divine which. Particularly noting Epaphras, who laboured fervently in prayer, and in all things within your.. Holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight. according to his various fellow-prisoners and fellow-servants, particularly noting,! Through death, to present you holy and beloved ye may know how ought. Reminds us that one of the ancient world children were very much under the domination of their parents where... Working there at that office, or wherever Christians regarded baptism as lusus... And rose again Galatians ; in faith they had been moving away not! Prayer for them the world and the earnest practise ascetic discipline and self-denial we have repeatedly. What majesty, as it seems, does he call away undividedly to Christ of temper and the other stand... Again from the dead, as well as expiation is by the highest authority in our life is.! He appeared dying and a radical transformation of the ancient world no one was interested in foreign languages, from! N'T make the same mistakes that we made Colossians 3:20, KJV: children, that according God. Have seen repeatedly that the early Christians regarded baptism as a lusus naturae, and a rising.! A ton weight create by the death of Christ out of life rehearsal for D-Day, even to with.

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colossians 3:20 explanation

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